When a group of like-minded people come together for the greater good, it is a tribe of sorts. And if that tribe has a well-executed plan and a clever name, it is a force to be reckoned with. Kindred spirits marching through time and space to the beat of their own drums plucking away all who stand in their way. I've gotta make this one quick today so... Let's recap, shall we?
OK, so Andy is our HOH and now it's time for him to hold court in his boudoir and meet with all the underlings. It sounds simple enough only it means that Andy is stuck up in his ivory tower with no one to pop in on. This is a new feeling for Andy. One that makes him antsy and pace a lot.
I flipped on the feeds when Andy was meeting with Helen. Normally, I can't be bothered with Helen - her cheerleading schtick drives me up a wall - but this little conversation right here is the first domino falling in a whole mess of dominoes. It will set the pace for, quite possibly, the rest of the game.
So, Andy and Helen are chatting about who should go up on the block. Andy already has his plan (Spencer and Jessie), but he's kindly hearing everyone else's thoughts. Helen tells him that she loves Amanda and McCrae, but that she thinks those are the two HG's they can't win against. Helen leans over with her hypnotic eyes and sympathetic brows, "Keep that in mind, Andy." Andy switches the subject to Jessie and they both agree that she is much more dangerous than Spencer. Helen says that Spencer is more malleable. Helen then starts to repeat itself over and over again, like she's putting a spell on the ginger lad, "You want to make a big move when you're HOH. Now is the time to make a big move, Andy. Look into my pinwheel eyes." Andy sits quietly and Helen continues, "If I win HOH next week, I might make a big move. I don't want to let the moment pass by."
Look folks, what Helen is trying to do here is get Andy to nominate Amanda and McCrae. Andy knows this is what she wants, but he is a smart guy. Plus, he doesn't care for pinwheels. The two then discuss who is the more dangerous of the two and they both agree that McCrae is. Helen tells him she thinks they can both beat Amanda, but not McCrae. Andy sighs and tells Helen that the only two people he trusts implicitly in this game are Amanda and McCrae. Amanda and McCrae are the only ones who told him everything about all of J-U-DD's many final two alliances. Helen looks visibly annoyed. She leaves the room, but not before she says, "Ooookaaaay, I will let you take the lead on this one." Umm, bitch, YOU ARE NOT HOH!
A frustrated Helen then heads downstairs to talk with Amanda in the bathroom. Helen tells Amanda that J-U-DD wanted to play with McCrae and wanted him all for himself. Amanda remarks, "I love McCrae, but this is a game and we have to play for ourselves. (Truth be told, she wants McCrae to win. Amanda is playing Helen right here.) Amanda tells Helen that if the four of them stick together (Amanda, McCrae, Helen, Elvira (Elissa)), then they will all make it to the final four like the Brigade did. She says as long as someone doesn't throw a wrench into their plan, it is smooth sailing from here to the final four.
Back up in the HOH, Andy tells Spencer that he is going on the block, but he is NOT going home. Andy says, "I want to tell you to not even pack your bags because there is no way you're going home." Spencer trusts Andy, but the idea of going on the block scares the hell out of him. Andy swears that it will be a unanimous vote to evict Jessie. Spencer then asks Andy if Helen is a threat to Spencer. Andy tells Spencer that Helen has much bigger fish to fry. Spencer sighs, "Well, Helen liked Howard too and she slit his throat." Andy, again, reassures Spencer that he is going nowhere this week. If Jessie happens to win HOH, then VaGina (GinaMarie) will go on the block and then home. The meeting ends with the two hugging it out.
Next up is Aryan. Andy tells her immediately that he wants to get rid of Jessie this week because she's ready to make a big move and he thinks it's going to be against someone they don't want her to make it against (i.e. Amanda & McCrae). Andy says the only people that matter to him are Amanda, McCrae, Aryan and Helen. He is completely fine going after Spencer next week. Aryan asks her if Jessie wins POV, will VaGina go on the block. Andy answers yes. Aryan says that if that happens, she's going to throw a vote VaGina's way or else she'll totally freak out. Aaryn then sighs and says that she is scared of Spencer. She has put him on the block twice and she's positive he'll come after her. Andy assures Aryan that he can get Spencer to go after Elvira and even Jessie if she ends up staying.
Meanwhile, Elvira, Amanda and McCrae are sitting outside. Elvira tells Amanda that she doesn't like how close Amanda is to Aryan. Amanda says that she's keeping Aryan close in order to protect Elvira and make sure Aryan never puts Elvira on the block. Amanda says she will continue to stay close to Aryan in case she wins something else. Elvira nods and the two talk about how great Aryan is in challenges. Amanda then tells Elvira that J-U-DD was trying to turn her and McCrae against Helen and Elvira. She tells Elvira that J-U-DD was trying to convince her that Elvira was MVP. Amanda tells Elvira she never believed him. She thinks J-U-DD was MVP. Andy then comes outside and asks Amanda if he can talk to her next.
