Did I win? Did I mutherfuckin' win? Yeah, baby! Sta'en Island, yo! New Yawk represent muthafuckas! Youse think Nick is proud of me? I'm sure he is. Me and that kid, we had a connection, man. When I wear his muthfuckin' hat, I get like his juices and smells in my head, yo. What's that cawled. that thing where you can tawk to people with your brains? Telemundo! Oh man, me and Nick we got that telemundo shit, yo. This is fuh you, Nick! Now I gots my hair dye and I can shave my fuckin' twat without standin' up. Damn, yo! This is gonna be a great week! And youse can totally have a honeymoon in my bed. Nick's dead skin cells are up and crawling around in our bed downstairs. We tawk awl night about shit, you know. That kid, man, I miss him. I'm telemundo-ing you my love right now, Nick. Peace! Let's recap muthafuckas, shall we?
Oh dear baby Jesus, save us all. VaGina (GinaMarie) has won HOH and now she's going all Tony Robbins on us and shit. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's take a peek back at the Endurance competition...
So, the feeds return and we see the Houseguest's trotting along on their giant rolling pin. The only audio we hear is Spencer going into cardiac arrest. Fat man on a rolling pin is a recipe for disaster especially when the rolling pin pauses and switches directions. Kaboom goes Spencer, Candice and Helen. Shortly thereafter, Elvira (Elissa) joins them and she is PISSED. Production must have promised her HOH and, well, it didn't quite pan out.
As we fast forward through time and space, we find ourselves left with the final 2 of McCrae and VaGina. VaGina begs and pleads with McCrae to let her have HOH. She needs her hair dye, yo! McCrae understands, but he wants to seduce his lady in the privacy of the HOH room. VaGina tells him he can sleep her bed because Nick's bed is just now giving off musky aromas and it's exciting and awl for her twat. McCrae says, "I really want pictures of my family though."
The two continue on their rolling pins until McCrae finally stumbles and takes a tumble. VaGina then looks around at the empty rolling pin, "Did I win? Did I win? Can I get off now?" Yes, VaGina you may step down. She immediately leaps off the apparatus, grabs her crotch and does a Michael Jackson spin. Sta'en Island, yo!
Her win is then followed by a myriad of Oscar acceptance speeches were she tells us over and over and over again how she's a competitor who won't give up. Plus, she really wanted her muthafuckin' hair dye. Also, during the competition... Candice won $5000, Spencer has to talk into a megaphone until the Nomination Ceremony and Helen won a barbecue party for 4 people.
For the barbecue party, Helen chose Elvira (that's her best good friend), Aryan (because she followed through with her end of the deal as HOH) and the last spot was supposed to go to VaGina. VaGina turned it down because with HOH comes a very annoying selflessness. So now there will be a contest for the last spot. This is all very diplomatic and lovely and all that crap, but one little girl, one little frustrated pony, isn't happy at all.
Amanda and McCrae are sitting in the cockpit when Jessie comes stomping in all huffing and puffing. She is furious that Aryan, of all people, gets to go to Helen's BBQ party. Amanda explains to her that Aryan held up her end of the deal with her nominations last week. Jessie whines, "It's not fair! She gets to have alcohol and I don't!" Andy then enters the cockpit just as Amanda is telling Jessie to go talk to Helen about it. Jessie zips her lips as soon as she sees Andy. Amanda tells her, "It's ok. You can tell Andy." Jessie moans, "But he'll go tell HER!" McCrae laughs and jokes, "Yeah, shut up Andy!"
Amanda calmly tries to explain to Jessie that Aryan basically made Helen HOH last week and was loyal. Helen is simply thanking her by giving her one of the BBQ spots. Andy butts in, "Are you mad about the BBQ party? I totally won't say anything to Helen." Jessie whines (all this bitch does is whine!), "What about my loyalty thing? Aryan gets to have alcohol and I don't!" Amanda again tries to tell her that it's really no big deal, but Jessie is having none of it. "It's a huge deal! A BBQ party with alcohol is a huge deal!" Amanda shrugs her shoulders and says, "Well then, go talk to Helen about it." Andy agrees that Jessie should totally go talk to Helen.
