From the pulpit to the Tweetdeck, one thing remains a constant: hypocrisy. A hypocrite here, a hypocrite there, here a hypocrite, there a hypocrite, everywhere a hypocrite. The Vicki Gunvalson's of the world stare glassily into their laptops furiously typing, "How dare she!" In one breath they gasp, "It's rigged! It's rigged!" In another, "Please step in! Please rig it so she doesn't win!" Pious sorts who spout, "It's OK if she lies, but it's not OK if SHE lies." Big Brother rules etched in stone for 14 years suddenly become vague and blurry... "Since when can't the POV winner not be nominated?" Oh Sheila, what's good for the goose isn't good for the gander after all. Oh-oh-oh Ohhh Sheila. Let's recap, shall we?
Firstly, if you haven't heard this week's Big Brother Gossip Show yet, what are you waiting for? Not only can you win an official Big Brother t-shirt, but the mystery of Elvira (Elissa) is finally solved. Click HERE to catch up on all the tomfoolery and hijinks.
Yesterday began bright and early with J-U-DD and Elvira in the HOH room. The hot topic of the day is the mystery of who Elvira will put on the block in McCrae's place. Amanda won POV (YES!!!) and, obviously, she will use it to remove McCrae from the dreaded chopping block. As mentioned in my opening paragraph, the rules surrounding POV have suddenly become a strange and fuzzy enigma surrounded in secrecy and question marks for a whole slew of fans. For those of you having a hard time recalling how the POV works, allow me to explain how this extremely simple Big Brother fact works. The POV holder has the ability to remove one of the HOH's nominations. Are you with me so far? Great. The POV holder, as a reward for winning, cannot be nominated. I repeat - THE POV HOLDER CANNOT BE NOMINATED. Twas always thus and always thus will be. Got it? Good. Let's move on.
Since Amanda has won the POV, Elvira has decided that Aryan is her new target. To ensure that Aryan goes home, Elvira is considering putting Andy on the block in McCrae's place. Obviously, this doesn't sit well with the 3AM alliance (Amanda, Andy, Aryan, McCrae). Amanda, especially, doesn't want to lose either Andy or Aryan. Instead, Amanda would prefer if VaGina (GinaMarie) went up on the block and was voted out. On Saturday, Amanda and McCrae threatened to vote out Andy and keep Aryan in the game in an effort to piss off Elvira and prevent her HOH from being a success. Amanda made it her personal mission to do anything necessary to protect Andy from being nominated. Remember this little fact because it will come into play a little later.
Amanda's main argument for Elvira to put VaGina on the block is that VaGina will be a vote to keep Aryan in the game. J-U-DD has fallen for it and is now suggesting to Elvira that it might be better to put VaGina on the block. Personally, I think it's hysterical that J-U-DD is unknowingly doing Amanda's bidding. Since his return to the game, J-U-DD is a completely different person who has gone rogue and insists that he'll do what he wants to do, not what other people want him to do. I hate to break it to you J-U-DD, but you're still Amanda's bitch at this very moment in time.
Hearing J-U-DD's suggestion to put VaGina on the block in McCrae's place causes Elvira to sigh and hnmm mnmm. She tells J-U-DD how she regrets not nominating both Amanda and McCrae at the same time. Speaking of Amanda, Elvira has many many thoughts on her. Thoughts that we've all heard before, ad nauseam. "She's sooooo disgusting. I can't even look at her. She makes me want to puke." Elvira is doing that weird ranting thing she did earlier last week with Aryan. Her coping mechanism in life to constantly insult anyone and everyone who stands in her way of getting what she wants. Belittling others makes Elvira feel swell about herself.
While bitching and moaning about Amanda, Elvira brings up Howard and what a good person he was. She says, "Howard was a nice guy who never cursed." J-U-DD replies, "He cursed all the time!" Elvira says, "Really? What-ever. Amanda is sooooo disgusting." Basically, Elvira can't handle the truth.
Speaking of truth, Elvira has a knack for manipulating it and bending it to her own will. Earlier, McCrae made a joke about praying to the "Big Brother Gods" for Amanda to win POV. In that mushy mess that is Elvira's mind, she interprets this as an admission of Paganism. Elvira leans over and tells J-U-DD that McCrae is faking it when he reads the Bible because he really believes in a pantheon of reality gods and is totally sacrilegious. She states with all seriousness, "It's offensive that McCrae is sacrilegious." I shit you not. Naturally, when I hear something as ridiculous and ludicrous as this, I tweet about it. And boy am I glad I did! One of my followers (@DweezlerBB) tweeted back to me that the Big Brother God probably looks like Ganesh with Dr. Will's head. The lad whipped together a photo for me and... voila!
I give you the Big Brother God. Pray to the Big Brother God and he will remove any obstacles that stand between you and $500,000. Take the Big Brother God's name in vain and he'll force you to live with Elvira for all of eternity.
J-U-DD doesn't say much to Elvira's declaration that McCrae is sacrilegious. Instead, he tries to steer Elvira back to game talk. He tells her that if VaGina goes on the block, she'll be 100% safe and Aryan will go home. J-U-DD tells Elvira that this is their opportunity to flip the game and have a final 5 of himself, Elvira, Spencer, VaGina and Andy. J-U-DD says that Spencer would be his side alliance and VaGina would be Elvira's side alliance. Elvira tells J-U-DD that she's not close to Elvira at all. J-U-DD replies, "Oh, I thought you were." Elvira then tells J-U-DD that she doesn't know why he trusts Andy so much. She says that it makes her question J-U-DD's judgment in the game. She says, "If Aryan stays in the house this week, we should all self-evict because Amanda and McCrae will win the game." Ugh. I hate that. I hate when a player threatens to quit simply because she doesn't get her way. It's insulting to fans and the game.
J-U-DD then leaves the HOH and heads downstairs to tell Andy that he's probably going on the block. He tells Andy that he tried to convince Elvira to put up VaGina, but she wasn't falling for it. Amanda overhears the conversation and says that she's not going to give up. She tells Andy that she'll keep trying.
Aryan catches wind of the conversation and goes into the bedroom to wake up VaGina. She tells VaGina that she has good news and bad news. VaGina asks, "What's the good news?" Aryan replies, "Andy is going on the block." VaGina then asks, "What's the bad news?" Aryan says, "Andy is going home." Hearing this, VaGina sighs and wonders why Elvira doesn't just put up Spencer. Ayran tells VaGina that J-U-DD was up in the HOH all morning and that VaGina needs to lay low and act normal so Elvira doesn't put her on the block. (Side note: VaGina already knew that Andy was going on the block. )
We fast forward a little bit to where McCrae is finally awake and sitting outside. Out of nowhere, Elvira storms outside and starts hooting and hollering about Amanda. It went something like this:
"You need to tell your girlfriend to stop touching my things!"
"Amanda didn't touch shit."
"This is a TV show and no one is allowed to touch my personal property!"
(Elvira thinks Amanda touched the balls Elvira stole from the HOH competition)
"If you want to get mad at someone, get mad at VaGina. SHE found the balls NOT Amanda!
"I'm going to tell Production!"
"Good, I'm going to tell Production too! I'm going to the DR right now!"
McCrae then gets up and runs inside. While McCrae is inside, Elvira tells Andy that Amanda and McCrae keep going through her things. *sigh* No, they don't. VaGina found the balls and started to play with them. Elvira then asks Andy if he's ever seen Amanda and McCrae going through her things. Andy tells her no. Elvira ignores him and says, "Amanda took my jewelry and my Advil!"
McCrae then returns to the backyard and the fight continues. Point in fact, it was Elvira who went through McCrae's thing and moved his clothes around not the other way around.
"The DR says you're not allowed to go through my stuff."
"Well, you're not allowed to go through mine!"
"No one touches your shit."
"Your nasty dirty clothes that haven't been washed for 3 weeks are in my drawers!"
"That's bullshit! You have 3000 drawers full of your shit!"
"Just don't touch my stuff."
"VaGina took the ball! You're just looking for anything you can to blame on me and Amanda."
"You're gross!"
"You're gross."
"You're yelling at a woman!"
"You went through my things and now you're trying to spin it around on me."
"I didn't go through your stuff!"
"So my clothes magically switched drawers without asking me?"
"Just don't touch my stuff."
"Be polite and just ask me. Where I come from, people are polite."
"Don't touch my things!"
"Don't touch my things!"
"I would never touch your gross things!"
Yeah, so basically Elvira is a liar liar pants on fire. But wait, there's more!