Andy and Amanda head upstairs and the big question on every feedsters mind is whether or not Andy will tell Amanda that Helen wants to go after her and McCrae. The conversation starts out much like all the others - Spencer and Jessie are going up, Jessie will go home, VaGina will be replacement nom, yadda yadda yadda. Andy then tells Amanda that he doesn't think Helen is gunning for Amanda and McCrae, but who knows with Helen? It could get down to Wednesday and Helen could change her mind. The comment sort of flies over Amanda's head because she replies with, "It is imperative that Jessie goes home this week." Andy then says, "I'll be honest, Helen is worried about you and McCrae." BINGO!
Andy says that Helen was wondering when would be the best time to get rid of Amanda and McCrae. Amanda replies, "Really?" Andy assures her that he squashed it and told Helen that Amanda and McCrae are super loyal. Oddly enough, Amanda doesn't seem very worried about it at all. Andy then asks Amanda if McCrae was more loyal to J-U-DD than to their alliance of four (another suballiance: Amanda, McCrae, Helen, Andy). Amanda tells him yes because J-U-DD and McCrae had a final two deal.
Amanda then begins to tell Andy how much more loyal Aryan is to them than Helen. And there it is! It was a subtle kaboom, but mark my words - Amanda will put Helen in her crosshairs. I knew my girl wouldn't let a comment that Helen was targeting her pass her by unnoticed. Amanda then begins to get emotional about how loyal she, Andy, Aryan and McCrae are to each other. She tells Andy that she really feels like it could happen - all of them in the final four. Andy agrees.
And then we have the Nomination Ceremony. Andy has nominated Spencer and Jessie for eviction. Unfortunately, there were post ceremony blow-ups or brawls. Although, Jessie did put on some scary stripper bathing suit and bounce in and out of the water for the boys outside grilling dinner. She's so pathetic.
Several hours passed and I flipped my feeds back on around 10pm EST - which was perfect timing! To my utter delight, I see Amanda, McCrae, Aryan and Andy in the Have-Not room. Amanda is telling them all that if they stick together, they will get to the final four. She tells them they need to get Helen out as soon as possible (yes!). Aryan scrunches up her face and asks, "Are you sure?" And here is where Amanda lays out the plan. Andy has control of Spencer, Aryan has control of VaGina, Amanda has control of Elvira. The only wild cards out there are Jessie and Helen. This week they'll get rid of Jessie and then next week, Helen. Between the four of them they completely run the house. Andy begins to get excited about the idea. He loves Helen but homegirl is screwing up his game. Sensing Andy's excitement, Aryan begins to get excited. All the while, McCrae nods and agrees. And there you have it, a birth of a new alliance. Meet 3AM - 3 A's (Amanda, Aryan, Andy) and and M (McCrae). Their mission is a simple one - take the house back from Helen!
When Amanda and McCrae leave the room, Andy and Aryan have a chat about the final four. Aryan says that she and Andy are stronger than Amanda and McCrae. Andy almost tinkles himself and remarks that he's getting goosebumps all over.
On a personal note, I LOVE this new alliance of four. It would be my ideal final four because I like everyone involved and I think it would be a fantastic battle at the end of the game. We know I love Amanda. Andy is growing on me everyday. I've totally forgiven Aryan. As for McCrae, I'm not thrilled with him right now, but I'd rather he be in the running to win over than any of the others in the house (Helen, Spencer, Elvira, Jessie, VaGina). I usually bail on the feeds in the end of the game due to boring and uninteresting people, but this 3AM excites me!
So, what do you think of Andy's nominations? Will VaGina go apeshit if Jessie wins POV? Will Helen find out about 3AM? What do you think of a 3AM final four? Comment it out bitches and have a great day!
And, don't forget, the Big Brother Gossip Show is LIVE tonight at 10pm at THIS PLACE!
I love it! the more drama the better. they had gotten to this almost complacent, we're going to pick people off point and I hate that.
ReplyDeleteYou like Demanda ?
ReplyDeleteWhat a joke...
Sorry, I'm not one of the sheeple aboard the hate train. I actually admire good game play.
DeleteI LOVE 3AM!!!!! They would go until the end if they can pull it off like they want. I would love to see Andy & McCrae in the F2 (I'm from Chicago and just ADORE Andy), and McCrae should be there because he has earned it, but I believe HE is the silent mastermind behind who has been evicted and in which order...not Helen; I believe he comes up with the name and Helen takes over from there. There could be a wild card in Aaryn, because when that chick wants and NEEDS to win comps, she does. Amanda annoyed me last week but she was PMSing I think. Overall, this group SHOULD be the F4 imo. Most entertaining, and hardest players...it always looks like Helen is the leader, but, obviously, she's not.
ReplyDeleteAndy/McCrae all the way!! lol 3AM! too funny
Finally something to get excited about! Game on! I wish they'd back door pinwheels this week. What if she wins hoh next week or Elvira?