Jessie, with her arms crossed against her chest and the frustration bubbling up inside her, says, "No! I don't want to talk to Helen." Clearly, the girl is insanely jealous. She also doesn't care for the advice that Amanda and Andy are giving her. The bitching and moaning continues for what seems like an eternity when J-U-DD finally walks in.
J-U-DD: "How are you doing, ahummina hummina."
Jessie: "Oh, I'm just great! I came in third in the competition."
J-U-DD: "Well, hummina, I came in sixth."
Jessie: "Why do you always want me to be happy?!"
J-U-DD: "Because you're always in a terrible mood." (Ha!)
Jessie: "Maybe if I had some pills to take, I wouldn't be in such a shitty mood right now!"
Oh no, she di-in't! J-U-DD gets silent (he takes Xanax daily). Amanda (she takes Adderall daily) also doesn't say a word. But she did this...
... and I immediately knew that things were about to get AWESOME!
Amanda then, without a word, gets up to leave. We then get a Production error because even though we can't see her, we can still hear her. Amanda, out in the kitchen area, is overheard saying, "Jessie is having a shit fit." Still, with no visual, we can hear Amanda tell Jessie to calm down if she's so worried about her position in the house. She tells Jessie she needs to stop blowing up about these things (stupid shit like BBQ parties).
Finally, we get the two sitting together on a couch. Jessie is now all fired up and angry that a certain group of people are running the house. Amanda tells her that if it bugs her so much, then she should vote how she wants to vote. Amanda says, "If you're so fired up over people being fake, go up to their faces and tell them how you feel. Go up to Helen's face who didn't invite you to the fucking BBQ party maybe because you were contemplating flipping the house on them and you keep telling them they're in power. So don't sit there and be a little fucking girl and cry about not being invited to a fucking BBQ when you were contemplating flipping the house on the women who can give away a BBQ!" Oh snap! *giggles*
Jessie yells, "I wasn't contemplating flipping the house on Helen... or you! The plan was brought to me, Amanda." Amanda then tells Jessie to go cry in the corner and have a little shit fit under the sheets. LMAO
Jessie then stomps off. Amanda goes into the kitchen area and tells Helen, Elvira and Candice what just happened and why Jessie is mad about Aryan going to the BBQ. Helen says, "I invited Aryan because Aryan held up her end of the deal." Amanda tells her that Jessie is going around the house bitching to everyone about it.
Then, out of nowhere, Candice starts to cry about her precious "Howie" (ugh). Candice cries about how she wanted "her person" to stay and now she's at the bottom of the pecking order. Helen says, "We're not on the top!" Amanda then asks Candice why she wanted to keep a guy in the house who was so bad for her game. Amanda knows that Candice was trying to flip the house to get rid of Amanda. Candice continues to holler in that shrill voice of hers which causes Amanda to snap. Amanda yells, "Wanna know what Howard said to me the other day in the kitchen? He came right up to me..." And then we get FISH.
There is a scandal based on something Howard said ("I want to fuck the shit out you...") and, for some reason, Production is protecting the hell out of him. But don't you worry, bitches. Tomorrow night on the Big Brother Gossip Show we will have ALL the details and behind the scenes juicy nuggets. You won't want to miss it!
The feeds come back and Amanda is still shouting, "...so protect that fucking guy over these girls who have been loyal to you and trying to keep you in this fucking game the whole time! That's scheming??? Want to know why I didn't tell you that? Because I didn't want to hurt your feelings!" Candice replies, "That would not have hurt my feelings." Amanda says how she feels so stupid for defending Candice in the past now and then she storms out.