Amanda then comes outside and McCrae sarcastically tells her, "Don't touch her stuff, ok?" Amanda replies, "Touch her stuff? What are you talking about?" McCrae jokes that since Amanda wants to be just like Elvira, she's always touching her stuff. Amanda bursts out laughing and says, "Zingbot said it the best. She's the trashy version of her sister. I didn't even have to say it because Zingbot said it for me." *bites fist* McCrae then shouts to Elvira, "I don't understand how you can live in a house with such scum. That must be so beneath you." Amanda joins in and says that Elvira's 78 year old husband, that she loves SO much, is waiting for her at home. She continues, "And her kid. Who knows who he belongs to. She never talks about her stepkids, only her son. What a great stepmom." Normally, I would say that Amanda was out of line and shouldn't bring family into the game BUT... but, but, but Elvira spent the previous night attacking Amanda on a personal level. Elvira talked for HOURS about Amanda's miscarriage and her ex-boyfriend. In this instance, fair is fair. It's tit for tat. Amanda didn't go ballistic over the pregnancy thing and Elvira isn't going nuts over the husband/son thing. They dish it, they take it. Big Brother fans, however, were up in arms screaming about it. They rabidly began tweeting CBS and Grodner to remove Amanda from the game. Remove her for what?! For doing exactly what Elvira does day in and day out (If you'll recall, Elvira also brought Aryan's ex-boyfriend into her "Aryan is so disgusting" rants earlier in the week.) Stop being hypocrites! If Amanda and Elvira aren't all bunged about it, then why are you?
Meanwhile, in the cockpit, Andy and VaGina are talking. VaGina tells Andy that if she has to, she'll vote out Aryan like she voted out Asshat (Jeremy). Andy tells VaGina that if she goes on the block, he'll vote to save her. (No, he won't) Andy whines, "Oh my god, if I go out at the hands of Elvira... I hope Amanda and McCrae don't betray me." He starts crying and VaGina leans over to hug him. Andy asks her to please tell him if he's the one leaving the game this week. He doesn't want to be blindsided. VaGina tells Andy that she knows Elvira is going after Amanda and McCrae hard. Andy asks her if she knows what J-U-DD is thinking.
Before VaGina can answer him, Elvira enters and says, "Amanda is batshit crazy. Like I'm offended by anything she says. She's just jealous of me and wishes she had everything I have." *bursts out laughing* Get real.
Amanda then enters the cockpit and starts blowing a party horn into Elvira's ear. Elvira quickly gets up to leave. Amanda keeps blowing her horn throughout the house and a genius idea hits her...
Meet Granny! Granny is a horn-tooting smack-talking sassy broad with a touch of the Alzheimer's who thinks everyday is New Year's Day. Granny introduces herself to J-U-DD with a toot and a smile. J-U-DD is a little scared of Granny and wonders what the hell is going on.
Granny then goes inside to introduce herself to VaGina. Amanda tells VaGina that she was loyal to Elvira since the beginning and did everything she could to keep Elvira safe in the game (True!). Since Elvira turned on Amanda and tried to backdoor, Amanda is going to make her life a living hell. She's sick of Elvira acting like she's better than everyone. VaGina nods and says that Elvira already has money and doesn't need the prize at all.
Granny then gets to work. She follows Elvira around the house tooting her horn and asking Elvira to play with her. At first Elvira laughs, but then she quickly runs upstairs and locks herself in the HOH room. Granny follows her and starts knocking her door, "Granny misses you Elvira. Don't you want to talk to Granny?"
Amanda then gets called to the Diary Room and everyone cracks up that she's going to do a DR dressed as Granny. When Amanda comes out she tells Aryan that everyday she'll be a new character. Tomorrow will be Berth the Butch Baseball Player and the day after that will be Francesca the Farting French Girl. Haha!
Before I continue, we desperately need to clear something up. Apparently, there are people out there that actually think Amanda is on something or has gone off the deep end. No, no, no, you twits. This is all part of an elaborate plan to get Elvira to nominate VaGina instead of Andy. The plan is for Granny to be a constant pain in the ass and torture Elvira. Andy will then act horrified by Granny and run up to the HOH to console Elvira like she's some wounded animal. Amanda's theory is that Elvira will be so moved by Andy's concern that she won't nominate him. It's a ballsy move, but Amanda is willing to go to the ends of the earth to save her alliance.
For most of the afternoon, Granny stalks Elvira and waits for her to leave the HOH room, but Elvira hides like the wimp she is. When Elvira refuses to come out of her room, Amanda goes outside and plops down on the couch. She tells everyone it's exhausting keeping this up for so long. She says that she now understands why Killer Kowalski (Jessie) quit her psychobabble after 30 minutes. J-U-DD has no idea what Amanda is up to so he remains incredibly uncomfortable with all of the Granny hoopla. Spencer, however, says it's fair game play. Amanda declares that she'll keep this up all night if she has to. She's positive that America thinks Elissa is a cunt. (Yup.) She then tells the group that it's actually really hard to pretend like she's mad at the people she likes. She explains that she's doing all of this so Andy will pick up the pieces Granny's tirade and save the day. Andy tells her that he already went up to talk to Elvira. Amanda replies, "Good."
On twitter and elsewhere, Granny isn't all that popular with the fans. They think she's a bully and should be removed from the house. Oh shut up. Just shut up. Amanda isn't physically threatening Elvira. Elvira's safety isn't at risk. If Elvira was smart, she'd climb down from her ivory tower and laugh in Amanda's face. Instead, Elvira is either hiding in the dark or bitching to Production. Elvira is a big girl and we all know she is extremely capable of defending herself. This victim thing she's doing is ridiculous. She even had the audacity to bitch to J-U-DD that she doesn't deserve this and that she just wants to play Big Brother. This IS Big Brother! This is the game. Right here. You're in it! Instead of hiding from it, go play it!
Remember when Dick went around the house banging pots and pans? Remember when he made Amber cry? Remember when he threw a drink in Jen's face? Remember when Rachel taunted the Have-Not's with her ooey gooey cookies? Why is it OK for those people to stir up trouble, but it's not OK for Amanda to do the same thing? The hypocrisy is nauseating. You don't have to like Amanda. You have every right in the world to despise her. What you don't have the right to do is say that it's OK for every other player except Amanda to be a troublemaker. How do you look yourself in the mirror in the morning? Like who you like, hate who you hate, but at least be honest with yourselves.
So, what do you think of the house hijinks? Will Bertha make an appearance today? Since Andy is most likely going on the block, will he stay or will he go? Comment it out bitches and have a great day!
Nice to see you can be objective (not), Elissa is no better or no worse than the rest of them and has shown she can play the game when shes cornered. Amanda is the cunt because while bully tactics may be accepted behaviour, it shows she has shit character. And maybe,just maybe, Elissa is reacting to the barrage of bitch tactics in such a way to garner a little support from the rest of the house. She had Helen, no one else because she was targeted from day one because of who she is. Cut her some slack ffs and don't be such a hater. Amanda and stinky McCrae need to be pulled apart, hosed down and sent home.
ReplyDeleteAnd sharp stick in the ass, nose in the air bitch cunt Elissa needs to get back home to her privileged little life since she's clearly so above everybody. Cut the others some slack ffs.
DeleteI've never been objective and I certainly don't claim to be. I ALWAYS play favorites. Every BB fan does. We have the people we love and the people we hate. You clearly dislike Amanda. That's fine. I have no problem with that. I'm not going to tell you you're wrong for disliking her.
DeleteOne question though, you called me a "hater", but do you realize that your comment was filled with more hate than anything I said today? This is that hypocrisy thing I was talking about.
Colette I think the frustration is that people read you're blog mostly for entertainment value and not so much as a fan rooting for Amanda. It's like you're a late night talk show host... you're blogs are funny and fans expect more!! So by 'rooting' for Amanda you kind of left some of the best material on the table. Elvira gives you alot but Amanda is bat shit crazy (but cunning) so I think it'd be more entertaining to read if you busted on her as well
DeleteI understand you're a fan and root for her but for my selfish entertainment needs, I wish you'd expand a bit and throw Amanda some of your craftly worded bitchy critiques.
I absolutely agree.....Demanda is one of the ugliest ppl I have ever seen. I'm sure her parents are mortified. I think there is something seriously wrong with her....This is NOT's SAD!!
ReplyDeleteSeriously, I've been reading your blogs for a better part of three years, and I've come to expect favoritism from you, but your love of Amanda has just become over kill. Hopefully when Survivor comes back on you'll get back to being entertaining.
hear hear.
Deleteyou are becoming as tiresome as the elissa-lovers.
Let me get this straight, because I don't dislike who you dislike I am no longer entertaining?
DeleteI am on the same page as Colette Lala! I Adore Amanda and her antics (and despise Elissa for her "Holier than thou", rich, hypocritical beliefs that she whines about in her nasally baby voice).
DeleteI understand that this is a GAME, and without the backstabbing, scheming and lie, this would be the most boring game ever!
I HATE that for most of this game it has been "Everyone MUST vote the way the HOH wants or next week you are gone" mentality that has pervaded the game this season (Thanks Helen...NOT) Talk about enabling HOH-itis!
I come to this blog because I find that 99% of the time, Colette and I are in agreement (but she says it so much funnier). If I wanted to be blasted because of who I like, there are plenty of blogs out there that encourage the Amanda and McCrea bashing, and put Elissa on a pedestal for being "Christian" (since when is being a Christian a requirement for playing the game?).