ReplyDeleteI hope Helen does find out about the 3AM meeting with hints of the agreement & that Jessie does win POV do we can have some prolonged and entertaining DRAMA! Can you imagine Helen's face when she realizes what is up and that she lacks the power/support to combat it after getting rid of all the people she was able to control!?
ReplyDeletePlease, let GM go home. Jessie will bring more game drama. GM just brings idiotic drama.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry lala, I love listening to the bbg podcast and I appreciate you and your fellow hosts opinion. However I really feel like your love for Amanda is based on you knowing and liking her family. She really has been a terrible person in the house all summer, some of her comments have been extremely disgusting and unnecessarily derogatory. Obviously you are you're own person and have the right to support or cheer on whomever you'd like, and I would never hold it personally against you or anyone for liking any of the houseguest. It's just when I listen to your show you all (mainly you and Mike) seemed to just ignore all if not most of Amanda's comments and/or behavior but at the same time put down other houseguests for their behavior which is not nearly as bad (in my opinion). I really hope that you might re watch this season and rethink your opinion on Amanda. Although I disagree with your opinion on Amanda I really enjoy your podcast every week, I've been a loyal listener for the past 3 seasons, keep up the excellent work, you all do a great job!
ReplyDeleteFor the record, I liked Amanda long before I heard from her family. Is she perfect? No. However, I do think she is playing an incredibly strong game. Unfortunately, the public seems to have let their personal feelings about someone cloud their judgment on true and strategic game play. Right now, I think Amanda, Helen and Andy have the strongest games. I hate Helen! But I can acknowledge the game she's playing.
DeleteITA, kennedy....can't root for sm1 who's a bully, a racist and above all a hypocrite (don't care how good their game is), but I will say if Helen goes next week, it serves her right for being sooo stupid as to go with 'the house' for so long... As for McCrae...I wonder if he's seen 'Fatal Attraction' (I will NOT be ignored" ..Poor lad's gonna need a restraining order...lmao
DeleteIf Amanda was a man people would be praising her gameplay but because she's a strong opinionated women she's a bitch and bully to many. She tells it like it is and plots the demise of every person who stands between her and her man. And to boot she hasn't won one comp yet. I like her cause she's a great player and deserves to be in the final. As far as all the racist hate going on about her, I don't believe she is racist. She has a weird sense of humor and doesn't mean what she says. She is very astute and knows that the racist comments have been getting paid attention too this Season. Being an attention whore she wants to be front and center and in every frame so she is playing a role. She has been faithful to her alliance as long as she felt they were loyal to her. She has a good instincts and has been right on except for J U DD.
DeleteLala, I would have liked to see J U DD, Helen, Andy and McCrae in the final 4, But I could live with your scenerio since Helen was the first to go there. But I would watch out for Aryan cause I think she is more loyal to Helen and is still honoring the deal they made when Helen was HOH, even though Helen isn't. Kim G
So, the public dislikes Amanda, and you attribute that to us letting our personal feelings cloud OUR judgement. Your hatred of Helen would be the same thing.
DeleteI personally find it refreshing to find someone blog that likes Amanda. I don't understand all this hate for her. I actually had someone ask me if I "liked Hitler too" on another blog when I stated I like her. She is strong and outspoken. Lala can attest that New England girls tell it like it is. There is no Northern Hospitality. LOL. That's why I love her! Not only has she called Jessie on her bullshit, but she also rescued her from the "mean girls". Nobody remembers that. She also tried to get Aaryn to cool it with the racist remarks. She tried to explain to Candice that her loyalty to "Howie" was going to bring her down. All in the kitchen that night agreed with her. AND she is playing the game unlike some people (Do you know where you are today Jessie?" People are made that she is running the house, shouldn't they be mad at the people who are letting her. If your favorite houseguest in bending to the will of Amanda or anyone else, that's your houseguest fault. Not Amanda's.
DeleteThank you very much for your blog. I laugh my ass off every time I read it. I don't think you let your personally feelings cloud your blog. If anything I think yours is the most unbiased recap. The only inkling that you do not care for people is in the funny nicknames. Keep it up. Thanks KimG for the assist the other day against Ryan. He was harsh wasn't he?
For me, the ultimate, GAME-focuesed drama would occur if McCrae were forced to battle Helen in Final 2 or 3. Their styles are so different, but they are each incredibly smart. Getting to this result would require a lot of blood-letting as Amanda and others left the game. And that would be far more fun to watch than Amanda being rewarded for her bullying tactics. Look, I don't like to throw words like "bully" around, and I've enjoyed watching funny, smart, in-love with the pizza boy Amanda. But when she's bitchy, she's not playing the game; she's behaving as if she's entitled to stay, and that everyone else should just get the fuck out of her way. She needs to be knocked down a peg, whether it happens soon (unlikely) or in a three weeks or so during a DE, which would be awesome. If she sticks to gaming hard, I'm happy for her to stay. It's the irrational personal crap that makes me want her out.