McCrae then enters and tells Candice that Spencer wanted Howard to stay in the house as well, but he was smart enough to stay out of it and keep his mouth shut. Everyone in the kitchen then tells Candice how they all wanted her to stay, but the bitch keeps crying. Amanda comes back into the kitchen and Candice says, "I didn't know the dude said that to you!" Amanda tells her that she didn't know what to do after he said it so she went into the DR for an hour because she was so freaked out. She tells Candice that the remark was irrelevant to the game and didn't think it was necessary for Candice to know about it. Amanda continues, "I don't understand why you would try to flip the house when Howard was never really that loyal to you in the first place." Amanda tells Candice how everyone kept telling her she was safe, but she refused to believe them.
Then, THEN!, Helen starts to cry. She tells Candice it broke her heart that Candice tried to flip the house and frame Elvira and Helen. Candice yells back that they're running HOH every week and are constantly upstairs. Helen replies, "Well then go upstairs and start making deals too."
Amanda and others begin to leave the kitchen leaving only Candice, VaGina and Andy behind. Candice tells VaGina about Howard's remark to Amanda. Andy then jumps in and says he saw the whole thing. He says he didn't hear exactly what Howard said because he was whispering really close to Amanda, but that Amanda's body language was really weird. Andy says, "It looked like there was some sort of odd encounter going on." Candice, still in denial, doesn't believe it. Again, don't jump to any conclusions on what you might think I believe in all of this. I have yet to state my opinion. However, I'm still being called a racist day in and day out. *sigh* Tomorrow night, folks. Tomorrow night on the Big Brother Gossip Show!
Apparently, more fighting continued throughout the night, but, for some reason. Production blocked a huge chunk of it. I've got to a shake a tail feather and hit the road, but I'll definitely be looking into it all later. Look for possibly Candice, Spencer or Jessie to be nominated for eviction today. And, to mix things up, I'm voting HELEN for MVP! Homegirl needs to be knocked down a peg.
So, what do you think of VaGina being HOH? Why is Jessie such a bratty little kid? How great is the Big Brother Gossip Show going to be tomorrow night? Comment it out bitches and have a great day!
I think there is going to be a lot of crying this week, which will be super annoying.
ReplyDeleteJessie is hilarious right now...does she even realize that she is playing Big Brother? My girlfriend's mom who only watches the CBS shows, texted us at last week's eviction and said, "Who is Jessie?" Lol!
My favorite line on the show last night was when Candice called a house meeting and Amanda said (very sarcastically), "House meetings always go well". I never got a chance to watch that meeting on the feeds and it was ridiculous. I'm so ready for Candice to leave. I think she is a terrible player, which was highlighted in her house meeting.
Absolutely! Candice is a Horrible Player!!!
DeleteThis whole fight was SO convoluted. Fan reactions to it are even weirder. I was reading in a thread that, obviously, Amanda is lying, because production isn't allowed to show a contestant discussing a lie on the feeds, hence why they keep blocking out the juicy bits. So, even though there is a muffled clip of Howard whispering something, and Amanda looking freaked out, and a fabulous character witness to verify, really its all just a smear campaign against the great Howard. I shit you not.
ReplyDeleteWhat is WRONG with people?! I'm looking forward to your thoughts on the pod cast, Layla. I need to hear some words of sanity.
I agree that Howard is being wrongly accused - either Amanda misunderstood what he said or she made it up. I think that type of character (i.e. Spencer) would have shown up in Howard before now and he wouldn't have been so crass when he was on the block. I wonder if Jeff S. will ask him about it on the live chat today.
DeleteWhere can I see this Big Brother Gossip Show????
ReplyDeleteEvery Saturday at 10 pm at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/paulisded
DeleteIf you miss the show live, you can download it for free on iTunes. Search "Big Brother Gossip."
OR we now have a website where all of the shows are conveniently archived.
DeleteI've had some STUPID discussions with people about this. So many people somehow believe that the only thing productions see or hears is what WE see or here. Come on. When I point out that production is monitoring ALL cameras in the house, the response is that Howard's mic wasn't on so they didn't hear it. NO! Howard's mic wasn't sent to the feeds, as that wasn't the shot being aired. But THEY have it! And THEY have admitted it happened! The bb social media fanbase has become the worst of the worst.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to hear you guys talk about that incident on your podcast. If Howard really did say that, it seems like it would be totally out of character which makes me wonder if he is a completely different person outside of the house...
