When a group of like-minded people come together for the greater good, it is a tribe of sorts. And if that tribe has a well-executed plan and a clever name, it is a force to be reckoned with. Kindred spirits marching through time and space to the beat of their own drums plucking away all who stand in their way. I've gotta make this one quick today so... Let's recap, shall we?
OK, so Andy is our HOH and now it's time for him to hold court in his boudoir and meet with all the underlings. It sounds simple enough only it means that Andy is stuck up in his ivory tower with no one to pop in on. This is a new feeling for Andy. One that makes him antsy and pace a lot.
I flipped on the feeds when Andy was meeting with Helen. Normally, I can't be bothered with Helen - her cheerleading schtick drives me up a wall - but this little conversation right here is the first domino falling in a whole mess of dominoes. It will set the pace for, quite possibly, the rest of the game.
So, Andy and Helen are chatting about who should go up on the block. Andy already has his plan (Spencer and Jessie), but he's kindly hearing everyone else's thoughts. Helen tells him that she loves Amanda and McCrae, but that she thinks those are the two HG's they can't win against. Helen leans over with her hypnotic eyes and sympathetic brows, "Keep that in mind, Andy." Andy switches the subject to Jessie and they both agree that she is much more dangerous than Spencer. Helen says that Spencer is more malleable. Helen then starts to repeat itself over and over again, like she's putting a spell on the ginger lad, "You want to make a big move when you're HOH. Now is the time to make a big move, Andy. Look into my pinwheel eyes." Andy sits quietly and Helen continues, "If I win HOH next week, I might make a big move. I don't want to let the moment pass by."
Look folks, what Helen is trying to do here is get Andy to nominate Amanda and McCrae. Andy knows this is what she wants, but he is a smart guy. Plus, he doesn't care for pinwheels. The two then discuss who is the more dangerous of the two and they both agree that McCrae is. Helen tells him she thinks they can both beat Amanda, but not McCrae. Andy sighs and tells Helen that the only two people he trusts implicitly in this game are Amanda and McCrae. Amanda and McCrae are the only ones who told him everything about all of J-U-DD's many final two alliances. Helen looks visibly annoyed. She leaves the room, but not before she says, "Ooookaaaay, I will let you take the lead on this one." Umm, bitch, YOU ARE NOT HOH!
A frustrated Helen then heads downstairs to talk with Amanda in the bathroom. Helen tells Amanda that J-U-DD wanted to play with McCrae and wanted him all for himself. Amanda remarks, "I love McCrae, but this is a game and we have to play for ourselves. (Truth be told, she wants McCrae to win. Amanda is playing Helen right here.) Amanda tells Helen that if the four of them stick together (Amanda, McCrae, Helen, Elvira (Elissa)), then they will all make it to the final four like the Brigade did. She says as long as someone doesn't throw a wrench into their plan, it is smooth sailing from here to the final four.
Back up in the HOH, Andy tells Spencer that he is going on the block, but he is NOT going home. Andy says, "I want to tell you to not even pack your bags because there is no way you're going home." Spencer trusts Andy, but the idea of going on the block scares the hell out of him. Andy swears that it will be a unanimous vote to evict Jessie. Spencer then asks Andy if Helen is a threat to Spencer. Andy tells Spencer that Helen has much bigger fish to fry. Spencer sighs, "Well, Helen liked Howard too and she slit his throat." Andy, again, reassures Spencer that he is going nowhere this week. If Jessie happens to win HOH, then VaGina (GinaMarie) will go on the block and then home. The meeting ends with the two hugging it out.
Next up is Aryan. Andy tells her immediately that he wants to get rid of Jessie this week because she's ready to make a big move and he thinks it's going to be against someone they don't want her to make it against (i.e. Amanda & McCrae). Andy says the only people that matter to him are Amanda, McCrae, Aryan and Helen. He is completely fine going after Spencer next week. Aryan asks her if Jessie wins POV, will VaGina go on the block. Andy answers yes. Aryan says that if that happens, she's going to throw a vote VaGina's way or else she'll totally freak out. Aaryn then sighs and says that she is scared of Spencer. She has put him on the block twice and she's positive he'll come after her. Andy assures Aryan that he can get Spencer to go after Elvira and even Jessie if she ends up staying.