Hands Colette a slow gin fizz and a packet of glitter!! Keep writing anyway you like, it is YOUR clog after all!
Collete lala,
Delete"Let me get this straight, because I don't dislike who you dislike I am no longer entertaining?"
In a nutshell yes. It's overkill now. What will you talk about once she's evicted? I stopped reading for a few weeks hoping your change your tune a bit, but ugh...same crap.
I LOVE how you failed to mention Amanduh's disgustingly putting Elissa's letter on the toilet. Of course, I would expect that from you.
Firstly, that's ridiculous.
DeleteSecondly, you said you stopped reading, yet here you are.
Thirdly, I didn't SEE the letter in the toilet! I go to bed pretty early. I only write about what I see unless there's some major fight that I need to go Flashback. I didn't see her putting the fake maxi-pad on the dresser either. I read about it and saw the photos a couple days after the fact.
If you have such a problem with me, I invite you not to return. It's ok. I'll get over it.
I think what you're missing here is people have the right to say whatever they want. Just because you like what Amanda is doing doesn't mean its right. Stalking Elissa isn't tit for tat, putting disgusting things on her dresser isn't either. Its bullying. It wasn't right when past house guest did it and it's not right now. That's why she was warned by producers that if she kept it up, she was going to get a penalty Nom.
ReplyDeleteLast month you wrote: "I have to say something here. Something I've never said on this blog. Eyebrows is a fucking bully. I hate that word and I think it's overused and abused, but this bitch is mean. She taunted Jessie all freaking night and she took an evil pleasure in it. It was, I hate to say it, out and out bullying. Eyebrows showed a different side of herself last night. We've all seen her vagina. This time we saw what a hateful cow she is."
ReplyDeleteExplain to me how what Amanda did last night is different than Eyebrow's bullying (your word not mine) of Jessie on Big Brother's night of greatest shame? Amanda is effing mean, meaner than Kaitlin, she picks a target and then spends the week bullying them until they go out of the house. She riles up other people to help too. She did it to Candice in a horrible racially tinged way, she did it to Jessie by systematically punking her all week, now she's doing it to Elissa because she put her precious pizza boy toy in danger.
C'mon, seriously, last night was different only in that it was slightly more ridiculous than the last five weeks. This is why everybody is scared of Amanda and McCrae, this is why everybody in the house vote unanimously, this is why Arayan who is a REALLY good competitor shrugs her shoulders and puts up Spencer last week because she feels forced to. It's because Amanda bullies and scares the heck out of everybody. Her behavior may make for one or two good episodes, but it makes for a lousy game, and is mostly to blame for what a lame season this year has been.
Elvira's no perfect treasure either and the way she got on the show and the MVP was BS but at least she's trying to fight instead of meekly rolling over like literally everyone else in there. At least shes trying to use her HOH to get out someone that effects HER game instead of Amanda's or Helen's. More than I can say for anyone else in there.
Where in that paragraph did I say that Eyebrows should be removed from the game?
You didn't read what I wrote. Where do I lobby for Amanda to be kicked out? I don't. The beef I have is with the double standard. When Kaitlin does it to Jessie, it's bullying, and she's a hateful cow. When Amanda does it, she's a winner with a fourth dimensional chess strategy that is saving Andy! (Except it's not)
DeleteAmanda's being a bully, period. She finally won something, and as she does every week when she gets a whiff of power she uses it to beat on a different target. It doesn't really matter who, as long as it's someone to push around she'll start pushing. Elissa's just the latest installment.
I take full responsibility for my misuse of the word "bully" in reference to Kaitlin. I spoke in haste and I can admit when I'm wrong. I don't think anyone in the house is a bully. That word, that godforsaken word, is so misused and abused that it's a cliche at this point. It has lost all meaning since everyone loves to attach it to anyone who says an unkind word.
DeleteI'm sorry, but bull fucking shit. To harass, demean, and abuse (in this case verbally) someone in any other situation is bullying.
DeleteThat's what Amanda does. You know it, I know it, anyone with half a brain knows it. Hell, Spencer just a few days ago told her she was a bully to her face, which was followed up her lackeys laughing in a every uncomfortable manner. People are going into the DR and telling people they're AFRAID of Amanda on a personal level. Give me a break. You're only back tracking on yoir stance of using the term bully because Amanda herself is one.
To think, you have the nerve to talk about Helen's obsession with Elisa.
Wow. You're really fired up about this. Calm down. It'll all be OK. Not a hair on your precious Elissa's head will be harmed. You're probably one of those people that writes petitions, aren't you? Have fun with that. Goddess bless.
DeleteSo now you take back the use of "bullying" in respects to Kaitlin, so that it cannot be used against you when people are discussing Amanduh.
DeleteBravo! Such a good BB player. :)
Yup. It's MY blog. I manipulate things to go MY way. Thank you for visiting.
DeleteCollette can change things up however she wants.
DeleteThe same way Grodner does.
That's how Elissa was kept safe for weeks.
That's why an EVICTED houseguest has a chance to win this (which is so unfair).
"Expect the unexpected".
You calling Kaitlin a bully was the only thing I've disagreed with you about on your blog. I'm glad that's been revoked, and now everything's okay. Nobody's been a bully this season, that overused pathetic word has no place on bb blogs.
DeleteFirst time reading your blog. I thought his might be a bitchy-fun blog (a la Wil Heuser), but it is just mean-spirited and nasty. I'll look elsewhere.
ReplyDeleteThank god! I strive not to be "a la anything", especially Wil.
Deleteholy Gods of BB, finally some1 who sees it logically & doesn't see Elvira as the queen of all that is good, and Amanda as the devil, satan, evils spawn, as she is portrayed in the chat rms. i got muted in 1 chatroom simply because i questioned the difference between Elvira attacking Amanda personally and visa versa. i didn't like Amanda bringing up her child, but as you said "fair play". i see Amanda as strategic (not manipulative)and what Spencer said "assertive" in her opinions (maybe Spencer's not so dumb hmm?)
ReplyDeletei only get upset with Amanda and scream at the screen "get up and stop feeling sorry for yourself" is when she cries over losing a comp. so what! her game strategy is so good, if she gets to final 4 her odds of winning increase tremendously.
my biggest disappointment is the loss of energy, ambition and fire in Crae. he has just laid over like a sleeping dog. his outburst fighting back to Elvira was good to see, but again, he knows he's safe thanks to Amanda. i want to see him fired up again like the first few weeks. it saddens me to see him flop over and become ocd with his feet and fingernails. i really liked him alot.
thank you so much for saying what i haven't been able to in the chat rooms. so refreshing.
Bertha the bull dyke baseball coach.. cant wait! Love your mention of the biggest hypocrite in reality TV. VG! DRIVES ME MAD!! I have had an issue with the NoHATE tweeters calling people racists too. how's that for hypocrisy? LOL @ "stop hating you racists"
ReplyDeleteWatching Elissa fuck up her opportunity to get either Amanda or Mcrae out is pure joy. When the votes are counted she will be faced with the fact she really does'nt know how to play the game. She is all over the place. She was blinded by her hatred of Aaryn and her desire to make a big move. She could'nt decide which she wanted more and thus she will see her gifted HOH was a total failure. I hope this spurs her to walk. Not a fan of Amanda but I have to give her props for winning Veto and working to save Aaryn.
ReplyDeleteI liked Amanda in the beginning but not anymore. I'm not a fan of the antics. I understand that it's been done time and time again but I have never enjoyed it. I love BB. I love the strategizing, the manipulating, the GAME. What Amanda was doing yesterday was stupid and not entertaining in the least.
ReplyDeleteI'm not a huge Dan fan but watching him after solitary...was entertaining!
Pads and condoms and fake annoying characters...not entertaining.
Should she be removed? Of course not. Did she ruin the feeds for several hours, turn a lot of people off and make herself a bigger target...Yup.
I'm not an Elissa fan either, and personally I think she should have nominated Mcrae and Amanda. It's the most logical move. Break up that due. You may say that Amanda has protected Elissa all along but I don't see it that way. She has helped keep her in the game but it was because she wanted to harness the MVP power and after that it was because she thought she could control her. She doesn't have loyalty to Elissa.
I think Amanda looked like a fool. She has been so clever up till now. Even though I don't enjoy watching her I gave her credit for being able to turn things around and get people to do what she wants, but this was a ridiculous plan that made her look like an ass.
Agree with both of the above. Love your blogs , but your favoritism has gone too far. Amanda and Mcrae are truly disgusting!!!
ReplyDeleteYou have your opinion and I have mine. What's the big deal? I'm stunned that people get so angry and insist I agree with them on everything. I mean, come on! It's a game! Everyone is allowed to have their own favorites. I don't care if you're an Elissa-lover or are a fan of Spencer. It doesn't affect me in the least. More power to you.
DeleteYou must care, to spend time responding to Anonymous postings. Ha.
DeleteDon't you love it when your commenters prove your point for you? You can't reason with the Morality Police, CL.