DeleteIt's not out of character at all. He said stuff like that all the time in the house. It just doesn't air.
Deleteonly fair to get his side of the story too...
ReplyDeleteThere was some controversy on the live feeds this week over a comment you whispered to Amanda in the kitchen. She got pretty riled up about it, talking about feeling threatened and having production check the tapes. Can you tell us what happened? What did you say to her?
"I mean, basically it was nothing. This was after the big thing outside where Candice confronted Spencer. At this point, I'm just carefree in the game. ... I just saw an opportunity to joke with her .. I walked up and I said, 'I love you' and she said, 'What, no you don't?' and I said, 'No, I love you.' With her being brash and she's never been one to be shy about her sexuality, in a joking manner, I whispered, 'I really do love you and outside this house you'd be so hot to me and we could hang out' and that was it. That's a joke I felt I could joke with her about because her, Candice and maybe GinaMarie, they're really open about their sexuality and that was basically it. She made more of it because she never really could figure me out because she couldn't control me. I guess she took it as a game ploy ... I mean, that's basically what it was. I wouldn't harass anybody."
Amanda is telling the house you said you want to "f*** the s*** out of her."
"No. No. It wasn't anything to that degree. Basically, I said we could hang out, you're so hot. She had always joked with me in that fashion, even in public around other houseguests. ... It was said in a joking manner. If she took it as [threatening], I will apologize over and over because I definitely didn't mean it in an offensive manner."
Did you really think Howard would admit to saying that? Whether he did or not, he's not going to admit to anything.
DeleteThat was very funny! Thanks for the laugh. And at Scott earlier when he said the "BB social media fan base is the worst of the worst", well, I couldn't agree with you more. Totally spot on. Difficult to read so I don't go there too often anymore. But I'll NEVER turn away from a LaLa blog! Why? Because I love to laugh. And I don't think I've missed a podcast. Good to know you have a website. Yeah! Big leagues!
DeleteOMG! @ Jeff, I thought you were kidding! I see now that he did say that. My bad.
DeleteThe written interview is very different from Howard's audio interview on Rob Has a Podcast. The story is similar (but I don't think he said "hang out"), but it's extremely creepy. Even if it's a joke to him, you don't tell someone who's in a relationship that you want to get with them, which is what he admits he said. And remember, that's him trying to tone things down because he's under scrutiny outside the house.
DeleteAnd there is live feed audio of him elsewhere saying that he and his friends would love to "fuck the shit out of girls," so it's not something he wouldn't say.
Howard had addressed the alleged comment. http://blog.zap2it.com/frominsidethebox/2013/08/big-brother-15s-howard-overby-addresses-the-amanda-comment-and-the-racism-in-the-house.html
ReplyDeleteKarma being what it is, I obviously ran over nuns with my horse and buggy and ate babies in my past life because I suffered through the entire cluster fuck last night. All the while arguing with the voices in my head and trying to hold on to the sanity I have left, I should have just waited and read your blog regurgitating all of that to us like a mama bird.
ReplyDeleteIn deed the patients took over the insane asylum last evening, only exacerbated by Matt the dickless wonder that was woking in production. I need to stick to what I understand and await your translation which would result in a lot less tweets to @allisongrodner and @cbsbrother and any and all associates reminding them I'm paying for access and I'm not playing for censorship. Thank God for my Bitch. I'll be listening with bells on tomorrow night. xoxo
Ha! Another funny critique of the crazy BB house – but these cast of characters almost write the crazy for you. While I want Helen or Aaryn to be the MVP nom, I am voting for Amanda because it will drive her crazy. She thought the MVP was Howard and now he is gone, she will freak out wondering who is doing this. But yes, Helen may be one of the most crafty house guests ever. She can bring the tears when needed, be your best friend and tell you how important you are, then lie so easily, yet act as though she is so hurt if you do not tell her everything. She is the self-righteous pious puppet master and no one seems to see it except Candice. But Candice doesn’t know how to use that information to her advantage, instead she plays the victim. I wish JuDD and Andy would join forces and shake the house up – they are smart, but they aren’t doing anything.