ReplyDeleteI think leaving the option to bring back a juror is great. We might get Judd back, which would throw everyone's plans into chaos, and having an additional HG would necessitate a second DE. Otherwise, there is no need for one, and honestly, the way this season is going, they NEED to do a second one.
Oh, and by the way. I don't want Helen in the F2 or F3 because I want her to win. I want her there so that she has to take the mask off. I sort of think her reputation as a "good" person is important to her. So let's expose her.
ReplyDeleteForgive Aaryn? Sure! Forget? Hell No! She's a poisonous bitch along with that big mouth slut, cow Amanda. I admire her too, not many women will give a man a blow job after not cleaning up after period sex! Hardcore!
ReplyDeleteYeah, that was so nasty. Even McCrae told her it was gross.
DeleteI love Andy and think this alliance could take him to the final! I hope its a McCrae and Andy final!
ReplyDeleteSo sorry that Amanda is "your girl". Your readers need to work on getting rid of your rose colored glasses when it comes to Mrs. McCrae. Having said that, your articles are pure enjoyment.
ReplyDeleteHere's what I think on the remaining HGs:
Amanda and Helen – The Commanders. These two intelligent, but crafty women are playing and controlling everyone. The HG’s always talk about getting rid of one of them, but end up saying now is not the time or it’s too early in the game and the Commanders continue their march to victory. The other HG’s are afraid of them – no one wants to be the one to pull the trigger on them. They will have to be blindsided.
Aaryn and GM – The Nasty Girls. These nasty girls have gotten back into the good graces of the house guests and their wickedness has all been but forgotten. America dislikes these girls (along with Amanda) for reasons that are so very obvious and very disturbing. I personally dislike these two girls more than anyone in the house in BB history. They are terrible people.
Jessie, Elissa, Spencer – The Moaners. These three only do what they are told and they are lied to by the other HGs. They are on need to know basis by the other HGs even then they do not need to know because their fate is never in their hands. They are not game players. These are the true floaters in the game. However, one of these three is who I would want sitting next to me in the final two because whoever sits next to one of them will win. The rest of the HGs should wise up and bring them one of them along to the end.
McCrae and Andy – The Calming Forces. One of these two guys will likely make it to the end because they have played the game quietly without ruffling too many feathers. They each have a Commander pulling the strings for them and they are tip-toeing forward to the $$. But they do have to put up with Commanders Amanda and Helen, therefore, they should receive a separate reward for enduring Amanda and Helen if nothing else.
**Side Note** I hope McCrae gets his head back when he leaves the game and does not move to Florida when this is done. He will last about two seconds with Comanda outside the game.
Wow! Two days in a row of posts from you is awesome! Thanks! I have been so bummed since Judd's eviction (what a waste of a DE) that I haven't been on the feeds as much and have been using the time to watch BBAU per your recommendation. I just finished episode 7 and I'm loving it so far!
ReplyDeletePssst (Truth be told, she wants McCrae to win) is Bullshit. You're brainwashed or something and in bad need of an intervention. You never would have believed crap like that in the past. The reason Xmanda is not that worried about HellMom is she knows McStrange would be the one going home. If she were really worried she'd be curled up in the fetal position bawling uncontrollably like always. I want Poopy to win so unfortunately she needs the Creature from Boca for a few more weeks. Seriously you need to get some help for your Xmanda blindness!
ReplyDeleteSo we disagree? So what? I'm getting sick of the insults. I like someone you don't. Get over it.
DeleteLala - I think most of us are using satire in our posts, because that is what you create in your sassy yet insightful articles. Hopefully none of these post are seriously intended as insults towards you for liking Amanda for her intelligence in the game. It spices up the comment section when there are disagreements, don't you think?
I can tell the difference. Week in and out the same people say the same shit like they're suddenly going to change my mind by calling me names. What-ever!
DeleteIt's amazing to me that the people who hate Amanda are using the same bullying attitude and personal attacks they claim to hate her for.
DeleteNo, you obviously can not tell the difference. I can't image anyone taking any of this seriously. I was joking about you needing help, maybe it's not a joking matter.