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm with you, voyeur. Last night I was physically threatened (the post since removed by the author, presumably after he'd sobered up), and a woman said I look like an old perv and probably had a fake Facebook profile, just because I said that their comments on hoping Amanda would drown herself in the HOH bathtub or a hair dryer would fall in made them no better than what they claim Amanda is.
The problem with hypocrites is they can't smell their own B.O.
The biggest disappointment of this season is the fans and the narrow-minded view of their favorite players. Trying to defend your favorite by saying well he/she isn't worse than the other players is using the mentality of an 8-year old. You are too smart for this Colette to basically fall into the realm of the J&J's crazy cat ladies, the Danatards or the Janellousists.
ReplyDeleteI don't think McCrae and Amanda are perfect by any stretch of the imagination. I have, on many occasions, criticized both of them for various reasons on the Big Brother Gossip Show. It's funny how that seems to escape people's memories.
Delete"J-U-DD is a little scared of Granny and wonders what the hell is going on." OMG soooo funny. I absolutely love your perspective and reading your blogs. I may not always agree (usually do) but I always look forward to your words. Thank you Colette.
ReplyDeleteI agree 100% with everything you said in the post. I honestly think that Elissa is the biggest bitch of them all, not because of something she specifically said or did, but just her attitude in general reeks of bitchyness and superiority. I like the fights of big brother and I appreciate people who can hold their own in an argument and Elissa can't do that she just repeats the same sentence over and over again. Amanda was calling it like we all see it, Elissa doesn't ever mention her step-children and seems to pretend they don't exist. If she really cared for them she would have stepped in and said something to Amanda, we all know if PLT was brought up she would have gone batshit
ReplyDeleteOkay, this is funny shit. Is it okay that (just this one time) I'm finding the comments as much fun as the blog?
ReplyDeleteBottom line on what Amanda did yesterday: it didn't make sense. It never seemed likely to cause Elissa to turn to Andy, and against GinaMarie. It made no sense! That's how I evaluate it as a game strategy. Was it gonna work? I say no.
ReplyDeleteFWIW, lots of people are comparing Amanda's actions to the ongoing torment Evel Dick engaged in. I think what he did was far worse, and far more threatening. I don't know which elements of the BB community were "fine with that" and not OK with Amanda, but if I had been a regular viewer during BB 8, I would almost ALMOST have wanted to see punished for his actions.
HAHAHA. Don't cha just love BB! I know I do. I do not have a favorite this year. All of them are too vile for my tastes to be a favorite, so I am here for the Deliciously Epic Train Wreck that is BB15. Elissa missed her opportunity to make the Big Move when she did not nom Amanda and McCrae. But, if Elissa does nom Andy, then one of the 3AM is gone, so that works for me. Amanda's Granny ploy is a brilliant move if it works. Kudos for her even coming up with it.
ReplyDeleteI dont care about the trash talking about people. This is BB, if you put your business out there, then its fair game for others to use against you. What I dont care about is the absolute delight some HGs have is making others miserable. Maybe STFU Helen's Kumbaya spiel had merits after all. But hey, while I was flabbergasted at Granny's antics, I couldnt do more than shake my head at the sheer audiciousness it takes to do something like that.
LaLa, I enjoy your blog, keep doing you girl. But I miss the glitter this time. WTF is up wid dat!
dark in the house
We should not forget one of the great ironies in all of this....
ReplyDeleteGM is now a favorite of the Elissa lovers!
The little lady who had the very WORST of the racist things to say!
N***** insurance being the most offensive in my mind. (A fact often not mentioned, GM said the PR shower thing, Amanda was explaining to the HGs what that stereotype is supposed to be on that infamous youtube compilation. Just like Spencer said Kermit the F** and Amanda was just laughing. Kaitlin said the N-word and Amanda said "So what?" I could edit together 2 weeks of ANYONES talking and make them look like David Duke. Not saying Amanda is not crude and does not say inappropiate stuff, just saying it needs to be broken down more into what it actually WAS/IS).
OK back to my point... the kitty litter gang thinks GM is a champ now, and I find it hysterical.
Honestly GM has fucked up more game in that house than anyone I think. She got in Aryans head during every HOH, and the irony is Amanda seems to truly have had Aryans back since 3AM.
I am seeing GM more and more as the ultimate floater. She is smart in many ways, and it is carrying her through this game.
At this rate she is going to hit final 2. Sadly she will use the money for hair extensions and more surgery probably, not on what she needs, like therapy (and I mean this, no secret she is bulemic).
PS- I though Granny/Bubie was hilarious. Shame DR shut it down. Glad Elvira gets her way YET again....hiding in HOH, lights off during the day....BTW- Has anyone ever seen and HG BANNED from the HOH room before? Amanda has been, apparently.
If anyone but Elvira was HOH would that be happening?
Amanda is not near as funny as she tries to be and Gina Marie probably has every New Yorker cringing in embarrassment every time she opens her mouth.
DeleteAmanda comes out of this looking like an even bigger fool than before.
ReplyDeleteKeep up the good work Lala!! Love the blog and love the podcast!! Big Brother is suppose to be entertaining and Amanada is surely entertaining!! Imagine a house full of Elissa's .... oh the horror!! Love you bitch!
ReplyDeleteYour friend and stalker,
Your blog is one of the few voices of reason. What aren't other bloggers upset that Elissa said.."who wears a one piece bathing suit? " That was a mean remark is I ever heard one. Threatening to quit...that's who people route for?
ReplyDeleteThis is an act Amanda is doing....being very loyal to her allance ..Do people not understand this?
People aren't routing for her, but many are rooting for her!
DeleteThe Mastermind and her Yorke are about to vote out their one and only ally. You really can't make this shit up. TripleAndy, Sphincter, Xanax DD and VaGina are going to be the final 4 and that's exactly what BB deserves. I know they had to go dumb this season so Elvira would appear smarter but it didn't work, in a land of dumb asses her's is the firmest of them all. I can't wait till McMandumb realizes what's going on. That should be the season finale and a great twist for this season it just ends with 8 HGs and no winner.
ReplyDeleteI wish they would show it next time Andy splits in 2 and creates another Andy. If you look real close you can tell which ones are clones cause their ears are all fucked up.
Is Elvira or Xmanda the bigger cunt? How bout ones a cunt the others an asshole. They belong together.
I think you may be on to something with that idea of the show ending with eight players and no winner. Ratings for Big Brother have been slipping over the years, but the prize money has stayed the same. I'm certain that with all the controversy this year, some sponsors have pulled out. But, if CBS were to just pull the show, all the weirdos sending death threats to anyone and everyone involved in the show that fail to do everything their crazy little heart desires may actually make do on some of those threats. So, CBS puts the dumbest, most racist, least knowledgable about Big Brother group of a-holes they could find on the show, and is just basically letting them ruin Big Brother for the rest of us.
DeleteRuining Big Brother? I think this season is the best since BB11. The game play and strategy is off the charts, drama is plentiful, and I'm not bored yet. This time last year, I pretty much gave up.
DeleteOK Lala that made me laugh!
DeleteAmanda is horrible. Making remarks about kids is never acceptable. Hate Elissa all you want but shes handled herself with way more dignity than Amanda and smelly McCrae. I liked Amanda at first because she was upfront and not afraid to speak her mind, but we found out later what that mind is like, pretty shitty. Bully tactics weren't nice to watch when Evel Dick did it either, he should have been evicted for pouring juice over another players head. Offensive behaviour is poor sportsmanship and will hopefully hurt her in the long run. That gameplay shouldn't be rewarded. I hope Elissa wins.
ReplyDeleteReally? You can smell him? All I have is a Mac.
DeleteBwahahahahaha! Have you even been paying attention? It is so classy (on the same level) to talk shit about one's miscarriage. Just to clarify the above blog post for you, you are one of the fucking moronic hypocrits that she is talking about.
DeleteElissa is all upset over the miscarriage because she admitted on the live feeds that she has been TRYING to get pregnant and was told she couldn't have more kids.....
DeleteNo I cant smell him but apparently Amanda can, she said he stinks and rarely bathes. You don't need smellnet.
DeleteYes, ive been paying attention and Amandas abuse has been way worse than Elissa's, ok knobrot?
Big Brother is a reality gameshow, not a sport, there is a huge differences betweeen the two.
DeleteI NEVER comment on blogs, twitter etc... I have a twitter but I don't post because I'd rather take it all in but I must say something about your twitter, blog, fb etc...
ReplyDeleteI ran across it yesterday & have added all three accounts! It takes a lot to put yourself out there as you do, especially with all these Queen Elvira lovers this season; just because she's BB blood doesn't make her Rachel!! I too was excited to see her come in the house until I realized that she is a dud compared to Rachel!