NO NO NO you can't vote for HellMom to go up! We have to focus on 1 person or Poopy will go up. Please Oh Please Oh Please America vote for Xmanda to go on the block. She won't go home but she might have a nervous break down and that's even better. BooHoo and ButterScotch should have a crying contest and the winner gets to cry at the BBQ party.
ReplyDeleteGo Poopy and Klany (Clowny needs a nickname too and yes I can see you wincing)
Already gave the girl twenty! She does love to bring that drama! :D
DeleteOMG you are like an Elissa fan except for Amanda. You left out the audio of the backyard fight of Amanda totally losing her shit. IDK why people think Amanda and Helen are such great players, when they eliminate their emotional enemies and not the enemies who can really hurt them.
ReplyDeleteLOL. Your completely biased writing is *hysterical*. I always used to come here to read an unbiased version of the house, and yet I can read past the hearts and rainbows you draw around Amanda. Gross. It's not even fun reading your blog anymore. None of the HGs are worth stanning for, and at this point what you're doing is just embarrassing. Amanda yelling "Close your legs, slut!" was soooooo funny, right? Because slut-shaming is sooooooooooooo hysterical. Weren't you the one who just jumped all over people about not believing a woman over Howard? So now we're supposed to back some jealous little twat who wants to take out every woman who dares to look at her low-rent, lazy pizza boy.
ReplyDeleteOh, ok. LMAO. You are embarrassing.
In my very long history of writing about reality television, I have never, and I mean NEVER, been unbiased and fair. Perhaps you're not all that familiar with exactly what it is I do?
DeleteAnon is having a bad, kinda sensitive melt-downy type of day. That is actually what was referenced earlier: The BB House isn't the only social experiment in town ~ the fan base is on display also and it seems they're pretty fragile.
DeleteThis is how it now works. If your opinion agrees with the writer, they can say anything in the world about that person, regardless of the truth. If the opinion is different, though, then you're going to hear words like "bias"...or worse. There's no longer an exchange of ideas and opinions. It's "you're wrong", or evil, or a bitch, etc.
DeleteYou mean all along this has been satire and not a play by play?
DeleteI've been reading both the survivor and bb blogs for 2 years now and one thing I can say is, she is never unbaised LOL
Deleteand frankly, since i tend to agree with 90% of what is said, i'm a-ok with that. i'm not an amanda fan anymore - she's annoying the crap out of me as do most of these people who aren't fans of the game but are actors recruited for the show. you don't have to be a super fan to be on the show but damn it would be nice if they had at least an idea about what they're getting themselves into and the way the show works. =/ idiots.
I love your blog. I feel like you are a voice of reason in all of this mess that is BB15. I totally got into it yesterday on a blog about the Howard/Amanda situation. The only argument people were saying was that because she likes to run around in her underwear and has given a blow job, she is not to be believed. I have been watching Big Brother and the feeds since season 7 and have never been so angry as to comment on blogs. Usually I just sit back and watch/read. I was also really disgusted by the YouTube video posted in the last couple of days about Amanda being racist. I hate that people are doing that and taking everything she says out of context. I voted for Helen for MVP. Right this very second, I heard Helen tell Jessie that Amanda was bullying her (Jessie). I am so happy I voted for Helen. Can't wait to listen to you guys tomorrow night. I started listening last week (and caught up on a couple of your podcasts). I can't believe I hadn't listened before because you guys are awesome!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! I appreciate it. Tomorrow should be fun!
DeleteWe'll agree to disagree on Amanda. I think she's lost it. She's too paranoid. People gunning for you is the game. You take it as compliment and move on, week to week. She got Howard out then acted like a freak with dumb Jessie, who is harmless.
ReplyDeleteIt's time for Spencer to go. If he wins veto then it's time for Candice. neither add anything to the mix and we need to watch people claw each other's eyes out for jury appearances and the finals.
good blog, bitch
Yep,it's a "he said-she said" deal, so unless production actually does allow people to hear the tape, we'll never really know.