DeleteLove reading your blog! That is all. :D
ReplyDeleteOkay, it's time someone put this loony season into perspective. People are calling for its cancellation, for god's sake, just because some reality contestants have revealed their ugly sides. I'm really of two different minds on this season. My dominant side ignores the despicable things everyone (except Elvira) has uttered and roots for hissable villains to stay and claw at each other. That part of me wants Helen to leave ASAP, because she works overtime to squelch drama, which makes for boring viewing. That part of me adores brassy (okay, bitchy) broads like VaGina and Amanda. Now, the other part of me---which is, thankfully, my submissive side---wishes for swift comeuppance for the clueless hatemongers like Aaryn, Amanda, VaGina, and Spencer, now that he's being vilified for what looked to me like a poor Louis CK impression in which he waxed rhapsodic about kiddie porn. What is baffling to me is why nobody who's commenting on this season can see that we can have it both ways. We can have entertaining television while the buffoons are on and then enjoy watching Julie Chen start the process of tearing them new assholes as soon as they leave the house. Aaryn, Amanda, and VaGina have made their beds; they'll either wind up clinging to reality TV to make a living off their past missteps or whore themselves out in porn to pay for Adderall. They're not going to go back to their jobs once they leave the house, because they've exposed themselves to be terrible, prejudiced, ignorant people. Consequently, let's enjoy booing their bad behavior for as long as it lasts, secure in the knowledge that their comeuppance is inevitable. What we should REALLY be afraid of is what AG has in store for us next year: a houseful of safe, quiet milquetoasts whose every utterance will be workshopped and edited for content.
ReplyDeletePlease, can we just enjoy the ride while it lasts?
Great blog, as always! Even when I disagree with you (which isn't often), you still make me giggle!
I say this ALL the time on our podcast. I love watching the hot messes. My nightmare is an Elissa, Helen, Andy final three. I need my drama! It was my argument for keeping Jeremy longer. He's a douchebag, yes, but he also had great fight potential. I can't understand people wanting to get rid of Amanda so soon. Her outbursts are keeping this game interesting. Do fans even comprehend how BORING the house will be without the crazy that Amanda, GM, etc bring?
DeleteI, too, hope 3AM steamroll the rest of the season, starting with Helen next week (fingers crossed she or Elvira don't win HOH). I love Amanda's game and despite her school-girl whininess/jealousy and hypocritically racist comments/bully-ish behavior, I can't say I wouldn't be behaving somewhat similar. It's a stressful environment and I too have an off sense of humor. (Side-note: don't you wish Amanda would speak her DR's like she talks in real life? So much more relatable than canned loud sound bites). Anywho, I want Amanda in the final 2 if not only to hope that she would slaughter the final plea and lay out just exactly how she's run this house since day one. Aryan is a beast at gameplay and also deserves a final 2 slot, hopefully allowing for an Amanda victory.
ReplyDeleteFor the record, McRae has been the most stand-up, level-headed player of the season. Every time he calls Amanda out on her bs (game-wise or emotionally), I completely agree. Except he's been hiding behind Amanda's target this whole time and I don't respect that. Some may say its wise to play with un-bloodied hands, but I say it's weak. He just might win if he makes f2 so I'd rather he not make it.
Andy's FINALLY stepping up, and I'm glad for that (apparently he's my neighbor here in Chi), but me thinks its a little too late. I commend big moves from the start (behind the scenes ala Amanda or otherwise) rather than floating halfway to the end.
I adore you Colette and don't miss-read my tweets as bullying, just tough love (I learned from Amanda), I just needed you back in my life.
Hugs kisses and bitchyness!
I have been hooked for years and finally got someone to agree to watch it this year. What a year to pick lol. They bailed quickly but I have discovered your blog and r podcast so I'm still hooked. Love your blog.
ReplyDeleteI'm not saying she is playing a bad game for this season, this cast is dumb as rocks and haven't compared notes with one another all game. Everyone is taking everything personally and playing with emotion rather then using their brains. I give props to Amanda for knowing this and taking full advantage of it. However, in most, if not all other seasons she would have been gone so long ago it wouldn't have been funny, and knowing how big a fan you are it's shocking to me that you don't acknowledge that her success this season is due to the cast and not to her excellent game play. Now, if you don't feel this way that's one thing, but it's hard for me to believe that you wouldn't. Can you imagine her "shtick" working in season 4,5,6,7,8 (dick would have destroyed her) 10, 11,12,13,14,15. She probably would have been able to get away with this on season 9 because as we can all agree that that cast was a bunch of idiots. If Amanda's was playing a role a la Evel Dick or Dr. Will just to win this season I honestly would love her gameplay, but it's clear to me that this is her true personality and shes fucking evil, I can't stand her. The shit she says is just wrong and unnecessary, even Mccrae clearly thinks she had gone over the top numerous times (he's only with her for the sex and I bet now he's scared to death of her reaction if he were to leave her while their still in the house). As a listener to your show and a reader of your blog it feels as if you actually like her as a person as opposed to just enjoying her character on the show. I also love characters who are "hot mess's" as much as you do but she has crossed a line with me, she's way to old to be acting the way she does. Please, I am not a cat lady, in fact I am male big brother fan so please I don't want to come across as a "hater" because I truly respect your opinion and your right to have one, I just don't agree with it that's all. Anyway your blog and your podcast rocks, and as you all suggested a couple of shows ago I would gladly send you all $1 as Indy Mike mentioned
ReplyDeletePS Amanda is totally playing McCrae (evidenced by them backdooring J U DD, McCrae back up plan),once the show is over and their done with the press circuit its a wrap (unless he wins the money)
McCrae made the comment that if he finds out (when he gets out of the house) that Judd was not the MVP, he's going to be pissed. There's only one person to be pissed at because of that. If he doesn't come out a winner that might be the end of their relationship. I don't agree that she's playing him. What girl talks to a guy about getting married and having him move all the way across the country if she's playing him? Isn't that what we use our boobs for? I'm a chick and may not be right, but the guys I know would run in the opposite direction if a girl started talking marriage a few weeks in. Especially the young ones with slack jobs? LOL.