I find your writing to be amusing and witty!! Dr. Will, Boogie & Evel Dick are my all time favorite BB players, I like a lot of them, Jeff, Jordan, Rachel & Dan to name a few but nothing drove me to the tv or live feeds like Evel Dick, that was the first season I purchased live feeds, since then I've been disappointed, mainly this year! Now that Amanda has stepped up; although she can't fulfill their shoes by ANY means she is better then hurricane Jessie's pathetic attempt! I have to say "Thank you to the big brother gods" I can keep watching the live feeds and shows w/o wanting to scream at the screen the ENTIRE time!!!
I in NO way agree with racism or bullying as I have a child of mixed ethnicity & don't promote or condone any of that BS!
Have we all forgotten though that this is a game set up for public humiliation that you win a prize & VOLUNTEER, SOME BEG to be on? Have we forgotten that Amanda is not the biggest racist of the season?!? I feel like most of what Amanda says is just shit spewing out of her very free spirited mouth but the stuff Aaryn & GM said was way below the belt & crossed the lines for most & really hurt people. Even saying that... I don't agree with what Aaryn or GM said & even some of the things Amanda says it doesn't mean that they are the scum of the earth that Elvira should get applauded for not wanting to sit on a couch with them because they are "disgusting freaks"! Has Elvira ever watched a big brother episode or what?!?! If she is so high and mighty shouldn't she sit down and try to help them not be a hypocrite running her mouth behind their back and then calling on the peasants when she wants attention etc... Shouldn't she try to send positivity to them... I respect Candace WAY more then I do Elissa for the simple fact that she has acted in a much classier way then Elissa because she isn't as narcissistic, she stood up for herself & kept it somewhat "real" and she was faced with much more bullying then Elissa ever has or will ever deal with!
This is a TV show & to take it so personal is crazy!!! To put contact info of a relative or beg for someone to be ejected from the game for annoying another house guest is just ludicrous!! The point of the show is to get you tuning in weather you like people or not, to see what happens next & as much as you bitch... you know you are going to tune in just like myself and millions others cause it is entertaining! Get over yourselves!!
(The end of this is not directed at anyone in particular, just the people who take TV shows and not real life too seriously!)...
Thanks for writing this blog, Colette Lala, I was beginning to think that EVERY BB fan had lost their marbles this season!!
You gained a new fan! :)
Thanks Lindsay! Welcome aboard.
DeleteWell said and exactly what I was thinking!! Thanks to you both for keeping it real and I always love your blogs Collette!!
DeleteWhile Elissa has seemingly lost her social and mental game, if she ever had it, and she seems to have a prima donna attitude about her life, and her behavior as annoyingly entitled as it is, does not hold a candle to Amanda's arrogance and behavior.
ReplyDeleteI wonder how the families of these HG will ever recover from the humiliation brought on them by their loved ones (mostly the women) in the BB house. I honestly feel bad for the embarrassment the Zimmerman's are having to suffer through because of their daughter's conduct especially in the last few days - Amanda is a monster.
I'll betcha production tells McManda their voting out their only ally! All of a sudden their going to have a revelation because their sooooooooo smart. They couldn't pore piss out of a boot if the direction were on the heel.
ReplyDeleteAmanda is not going to the ends of the earth for her alliance; her ego is bruised and she is infuriated that someone dare not do what she wants. That is Elvira's real crime in Amanda's eyes, and she even talks about it today.
ReplyDeleteSunday however crossed the line in many ways, like it has tended to do this season. Yes, there were other villains in the past, but you don't bring in people's families; you don't bring in people's kids. Not cool
I applaud Elvira for going up to her room, while there might not have been a physical threat, she must have realized that those she loved would continue to be trashed. The family that needs to be the most embarrassed is Amanda's............ and I feel for that family having to watch their daughters antics, and blowjob stories, and unconcern for abortions, and parading in her undergarments.
Frankly, I was sad for Amanda. Her reaction was to get at Elvira, but in fact showed her mental instability and left me with a greater understanding why she goes through life under medication. I guess that we will have to wait for her to shave her head for everyone to get how unstable she is, for someone to maybe help this girl. I do have no doubt that as the pressure goes up and others don't do what she wants, she will continue her downward spiral.
I am sure the topping will be when she is dumped by a pizza boy from Minnesota and sent home to ................... her psychiatrist.
How sad
In the time that has passed, Amanda herself has admitted to being off her meds, and now that she is back on them is feeling better. Her instinct to get up out of the filth she has been wallowing in and clean up is a sign of progress........... I am pulling for her.
DeleteShe should have not attacked Elissa's family, and NO ONE SHOULD BE ATTACKING HERS. The lastest from Miss Cleo is that the FBI has been called in due to the number of death threats to the Zuckerman's.......... I am just speachless.
There will be a lot people need to recover from once the season is over. and a lot who need time away to 'rethink' what now will be there life. Tell the Zuckerman's I have a safe place in Canada for Amanda if Florida is 'just tooooo hot' this time of year. Everyone deserves this.
Talk about over dramatic. Clam down over there, she didn't even say anything nasty about her family. And she's honest about her life and not ashamed, and I don't see what her thoughts on abortion have to do with anything you right wing nutbag.
DeleteYou said about Elissa: "Her coping mechanism in life to constantly insult anyone and everyone who stands in her way of getting what she wants. Belittling others makes Elvira feel swell about herself."
ReplyDeleteHowever this is exactly the way Amanda behaves, way more than Elissa.
Jeez, Rachel (Anonymous) Riley, go waste your time somewhere else. I couldn't stand you when you were on the show, and I can't stand you when you post.
DeleteYou obviously were replying to someone else's post. By the way who is this Rachel Riley person?
DeleteLOL...I don't like either Mandy or Eliza...but I sure love seeing Mandy melt down the Ice Narccissist!
ReplyDeleteI bet if this blog was 150% in favor of Elvira, 99% of you whiners would say this is the greatest blog ever. How dare Colette like somebody you don't!
ReplyDeleteFunny stuff. I don't care who ya are. Love your wit AND your opinions. Please keep em coming!
ReplyDeleteThanks Heidi.
DeleteI used to love reading your comment section. Most of these people are morons. I still can't fathom why people give a shit to write you a damn novel about how much they hate you. Get a life people....and please dont flatter yourselves Lala hates you too.
ReplyDeleteNo one has said they "hate" Lala, so chill. And how about you not speak for Lala saying she hates "you" meaning her readers. Disagreeing with her or anyone is not the same as hate. I do believe most of us enjoying reading and reacting to her blog. Go get yourself a glass of wine and relax - it really isn't that serious.
DeleteCalm down, both of you. I'm a big girl and I can take the criticisms. I can take them and laugh because most have nothing to do with my writing. They all have to do with my OPINION.
DeleteBut, insult my horrible punctuation and whacky sentence structure and I'll cut a bitch. ;-)
What's hypocritical is how you defend Amanda's actions... and yet lambast Elissa's... imo, they're both obnoxious human beings.
ReplyDeleteIt seems with Andy as replacement nominee Aaryn will be going to jury. Ah well.
ReplyDeleteNo gameplay, obnoxious fuckwad HGs and demented fans with warped sense of indignation... worst season to date!
ReplyDeleteI never cease to be amazed at how the fan mentality seems to parallel that of the hamsters year after year. Riddle me this folks: What is the difference between a crude, loud mouthed skank and a sanctimonious, hypocritical narcissist? Answer: About a week.
ReplyDeleteI say lets nuke the house and declare the ants the winner, they got the best social game ever.
Hear, hear!
DeleteLala, love your blog & podcast. Just hoping for more bitchy in the blog toward all the house guests. :). P.S. has anyone said that Andy looks like Fry from Futurama?
ReplyDeleteNever thought of Fry, but I do think if Jesse Tyler Ferguson mated with an orange rat the result would be Andy
DeleteLala I love your page and I'm so glad you see Amanda as a good game player. Love her or hate her if you are a BB fan you should appreciate her game play. She has ran the whole house. I love it.
ReplyDeleteNew fan here and I LOVE it! Thanks for being a voice of reason in a sea of Elissa Lovers.
ReplyDeleteI have no favorite this year. My initial favorite has said things I can't ignore so I dislike them all equally this year. This season has been such a train wreck I can't see the prize money being worth what the winner is going to find waiting for them outside in the real world.
ReplyDeleteFor weeks I have read tweets and posts complaining about how the HOH just lets everyone in the HOH bedroom whenever they want. Finally someone goes and locks themselves in and everyone complains. Amanda causing a scene at the door was funny.
I've also read a lot about how evil it is to say awful things about family members, especially children. This is Big Brother and you can't expect people to play nice. In a way Elissa and Helen brought these type of comments on themselves by going on and on about being moms.
Love your blog and the podcasts.
Amanda is a bitch, Elvira is a bitch it was like casting call for cunts this season. The biggest bitch in that house is Andy I hope the ginger elf gets evicted this week. Talk about a person who doesn't play the game for themselves I think he disgusts me the most out of that whole cast which says a lot because this really has been the season of douchebags
ReplyDeleteTerrific blog, as always.....I agree with you..... IF you truly love BB, then you MUST appreciate the strategic game that Amanda is playing..... AND, actually, I do think Elissa can take it....she doesn't seem nearly as bothered by Amanda's actions/comments as the people at home .... I think they all realize its game play & everyone at home should take the HG's lead and settle down a bit!