ReplyDeleteMyself, I'd believe Amanda made it up, I'd also believe Howard actually said exactly what he's been accused of. Maybe I'm jaded, I see way too many people hold onto a Bible, using it as a "prop" to make people believe they're really religious. And they're actually fucking scumbags, but since they're holding that Bible, some folks think they can do no wrong.
Hell, some of Howard's fans are damned near nominating the dude for sainthood.
ReplyDeleteI have been following your blog for serveral years now & am a big fan. I found the Brother Gossip Show on your blog last yr & have been listening every week every since then. I ususally agree with you wholeheartedly, but even when I don't I find your satire hysterically funny. I have never commented before but felt the need to comment now because I have a request for tomorrow nights show. I'd really like you guys to play the following clip:
BB15 8/1 5:02am F2 Howard to Candice, about him (and his boys?) "we gonna find a chick, we gonna f@ck the chit out of her" & laughs
Read more: http://forums.jokersupdates.com/ubbthreads/showthreaded.php?Board=BBFlashbacks&Number=20144139#ixzz2ar1nm5GU
I too had my doubts about what Howard actually said to Amanda, only because I found it so outrageous & out of context. But after seeing that conversation between him & Candice - where he says almost the exact same line - I don't see how he could not have said it to Amanda! It's way too much of a coincidence for it to not be true. In addition - while Amanda is many things - she is not a liar like Helen & Howard. Both of them have lied repeatedly & we as viewers have witnessed it.
& the fact that he told Candice this story - less than 48 hrs before Amanda told him what he said to her & she still doubts it & continues to defends him, makes her either stupid, or lying on his behalf. Especially considering the fact that she was so outraged & appalled by his little story. I know that when I hear something that I find appalling, I have trouble forgetting it wks or even months or yrs later. This was no more than 48 hours later! Please play that clip on the show tomorrow night!
Now - about people calling you a racist for saying unkind things about Howard, Candice &/or Helen - that's just ridiculous! I am one of the most liberal, open minded people & I don't like them one bit, but it has nothing to do with the color of their skin, & everything to do with their personalities (or lack thereof). I find Howard to be extremely boring, a constant (& bad) liar, & a terrible BB game player. I find Candice to be very annoying, whiny & again - a bad game player. Helen's fake crying & outrage at anyone who doesn't want "the goood people" to be in the jury & win the game, etc - annoys me to no end! That does't make me a racist though! I think many people commenting on all of these BB sites need to look up the word "racism" & get a better grip on the actual meaning of the word. OK I'm getting off my soapbox now.
Just wanted to say that I found your blog on bigbrotherbuzz.com and I am repeatedly depressed because I check for an update EVERY day... And I know you have a life and all, but I love your writing, and I wish you had more time to do it!! I'm a huge Spencer fan (crazy, I know) but your description of him going into cardiac arrest during the HOH competition had me in hysterics, all by myself on my couch. LOVE IT love YOU and this is my favorite part of big brother this summer. Please keep up the good work!
ReplyDeleteAlright... I'm ready to get blasted by some "anon" but I watched the interraction and can only "assume" what was said like any of us that are NOT in production. I believe that she believes that is what she heard... she immediately told Andy and Judd (not like she was planning that opportunity). She also didn't use it to rile up Candy until she was provoked.
ReplyDeleteHere is where I will get blasted - How many people (including crazy cat ladies) went OOOH & AHHH when Howard dropped his towel? Hmmmn? Second off... if a man you have said was hot came up to you and said seductively "I wanna f..... out of you" you wouldn't get a little tingle? Anyone seen Wild Orchid or 9 1/2 weeks? PULEASE! I do NOT think he said it in a threatening way... but whatever he said might have been throwing it out there. Man may hold a Bible, but I bet you he puts it down and listens to his loins... he is a player (not that that is a bad thing). Someone else already posted what he said to Candy the night before eviction... he is not a priest. Give me a break.