Meanwhile, Elvira, Amanda and McCrae are sitting outside. Elvira tells Amanda that she doesn't like how close Amanda is to Aryan. Amanda says that she's keeping Aryan close in order to protect Elvira and make sure Aryan never puts Elvira on the block. Amanda says she will continue to stay close to Aryan in case she wins something else. Elvira nods and the two talk about how great Aryan is in challenges. Amanda then tells Elvira that J-U-DD was trying to turn her and McCrae against Helen and Elvira. She tells Elvira that J-U-DD was trying to convince her that Elvira was MVP. Amanda tells Elvira she never believed him. She thinks J-U-DD was MVP. Andy then comes outside and asks Amanda if he can talk to her next.
Andy and Amanda head upstairs and the big question on every feedsters mind is whether or not Andy will tell Amanda that Helen wants to go after her and McCrae. The conversation starts out much like all the others - Spencer and Jessie are going up, Jessie will go home, VaGina will be replacement nom, yadda yadda yadda. Andy then tells Amanda that he doesn't think Helen is gunning for Amanda and McCrae, but who knows with Helen? It could get down to Wednesday and Helen could change her mind. The comment sort of flies over Amanda's head because she replies with, "It is imperative that Jessie goes home this week." Andy then says, "I'll be honest, Helen is worried about you and McCrae." BINGO!
Andy says that Helen was wondering when would be the best time to get rid of Amanda and McCrae. Amanda replies, "Really?" Andy assures her that he squashed it and told Helen that Amanda and McCrae are super loyal. Oddly enough, Amanda doesn't seem very worried about it at all. Andy then asks Amanda if McCrae was more loyal to J-U-DD than to their alliance of four (another suballiance: Amanda, McCrae, Helen, Andy). Amanda tells him yes because J-U-DD and McCrae had a final two deal.
Amanda then begins to tell Andy how much more loyal Aryan is to them than Helen. And there it is! It was a subtle kaboom, but mark my words - Amanda will put Helen in her crosshairs. I knew my girl wouldn't let a comment that Helen was targeting her pass her by unnoticed. Amanda then begins to get emotional about how loyal she, Andy, Aryan and McCrae are to each other. She tells Andy that she really feels like it could happen - all of them in the final four. Andy agrees.
And then we have the Nomination Ceremony. Andy has nominated Spencer and Jessie for eviction. Unfortunately, there were post ceremony blow-ups or brawls. Although, Jessie did put on some scary stripper bathing suit and bounce in and out of the water for the boys outside grilling dinner. She's so pathetic.
Several hours passed and I flipped my feeds back on around 10pm EST - which was perfect timing! To my utter delight, I see Amanda, McCrae, Aryan and Andy in the Have-Not room. Amanda is telling them all that if they stick together, they will get to the final four. She tells them they need to get Helen out as soon as possible (yes!). Aryan scrunches up her face and asks, "Are you sure?" And here is where Amanda lays out the plan. Andy has control of Spencer, Aryan has control of VaGina, Amanda has control of Elvira. The only wild cards out there are Jessie and Helen. This week they'll get rid of Jessie and then next week, Helen. Between the four of them they completely run the house. Andy begins to get excited about the idea. He loves Helen but homegirl is screwing up his game. Sensing Andy's excitement, Aryan begins to get excited. All the while, McCrae nods and agrees. And there you have it, a birth of a new alliance. Meet 3AM - 3 A's (Amanda, Aryan, Andy) and and M (McCrae). Their mission is a simple one - take the house back from Helen!
When Amanda and McCrae leave the room, Andy and Aryan have a chat about the final four. Aryan says that she and Andy are stronger than Amanda and McCrae. Andy almost tinkles himself and remarks that he's getting goosebumps all over.
On a personal note, I LOVE this new alliance of four. It would be my ideal final four because I like everyone involved and I think it would be a fantastic battle at the end of the game. We know I love Amanda. Andy is growing on me everyday. I've totally forgiven Aryan. As for McCrae, I'm not thrilled with him right now, but I'd rather he be in the running to win over than any of the others in the house (Helen, Spencer, Elvira, Jessie, VaGina). I usually bail on the feeds in the end of the game due to boring and uninteresting people, but this 3AM excites me!
So, what do you think of Andy's nominations? Will VaGina go apeshit if Jessie wins POV? Will Helen find out about 3AM? What do you think of a 3AM final four? Comment it out bitches and have a great day!
And, don't forget, the Big Brother Gossip Show is LIVE tonight at 10pm at THIS PLACE!