DeleteColete- I hope you do not think I am insulting you, if so I apologize if I have offended you in any way. Its funny because I am not a fan of Helens but I do believe she is playing a much better game than Amanda. She might be fake, but she has strategically played a great game without cussing out every person in the house, or their families, or their races, or their emotional states, or any of their personal imperfections. Amanda is only in the house because people are physically scared to even say her name (which i guess is great from her perspective) let alone nominate and evict her.
ReplyDeletePS Thank you for letting me share my thoughts about the show, My girlfriend is sick of me talking big brother all the time. Ive been addicted to the show since season 3
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with everything Kennedy has said. Lala, I am not going to insult you because you don't deserve that, and those who have taken personal shots at you for your support of Amanda should not have because it's rude, it's what Amanda would do, and it doesn't work when you're trying to make an argument (it pisses off the person you're talking to.) However, I will disagree with you vehemently. Although Amanda is very good at getting people to do what she wants it's not through intelligent debate or being particularly convincing, it's through force. And Kennedy is correct in that the other houseguests (the ones that are left) are extremely weak-minded. The only exceptions are Helen and Aaryan. But Aaryan has become everyone's puppy cause she's desperate and alone, and Helen is busy doing her own manipulating so she's not subject to Amanda's manipulation although I do agree that she IS afraid of her because she does not appear to handle direct conflict) and everyone knows Amanda is going to rail into you if you cross her.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, the reason people hate Amanda (and Aaryan and GM) is not because they disapprove of her gameplay. Talking about Puerto-Ricans being smelly, and Candice's nappy-head hair, and calling Andy a fag, and Jessie a slut, etc. etc. etc. is not gameplay. And it cannot be argued that she was playing a role to get into people's good graces because in most of those instances she was being told by others in the house that she had crossed the line. So basically, she's just a bitch; and not the funny sarcastic kind we like : ) The entitled spoiled brat kind.
So even though she can make for good TV, we want her voted out at the risk that she may win $500,000 and be rewarded for her awful behavior.
Love your blog.
BRAVO.....TOUCHE'.......ITA :)
DeleteIf Amanda was a male she would be a dick. Gender does not change the fact that she is uncouth and a bully.
ReplyDeletePerhaps back in time a male acting like Amanda is would be seen as a strong player, these days, he'd be seen as an asshole.
ReplyDeleteI can't stand Amanda, Aryan or GM. Personally, I'd hate to see any of them rewarded for their actions. Good Lord, I'm a trucker, in one of the more politically incorrect industries in this country, and the bullshit that comes out of these young women's mouths wouldn't be considered acceptable to me and my peers.
Jessie was right, they always hate the pretty ones!
ReplyDeleteI still have no favorite! There were none to begin with and for me to act like I can begin to follow someone now would insult my intelligence. That being said, I love to watch the idiosyncratic interactions. THAT is what my BB experience is all about. The liars lie and the cheaters cheat (when they can). I cannot see how CBS did not know there were personalities which were pushing politically correct boundaries to begin with. There shouldn't be blame for the clueless (from the network, hence the now infamous disclaimer) for their lack of couth (as my wife puts it). Our country isn't a cross-section of people like that. There are extremes, and seemingly more of these types are applying to win $500,000 staying in a house with strangers all summer. Sure people always talk about others, because these strangers (not so strange now) are under our finer and finer tuned internet microscope. I myself am not going to judge them, not worship them (as some people do). I'll let the other social scientists (very loosely, VERY LOOSELY applied here) ply their talk show justice (like Julie Chen). I will just observe (just observing!)
Like an Injun (all non PC)
P.S. - I am a full-blooded Indian, a Puyallup Tribesman from Washington state
P.S.S. - Colette is my favorite (blogger)! No agenda here, just acknowledging time taken to write fanciful and witty takes on the evolution of the game...thanks!
DeleteColette, I like it better when we disagree, but still, your love of Amanda's gameplay is just out of bounds.
ReplyDelete1) she's been wrong about who the MVPs were. Simple deductive reasoning should've shown her that either a) the mvp was America or b) it was Judd because it certainly wasn't Howard when she said it was him
2) paranoia isn't sexy. I'm clinically insane and trust me, paranoia make me bitchy and hideous
3) Amanda's playing too hard with too many people. No matter how much she sexes up pizza boy, he's getting sick of her act, too. He could blindside her with a Spencer, Andy, and someone else deal.