Holy Christ on a cracker, LaLa, you sure got a lotta cocka-roaches and rats visiting your blog this week. I smell kitty litter EVERYWHERE.
ReplyDeleteLook, I ebb and flow in this game. I liked Amanda, then she got so obnoxious I sat back and decided not to root for her, but she's proving again that she's got some strategory yet to go in this game. Even if it's half-baked, it's better for my entertainment dollar than watching 6 hours of nail party and chatting about past BB season.
But it doesn't even matter who I'm rooting for or not. Or you, FWIW. It's ALL about entertainment, no? And fuck if this season hasn't been so entertaining. Lots of strategy (good and bad, but attempts, anyway)! Lots of back-stabbing, flip-flopping, trash-talk, DRAMA, twat references, intrigue, and ALLIANCES! Do we have alliances, people? With NAMES, even. And please do NOT tell me, comment bitches, y'all didn't find GM's Nick rants, nom speech, and overall idiocy hilarious. Elissa is so completely off her rocker, hateful, and sanctimonious simultaneously, it's a treasure to watch her. Her inability to stop laughing as Amanda cried and begged was, to me, truly comic magic. And I'm amazed people don't seem able to appreciate the beauty of Andy's social game. I agree fully with you on this , Collette -- this season is the best in YEARS! And, I too miss the glitter. More glitter, please ma'am.
Down with hypocrisy. Up with GLITTER!
You forgot to mention my Husband's favorite part of BB this year....More sex than ever before!!!
DeleteOh how I loved this comment. Made me laugh right out loud.
The word "bully" is not over used. Kids have been killing themselves due to being bullied at school. Kids have also been shooting up their schools due to being bullied. And that is the biggest problem with BB. As much as I love BB, and have watched every season since the 1st, I cringe whenever production allows Amanda's kind of bullying go on without consequence. I never thought it was right in the past and I don't think it is right now. Teens and pre-teens watch Big Brother; by allowing these kind of bullying tactics to go on (and in Evel Dick's case to go on and for him to win!!) it teaches them that it is OK to do anything to get ahead and that winning is all that matters. What about being ethical? What about caring for your fellow man? What about how you play being as important if not more important than winning? Those things matter, too.
ReplyDelete@anonymous aug 27, 2:43 a.m. --
DeleteUm, no, in this context those things don't matter at all. Doll, this is a "reality" TV show called "Big Brother." It's not a teaching tool for PS 75 nor an after school special.
Change the channel. Go get some fresh air. Really. It's time.
Playing "ethically"?
DeleteBeing nice to each other?
Go play that game....I'll go watch Big Brother.....a game about lying and backstabbing.
While you're at it, please tell me the great player who won the game by not lying or backstabbing.
As for the term "bully"....I think there is a problem with bullying in regards to our children and teens. Agreed.
But I agree with Collette that we've gone overboard with the term.
We are talking about ADULTS who begged to be on a reality tv show.
They knew the deal before they entered the house. If someone is being mean to you then you can in an adult manner tell them to go Fuck themselves...
Can you imagine if we had 12 Helens in the house? I sure don't. Production is sure glad there wasn't. Because that would be boring and then nobody would watch. All of the people complaining about all the "meanies" wouldn't watch either.
I don't know about you Collette, but I'm more entertained by the nutjobs on all of these message boards than the actual cast. These people just can't deal with the fact that there are other opinions out there.
Like / dislike who you want.
We're going to forget all of there names in a month anyway....
Holy Crap! I am going to make an automatic tweet with a link to your blog for all those hypocrites out there calling Amanda's antics "torture"! Give me a break, they say she says so much about the kids, all she says is that most likely the one son is not even the dads and that Elissa does not ever talk about the step kids(which is true) I don't know any of the other kids' names except Reiley...if you are still confused and think Amanda needs to be expelled, please reread the above blog as you are having trouble comprehending!
Did it ever occur to you that she's protecting her step kids' privacy? Or should she make their names public so they can get a share of the hate and harassment being directed towards HG's families?
DeleteThat makes little to no sense as an explanation. First why would Elissa protect her stepchildren and not her own biological child. Second, if she is so concerned about protecting her family's privacy why go onto a national television show in the first place and why is her husband doing interviews on the local news about her. Finally, and most importantly, how the hell does Elissa know about the harassment of other HG's families since she's been stuck inside the house cut off from the rest of the world. Elissa might have many reasons not to talk about the stepchildren but the idea she is protecting those kids from harassment is ridiculous.
DeleteElissa has plenty of experience with the backlash against families, I'm sure. It's been happening for several seasons now. And I think she has been pretty cautious about what she reveals about her own son too. I watch the feeds, and didn't know the kid's name until last week when Helen said it. Elissa usually refers to him as "my son" or " my little boy" (or PLT!). Anyway, my point was that not talking about her step sons didn't mean she doesn't love them. It's a stupid criticism, especially when there's so many valid things to criticize her for.
DeleteMaybe the kids' mother asked Elissa not to talk about them?? Ever think about that?
DeleteYou crazy moms keep telling yourselves that. It's not about protection, it's about how Elissa could care less about her husband's children because she married him for money.
DeleteÃŽ don't "hate" any of the HGs-thats a waste of energy.I'm watching just for the entertainment, and the drama between the drama queens of the house is great. In a way, Amanda is a bit like Rachel- stuck like glue to a guy,taunting her competition, and pouty when things don't go her way.Maybe she won'twin this time around but will definitely be back.
ReplyDeleteDemanda will NEVER be back on BB - the only thing in her future is cheap porn!!
DeleteFinally some action in the house! We've spent weeks watching amanda pick mcraeas boogers, counting vaginas hair tracks, I wanna see eyebrows loose her shit, grab the rats collection of colorful shorts, light them on fire in the backyard & circle it naked singing the ABC's..
ReplyDeleteElissa "stole" the balls from the HOH comp? Really? As long as I've been watching, HGs have taken souvenirs from the different comps, and this group is no different.
Love your blog, love the podcast, love your fearless opinions... but that word irked me.
DeleteOh brother, what a transparent blog (although a couple of funny remarks!). There isn't a single hg that has any "game", but there are a few that are entertaining! I will miss Aaryn as a comp warrior, but this season has similar appeal as pro wrestling! As far as Amanda being the strategic mastermind that you "ass-pouse", the only interesting strategy she demonstrated, is setting up this blog before the season. Unfortunately for Amanda, bitchey bloggers don't vote the winner. It's unlikely that either the ice snob ellisa or the crack whore Amanda will make it to the end, but watching the train wreck may be entertaining.
ReplyDeleteBest regards
What are you talking about? I've been blogging Big Brother here since 2009. And I blogged BB8,9,10 elsewhere. I've never met Amanda. Thanks for trying to implicate me though. Nice try.
Delete2009? Wow, Mander is craftier than I thought. So she engineered her disgustitude persona knowing it would endear her to you, and make her your darling blog bitch? That's pure genius!
DeleteI do like your blog, although you could stir up more buzz if you took a more even handed bitch slappery approach (become an equal opportunity hater).
Amanda the good witch, Elissa the bad witch, gets tedious. Spread the debitchery!
Happy New Year
You're 100% correct. The whole mistake of the season was the MVP twist, guaranteeing Elissa would stay for several weeks. If there were no twist, they would have gotten her out immediately and this season would be so much better.
ReplyDeleteOver eighty comments - impressive. I have a serious problem with your latest post though and it has got nothing to do with arguing about who is the bigger bitch (you are!). Any self respecting BB fan knows that the original Power of Veto did not protect the holder from being nominated if they decided to remove someone from the block. The holder of the veto became safe only after the "Golden" version was introduced.
wrong Jeffy...
DeleteI'm old and my memory is bad, veto holder originally just could not use it on themselves but was safe from being a replacement.
ReplyDeleteI love your column for both the wit and insight to the game. I don't get to see AD this year b/c U-verse dropped it and I really don't have time for the feeds, so I depend on you and BBgossip and BBnetwork for the "real" BB.
First, on a personal level, I don't care for Elissa, Amanda, VaGina or Aryan. However, I like their game play and the fact that they are bat sh*t crazy! That what this game is about. I was sorry Hell*en got voted out. She was a sneaky player and she PLAYED the game. Andy, Spencer, McRae and J-U-Dip stick don't play! Get rid of all the guys.
It has been my observation that both Elissa and Demanda are basically little versions of Rachel. They like to dish it out, but have a hard time taking it. Elissa's real physical presence is in another galaxy far, far way. What do you think?
Keep up the good work Girl Friend!
Kimba; absolutely and positively correct. Except it should be the other way around! The girls should have struck up an alliance the SECOND they heard about the guys' alliance (the short-lived Moving Co.)!! I don't think a girls' alliance on BB has ever removed ALL the dudes and then gone on to take it all! I wouldn't want ANY of the women to win this year, though. Funny thing, too, GM finally thought of an all girl alliance, but wayyyy too in TODAY!!! Ummmm, nope, not gonna happen.
DeleteIronically, McCrae has also been moving ahead with his all guys' alliance...him & Spencer & either/both Judd & Andy. On a side note, McCrae also mentioned to Spencer (I believe) today that he may still have feelings for his old girlfriend from home so he wants to spend about a month back at home alone to think things over about how to handle the Amanda & home-girl (forgot her name) quagmire...that HE created for himself. Have fun with THAT one, bro! ;)~
There are so many names, alliances and F2's this yr, it is almost impossible to remember & to keep it all straight. I am NOT happy that Andy's up on the block instead of 1 of the absolute, ultimate floaters like Spencer or GM!! I was hoping McCrae & Andy would make it to the F2, but, unless there is a miracle, either Andy or Aaryn is headed to jury later on today. Booooo!
Some of you who call Andy a floater either didn't notice that he strategically placed a few of his personal items in EACH room in the house so he could listen to EVERYTHING! Now, that's brilliant!!! That's why he always knew everything that was going on! He's a smart little cookie! Funny as hell, too. And McCrae....My thoughts are that McCrae was the one who ORIGINALLY masterminded most, if not all of the NOM candidates....ALL season that his "minions" could take the target person OUT by whatever means necessary (Amanda, Helen, Andy & Aaryn....oh, Elissa, too, while she had the MVP votes). Notice how these peeps are going out 1 x 1 BEFORE him?? Hello, you may as well paint them silver and melt them into McCrae's personal human shields!
Sound BORING??! Nope. It is NOT a boring nor is it a predictable season of ALL!!! And those of you that think it is, you must be very boring people yourselves! Only boring peeps become bored, don't ya know?! Go watch Little House on the Prairie & cry or something!! Geez!!! Also, if a 'scripted reality' TV SHOW and if it's 'characters' bother certain (boring sorry ;) peeps, and they believe the (always entertaining) HG's are 'mean', 'liars', 'back-stabbers and all the other charming words that some of the McCranda & 3AM haters (oh so easily) use, WHY watch?! WHY comment?! TV shows and characters I don't enjoy are most definitely NOT the ones that I'll watch...nor will I search sites & blogs about them to bash the sites' sense, yes?
Ms. Lala, keep it up; you're always interesting & entertaining. Most if all, you call it like YOU see it....and, simply with your extremely well-written words, you give them EXCELLENT and tasteful rebuttals that even THEY cannot deny! ;) Such fun to read!!
Oh, Bitch, I'm so sorry these guys found you. I read their messages on other places but I reserve your site and blogger comments as entertaining, worth giving thought to, and generally entertaining. Someone several posts up compared the HGs to the fans this year. I think they have a point.
DeleteSo, hang in there, ignore the bullshit and keep on doing what you do best: WRITE FOR ENTERTAINMENT and I'll be one happy girl.
Uh, I didn't mean my post to reference Catty's post. I was just in the wrong spot. Sorry. can tell it is August, the furry creatures are coming out of the woods with frothing mouths! Although I have not always agreed with the fabulous LaLa, I respect her right to have a gave and advocate for them while providing the masses with much needed humor. Although Demanda nor Elvira are my personal faves, I look forward to CL's unique summaries and find my day bleaker on days she doesn't provide a recap. If anyone doesn't like what she is saying, feel free to not read further. That is what is great about entertainment, the option to make another selection. This Tallahassee fan however likes to laugh and appreciates the funny even when his take may be different.
ReplyDeleteBlessed be LaLa.
Oops, fave not "gave". Gotta love auto correct!
DeleteAmanda: " If I see anybody talking to her {Elissa)they will be my target" How is that not bullying?
ReplyDeleteThat's not bullying. That's stating a fact. That's playing the game.
DeleteAndy really let me down, with jis hysterics about being put up calling Elissa a fuckin whore, cunt, bitch etc.....I expected better from him...all she did was nominate him...isn'nt that what BB is all about?
ReplyDeleteAmanda Zuckerman is every mother of sons worse nightmare!!!
ReplyDeleteAmanda was not protecting her alliance, she said herself the day after that she was mad because Elissa said she threw the Veto comp to her and it sent her over the edge. . . she is obviously a spoiled, insecure brat who cannot handle life when it doesn't go her way. . . Elvira is also a spoiled, entitled brat, but Amanda's losing her shit had NOTHING to do with protecting anyone or anything, it was all about HER EGO and not getting what she wanted. Whether it was bullying or not, it was disgusting and she will face reality soon, thinking she's going to get America's Fave. . .puhlease, people hate her, plain and simple.
ReplyDeleteOutside of bb house, Mcrae is a pizza delivery guy. His standards way too high for Amanda. He's just using her to get to finale. There have been signals that he has no long term desires with her.
ReplyDeleteThen again he might get stuck marrying that crack whore, just because he doesn't have the nutsack to say NO!
If you think Mcrea is just a "pizza boy" you are sorely mistaken! IMDB states that Mcrea is a sound guy, camera man and has worked on several movies already!!
DeleteI'm a few weeks late but did Amanda really call Candace a 'monkey'?
ReplyDeleteNo. She didn't. Watch this:
DeleteWhat a joke! You can't be serious right?
DeleteThe quality of characters on BB15 is horrible this year. I can't bear to watch anymore of this season. Maybe I'll get lucky and JUDD or Spence might make it to the final 4, but I don't thinks I can stay around any longer to watch it.
Waiting on BB16!
Spencer says just as horrible things as Amanda and Aaryn and GM, why is he immune to your hatred? Because he's a man?
DeleteWow. Talk about a stunning lack of self-awareness. The biggest hypocrite I see here is the writer of this blog.
ReplyDeletelol OK. Keep telling yourself that.
DeleteBig news bb15 fans! With GM as the new hoh, we should be saying goodbye to crack whore Amanda next week (if not Amanda, then the esteemed weasel Mcrae).
ReplyDeleteIt's about time too, I don't think I could stand another week watching her stuff her pie-hole 24X7 ... Run Macrae, run!
It should be an entertaining week, watching Amanda try to convince GM that the devil doesn't exist!
Point of fact for all the viewers who are complaining about Amanda's character: if she weren't in the house, you'd all be bored to tears, and when she's gone (which seems likely to happen within the next week, unless Production pulls a rabbit out of its hat), you'll be stuck with a houseful of dullards. You should be praying that GM targets J-U-DD (whom I call Dud or Befuddled), because he gets along with everyone, never rocks the boat, and is about as interesting to watch as a Xanax slowly dissolving in a cup of water. The infighting between Elissa and Amanda is INTERESTING. McCrae keeps Amanda horny and, therefore, INTERESTING. VaGina is a train wreck...and INTERESTING. Spencer is a vile, but INTERESTING, horndog. Raggedy Andy is occasionally funny, articulate, irritating, and INTERESTING. Since the first eviction of the first season of this show, when INTERESTING Will Mega was kicked out, there has consistently been a target on the backs of people who, love 'em or hate 'em, are entertaining. Why? If you're so damned intent on rewarding good behavior, donate to charity. I want my reality TV stars to be the embodiment of evil, and this season has that in spades!
ReplyDeleteThe irony here is that you are just as full of yourself as Elissa.
ReplyDeleteObvious Elissa bot is obvious.
DeleteShame on Julie and CBS! That was a disgusting attack last night when Julie ambushed her.
ReplyDeleteI don't have a clue whether or not Aaryn is racist or not. Julie labeled her a racist as though she knows what's in Aaryns heart, outside the house.... CBS created the environment and Julie exploited it last night just to boost ratings and her own popularity. Talk about vile bullying, shame on you Julie!
Fuck Julie Chen! She can go make some fried chicken! I wish Poopy would have axed JCunt if Jeff was really homophobic.
DeleteI agree that Julie Chen is a base opportunist and that she exploited a vulnerable girl for her and the corporations bottom line.
ReplyDeleteI've been waiting all week for a new post!! :(
ReplyDeleteI know. Sorry. I've been busy this week. Real life intervenes. You can catch me tomorrow night on the Big Brother Gossip Show though. We will have a FUCKLOAD to talk about. Next week, provided it's not too boring (I don't blog boring), things should return back to normal.