4) and this one's important, more people will hate her in a final 2 with anyone to vote for her.
great blog per usual
I have never seen a bigger group of ladies that have no class, no respect or dignity than the ladies (minus 2 possibly) left on this game. They are in for a reality check when they get out! Their parents should be embarrassed with their antics. This year is so predictable. Terrible year
ReplyDeleteIf this was a few weeks ago, I'd agree with those that say Amanda is a great game player, but now.. nah, like mentioned before, put her in the house with a Evel Dick, Dr. Will, or a Dan (You may find him boring, it doesn't change the fact he's played two great games, and is considered not only a Big Brother legend, but a genre legend) and she'd be gone in less then a month, that isn't opinion, its fact.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I get a kick out of the idea that any one in that house wants anyone but themselves to win the 500, 000. Give me a break, as a failed Big Brother Canada contestant, I feel as though I've just been slapped in the face. Just getting cast on the show, and entering the house is a battle in itself, after getting that far, NO ONE is going to play a game designed for someone else to win, don't even try to feed me that. If we get an Amanda/Mcrae final two, somehow, Amanda isn't going to throw herself under the bus for Mcrae to win, and like wise with him. Why would you even lie to your readers and imply such a thing? SMH...
My dream is to see Helen BD'd by Amanda (cuz she's sooo stupid) and then Amanda BD'd by McCrae (I will throw a party if this happens). I can't believe how she carried on because he didn't throw the HOH to her (boo fricken hoo) Food for thought - I wonder how McCrae's parents feel abt having a PIG for a daughter-in-law!! lmao
ReplyDeleteThank you, Colette, for not being afraid to stand up against the sheeple! I love Amanda, I love you, I love your blog, I love the drama of it all. This is pure BB enjoyment, people. If you are too high and mighty to enjoy it, kindly turn off your feeds and let the rest of us bask in the glory of it all.
ReplyDeleteOn another note...Did anyone else tear up a bit at CBS's edit of JU-DD's ouster on Sunday night? Considering that the poor doofus had been inaccurately labeled the MVP and was ejected so abruptly that he could only beg for votes, did anyone else in the viewing audience think that was perhaps the most cutthroat blindside in the history of reality TV, at least according to how it was shown? Speaking of edits, it's pretty clear that someone at CBS is really protective of Spencer and...less so of Amanda. What, a man can get away with uttering some of the vilest comments about sex and women and not have to deal with the repercussions, but a woman who dares to feel upset because she keeps losing gets raked over the coals? Come to think of it, has any man this season really been presented in edit as anything but saintly? Nothing about the kerfuffle between Howard and Amanda, not a peep about Spencer's lecherous comments about Jessie, only the barest hint that Jeremy might have been perceived as a bully by some, Andy's Muppet-like innocence, and yet Aryan, VaGina, Candice, Eyebrows, Amanda, and Jessie have all had their worst moments framed and gift-wrapped for the audience. It's particularly galling that Candice's (relatively few) dust-ups have just solidified the stereotype that black women are crazy, head-waggling, finger-snapping, "oh-no-you-di'int" bitches, since it won't be clear to the casual viewer that she A.) was driven to react by truly ugly interactions she hadn't initiated and B.) was in bed about 90% of the day. Why do you think the guys have gotten off so easy this season? Lazy editing? An attempt to create at least one or two heroes from a cast of villains?
ReplyDeleteOh, and Colette's picks for a nightmare final three are dead-on. A week of kumbayahing with Helen, Elissa, and Andy would make me want to gouge out my eyeballs and pop my eardrums. Andy's the most irritating of them all, because he perpetuates the stereotype of the sexless gay best friend. Just once, I'd love to see a gay man on a reality show (in America, that is) who didn't have to check his testicles at the door and become one of the girls.
DeleteI love how you defend Aryan and her racism by trolling some of the most vile racist crap yourself. You truly are a piece of crap.
DeleteI wish Warlow, Bill and Eric would attack the BB house like it was a Vampire prison. Leaving only Sookie I mean Poopy standing. Double D is sorely missed on the live feeds. On camera 1 we have grass growing and on camera 2 we have paint drying. This is the first year that the TV show is better than the live feeds.
ReplyDeleteIn other words, you're calling this season a "True Dud?" (Sorry, couldn't resist.)
ReplyDeleteHow is it that you have been able to completely come full circle on your opinion of Aaryn, Collette? Putting aside the fact that Aaryn is, at the very least, second to GM in the running for the most racially insensitive cast member in all of reality TV history, she is still disgusting and void of a single redeeming character attribute.
ReplyDeleteShe's a smug, self-centered, perpetually discontented, closed minded and over-privilege twit who is not deserving of a spot on the 3 AM alliance. I love you and your blog Collette so much otherwise your continual sympathizing of Aaryn wouldn't irritate me. Nor would the fact that you now seem to completely embrace her. How very Helen singing Kumbaya of you.
I totally agree.
DeleteTo defend Colette, it's not that she supports Aryan's racism; her GAME PLAY is pretty stellar, however. After a bazillion reality competitions in which cutthroat machinations and ruthlessness are prized attributes, we really should be able to judge separately a contestant's personal ugliness and her ability to play the game. Thanks to her nasty behavior in the house, Aaryn's life post-BB is probably not going to be good (maybe she can become a Tea Party spokesperson or work on Fox News), but there's no denying that she's a killer in the competitions and pretty damned good at manipulating how others perceive her. With the exception of Candice, whose perceptiveness was matched only by her inability to KEEP HER MOUTH SHUT WHEN IT MOST BEHOOVED HER TO DO SO (sorry, but it still bugs me that Candice will go down in history as a histrionic stereotype), everyone at some point has hated and targeted Aryan, yet she has somehow managed to weasel her way back into the good graces of everyone, even Jessie. (Did anyone else appreciate how well BBAD presented the gossip sesh between Raggedy Andy and Spencer in the hammock about how vapid Jessie is, only to cut to Jessie boring Aryan with her cake dream? Do you think Jessie picked up on how much she was boring Aryan and how Aryan's follow-up story about her own lesbian-scandal dream trumped the one Jessie had just recounted? It just goes to show that Aryan, despite her many, many personal flaws, knows how to play this game.) I would love to see a final three of Aryan, Amanda, and Spencer, because all three have been polarizing presences in the house, and they'd all gladly cut a proverbial bitch to win the money. Plus, it would mean that someone would have eliminated McCrae, which would give us at least a few days of Amanda Unleashed. Yay!
ReplyDeleteBut the thing is, aaryn has NO gameplay! Ugly game play and no gameplay so she needs to leave. Just being able to win competitions isn't what BB is about. And her winning those comps were from no skill of hers, just luck. And manipulating people? Aaryn has done no such thing. The only reason people aaren't targeting her anymore is just cause she's laying low, others have become bigger targets than her, and shes doing whatever "the house" tells her to do so to not make waves. She's expendable and once she's of no more use they'll cast her aside. She has no gameplay, she has no skills, she does nothing but talk about people behind their back on personal levels and then do whatever someone tells her to do. I love a player who does not attack people personally, keep everything on a game level, and strategically manipulate everyone. NO ONE in this house is doing that.
DeleteAfter viewing this season’s BB, I have to agree with a few of the previous posters, this is the worst season to pick a favorite. There isn’t even a “love to hate” person like Evel Dick or Dan this season. Yet, nearly every one of these people has sullied their reputations, their names, embarrassed if not humiliated their families on national TV for a meager stipend. It makes one wonder what we are worth to ourselves. Only a very very small percentage of BB alumni have used the game to cash-in on their fleeting fame. It is not a kick-off for an acting career because you have to be trained in acting to act (Jessie). And some like Aaryn, GM, Spencer and Amanda will probably lose a lot more over time in future income because of their horrible behavior than if they would have won. Yes GM, enjoy living with your parents for another 10 years because no one will hire a 33 year-old who acts like she is 13. Note to future house guests – just because your parents told you were special, adorable and fabulous as a child doesn’t mean that your specialness translates into adulthood – in fact, it does not. While only one will win the $375,000 (approx. amount winner gets after taxes) which is a significant amount, it makes me wonder if it is truly worth spending your summer locked in a house with the spoiled rotten of a clueless generation. I don’t think it is.
ReplyDelete"Clueless generation" makes me wonder whatever happened to casting people over the age of 35 for Big Brother. While I wouldn't trade "this" entertaining bunch of narcissists for anyone---this season, anyway---I'd certainly like to see some fortysomethings or even fiftysomethings in the house again. Survivor has never shied away from casting non-20somethings, and some of the best Amazing Race-rs have been older couples. Maybe people with a touch more life experience would balance out the rampant navel-gazing and incessant whining that usually make Big Brother a snoozefest about babies spouting nonsense about "good people" and "deserving" to win. Having said that, if AG can repeat fun of this batch of houseguests NEXT year, I don't care if everyone cast is twenty.
ReplyDeleteI think I'm going to miss Jessie and her shit stained stripper bikinis. I hope she steals McManda's cigs.
ReplyDeleteOnce Jessie's gone, there really won't be anyone left who can antagonize Helen, thereby rippling her otherwise placid exterior. For that reason, I'm really going to miss that vapid little dimwit. Anything that causes Helen to lose her carefully constructed facade is good for a laugh. Doesn't it always look as though Jessie's in pain every time she inhales?
ReplyDeleteBBAU all the way!!!
ReplyDeleteI think Onion Loins could find a way to lose a biggest tits in the house contest!
ReplyDeleteWhat's wrong Collette? Amanda got your tongue? LOL