DeleteJulie Chen was put into an impossible situation weeks ago when VaGina, Amanda, Spencer, and Aryan started talking casually about racial stereotypes in (what was frequently, to my ears) a humorous tone of voice, not unlike what you might hear spewing from Don Rickles, Joan Rivers, Daniel Tosh, Louis CK, Jon Stewart, Lisa Lampanelli, Anthony Jeselnik, Amy Schumer, and a dozen other comedians whose stock and trade is making "outrageous," racist and homophobic jokes (see also: South Park, Family Guy, American Dad...). What these poor contestants represent is a generation of twentysomethings who have grown up in what is ostensibly a postracial era. To wit, they think nothing of saying things that thirty years ago were hateful slurs but that are now commonplace punchlines in TV and in film. These people's cavalier attitude toward "hate speech" simply manifests how far the civil rights movement has come in normalizing and creating equality among people of all different ethnic/racial/sexual groups. If word "nigger" is so bad, nobody should say it, including rappers. Don't like the word "queer?" Well, the dozen or so gay men and lesbians I have in my inner circle didn't get the memo, because they use it A LOT. It's practically impossible to understand, much less explain, under what circumstances it's acceptable to use some language, who's "allowed" to use it, when it's supposed to be funny, when it counts as "bullying," and so on. So, what was Julie Chen supposed to do? Ignore the trumped-up controversy altogether and talk game with a young woman whose name is now practically synonymous with "racist?" The studio audience wouldn't have stood for it (shame on THEM for booing in the first place---CBS should not have allowed such a reaction). I think she handled the interview as well as she could have, given the situation. She started with talk of the game and devoted sufficient time to the shitstorm that's awaiting Aryan when she finally has access to the outside world.
ReplyDeleteI commend you on referencing Jeselnik, Lampanelli, Silverman, et al. This is what I've been saying all along as far as Amanda is concerned. She's the same girl who "schooled" Aaryn on her racist remarks, but she's also intelligent and a jokester. I never took anything she said as offensive or malicious. And in speaking with her father, she is a huge fan of stand-up comedy - especially comedy that pushes the envelope. Her family went to see Kathy Griffin one Thursday night and were concerned about missing the live broadcast.
DeleteI have an idea of how CBS should have handled the controversy which I will discuss at length tomorrow night, but as far as Amanda is concerned... Fans hated her long before she said anything controversial. She's strong, honest, plays the game, doesn't suffer fools lightly and says what is exactly on her mind. For some reason, people REALLY dislike this. Especially if it comes from a woman. I can't help but think were Amanda a male, she'd be the most beloved BB Houseguest since Dr. Will.
Interesting take on this from both of you. Definitely something to think about. I thought it was a real disconnect from Amanda being the one to tell Aaryn she sounded racist in the first few weeks to sounding obnoxiously racist herself. Thoughtful & rational comments like these are why I love to read them on this site when I don't bother on other sites.
DeleteSo Amanda the yeast infected fire crotched tranny is going home this week or will it be her tethered to her anus wuss of a boyfriend. Either way it's a win !! I'd be happy if Andy the Ginger RAT went as well, but all in due time..
ReplyDeleteLOL!!! I read somewhere someone saying Amanda reminded them of Big Ang!!! Couldn't stop laughing. Now when I look at Amanda, that's all I see...Big Ang!
DeleteI have been following and telling everyone I know about your blog (and the Survivor one too) since I found it, about 3 BB seasons ago. I found you completely by coincidence, and THANK GOODNESS I did!! I adore your writing, and always look forward to your uniquely fabulous and bitchy take on my fave tv. Not to say we always agree or have the same faves or least faves, but fairly often. You've even convinced me on the game abilities of players that I would never have appreciated without this blog. Gotta agree about some of your Amanda views, and disagree with others. She is stealing Evel Dick's obnoxious harrassment (which I loved and cheered on when it happened, altho he did go overboard on occasion) but combining it with all the insecurities and crying of Rachel Reilly, with none of the fierce competitive nature. She has been closer to winning in the last few competitions however, and quite frankly, I hope she doesn't make it past this week. Not so much for the harassment of Elissa but just the obnoxious sense of entitlement she is showing. Sorry no one is handing you control of the house anymore - welcome to the game that everyone else has been playing all summer. The fact that anyone, let alone GM, would DARE to do other than what she wants, or dare to consider her own safety above amanda's, is beyond amanda's comprehension. Sorry to rant on, but it is bugging me, especially considering i WAS rooting for her at the begining.
ReplyDeleteRegardless of whether we agree or disagree on Amanda or any other future players, you have yet another (well deserved) devoted reader! Bless you for doing this and making me laugh every single time you post!
But please, one little request, for a fan? More *glitter* please!
Lala, I have been withholding this thought for weeks, but I will now say it. You stated several weeks ago that Amanda's family reached out to you and based on that contact you now consider them to be friends. Prior to the "outreach" your opinion of Amanda was objective, she was subject to criticism and praise depending on her actions. However, I strongly believe that you are receiving some form a compensation from Amanda's family to portray her in a good light. Similar to Ayran's family hiring a PR firm to change her public image. Just say'n... bb
ReplyDeleteHa! That's funny. I WISH I was getting compensated. I wish a family would pay me. I wish Aaryn's PR firm would reach out and hire me.
DeleteSadly, no. I scrape by on $3 blog donations.
As far as Amanda's family goes, yes, they reached out and they were lovely. We have stayed in contact and I've heard every single detail about how they've been harassed these past few weeks (Elissa fans from Canada calling them repeatedly at 3am, texts, emails, etc). Any person, not just me, would feel a sense of injustice and a desire to fix it. I still like Amanda. Sue me. I think we're a lot alike. She's a tough chick who says what's on her mind and never stops playing the game.
Furthermore, I need someone to root for. I do. It makes the season more interesting and fun for me. Who else is there to root for? GM? Oh hell no. Spencer? Give me a break. McCrae? He's a pussy. Elissa? I will never root for a delusional CBS plant. Judd? He shouldn't even be there! He was evicted! Andy? Meh. I don't know. He's too chicken at the idea of being nominated. Is that all of them?
I like Amanda. Sorry. I also liked Abi-Maria on her season of Survivor. I tend to like fearless women who make me laugh. I've always been controversial. I'm not a goody-goody run of the mill blog supporting the mainstream. The second I do that, remind me so I can tell myself I've lost my edge.
Everyone on the show, any reality show, is a "plant." It's called "casting." You know that.
DeleteI think she is being paid off in CBS promo shirts.
DeleteColette, I have just three words for you: Stay strong, bitch!
ReplyDeleteWe fans get you, and the people who don't should get the hell off your blog.
I am so happy i found your blog today, I have all but given up finding sane rational people who enjoy big brother. I am so tired of the brenchel army mentality, not sure who is to blame for it's creation but it has really ruined the spirit of the game for me. Please keep writing. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteDing dong the Bitch is dead or the Brat. I never liked Dan but he's spot on about Xmanda, she's a 2 year old brat! Look for her CD to drop soon B-Rat sings the blues.
ReplyDeleteI'm a Dan fan....but I thought he came across as a tool with Julie (constantly looking towards the audience for applause).
DeleteBut when he said that Judd was playing the best game I actually yelled out loud : "he was evicted douchebag".
At that moment I understood Collette's hatred of him.
By the way people, if you hate Amanda for being a foul mouth and then proceed to bash her with a foul mouth tirade of your's really a case of the pot calling the kettle black. it's kinda the whole point of the preceding blog.
I've never liked Dan, he's interview cemented my hatred for him.
DeleteI've only found your blog and the podcast this season and so thankful for it. Noticed someone mentioned you did a survivor podcast. What's the link for it. Definitely will enjoy it more reading your bitchitudes.
ReplyDeleteOn the podcast, you mentioned the communication between Elissa and production---what shocked me this week was when Elissa started in ragging on Amanda's sitting on the couch in the HOH, shocker of shockers! with her legs apart--she was wearing pants btw. OMG, will womankind survive? Elissa never mentioned this bothering her before--but the last 2 weeks, it's all I read on the chats that go with the feeds. These prim and proper Elissa fans, climbing down from their English-style side saddles, to attack Amanda for daring to sit as though she's not a Barbie doll. And now Elissa has picked up on this--I believe she received the message to use this in the campaign to win America's player--which Rachel and Brendon kicked off on Rob's podcast (can I say that?). Rachel is really on this kick--horrifies me that BB fans could fall for that Joker creature who does not have a clue about the game. I think she got the message into Elissa.
ReplyDeleteI can't imagine what kind of person you must be if you "identify" with a person like Amanda. Granted, when the show first started, I liked her. I thought she was funny and smart. When she hooked up with McCrae, she changed into kind of a pig. Also, as a Jew, I am sensitive to people referencing swastika(s), it just is wrong and I will never see the humor in it. Of course I feel badly for Amanda's family, no one should ever have to go through what they are. I hope that they remain safe, and that the people who are harrassing them are prosecuted. Too many folks out there take this show very personally. They don't want to hear that these reality shows are populated by professional actors who are following a script. I don't think that it is a coincidence that in light of the Paula Deen controversy, BB has a cast that is so racist. I did enjoy your blogs once, and probably will again when Amanda and Elissa are voted out, and you are more objective.
ReplyDeleteShe clearly states that she's loyal and biased to her favorites. And you sound a bit too sensitive for this blog tbh.
DeleteOk so last night Elissa aligning with Amanda now really leaves me to think that CBS guides this too much. Unless they told her just to start this dialogue for drama sake, it seems absolutely ridiculous for her to save Amanda. It's very fishy.