Lala... I love your blog and post sometimes but always read them the past four years. Keep being biased and bitchy and always entertaining. Being snarky does not make you a racist. Oh - did you make #TheList before it got pulled? Last I saw you didn't... sorry you didn't get the award.
Back to you Cat Ladies!
Love your Blog
She's with McCrae! You don't say that to someone who's single, but you really don't say it to someone who's with someone else!
DeleteJust ONE... that says it all
DeleteHugs & Glitter!
Can't wait for the Gossip show tomorrow! I also sent all my MVP votes Helen's way.
ReplyDeleteI have a feeling America is going to put up Aaryn this time though.
I voted for Helen too Bleacherbum.
ReplyDeleteShe grates on me in the worst way, nails on a chalkboard.
I also posted the Howard/Candace convo/time stamp Anon posted above (thank you,I gave you credit!) over on Simons board... OMG you would think I had said Jesus C. was a Grandma molester!
Trying to show most people that Amanda is anything less than a full blown Nazi is just banging your head into a wall.
They just keep saying "watch the youtube video". No one wants to hear that I have already seen it all on the feeds, and seen it in the way it was intended, not edited to try and crucify Amanda.
SO frustrating!
No one forced Amanda to say those things. Then ppl try to justify it by saying "oh she's just joking blah blah blah". No. If it's just a big joke why don't she go joke it up with the ppl she talk about and put down. And I'm not saying talking about someone in the game doesn't happen and everyone should play nice, but a lot of the things Amanda has said has NOTHING to do with game play, just her being mean. Oh but when Elissa said things (and she (E) at least said it to her face (A)) about Amanda, she wants to go cry in the bathroom and everyone wants to call foul. But yet she sits around and bad mouth ppl all the time and its "just a joke". Okay that makes a lot of sense, *rolls eyes* iditots (don't get offended, I'm only joking)
Hilarious, Amanda fans are just in denial. Amanda lies all the time when she uses her "superior manipulation tactics" to twist stories and what people say to her advantage. That's just one of the many ways you play the game so to keep saying "someone LIED" is bad is absurd. And let's not even harp on the fact that Amanda easily replaces kaitlin in the mean girl trio. She actually said "Candice's greasy, nappy hair" among other not so pretty things
The one word the tape of Howard's comment to Amanda that can be heard is "Attractive". At no time when Amanda re-tells the story does she say he used the word attractive. I believe Howard.
DeleteThe only thing XXXmanda is missing is some Gin and Glitter. How could Lala not like her?
ReplyDeleteOh glorious day! I can see the bat shit crazy forming in her Adderall eyes. I predict before the week is out she will strip off all her clothes and run through the house masturbating. Oh wait she does that anyway.
ReplyDeleteGin, Glitter and Adderall Bitches
I'm no Amanda fan but no amount of wrongs make a right. I don't have the feeds so I can't speak to what anyone may or may not have said, but it's well known that Amanda is with McCrea, and whether or not she's been mean or racist or whatever, no one but McCrea should be talking to her about getting together like that after the show. Saint, devil, doesn't matter. There are some things that are just wrong, and IF Howard said even what he admitted to saying, that's just not cool.
ReplyDeleteHoward was just getting his pimp on!
ReplyDeleteOh Keith... I heart you! Not as much as Lala... but pretty darn close!!!
holy shit I was just on Simon's blog, had to come here for a breather. The comments are just full of idiocy, now everyone loves Jessie. Yes, Jessie. I am so confused....but then again these are the same people obsessed with Jeff, so I shouldn't be surprised. Every season, the same crazies come out and circle jerk it together. I would just shut my blog down if those were the only people paying attention.
ReplyDeleteLet's give Jessie credit where credit is due: she's a masterful whiner. It takes some stamina to sustain her level of yowling self-pity for weeks on end. Having said that, I would argue that her social game rivals Candice's for sheer terribleness. Having said THAT, I don't want either one of them to go just yet. Now that Huh?ward is finally gone, there really isn't a character I consider superfluous to the entertainment value of the game. McCrae by himself is dull, but the longer he's at Amanda's side, the more insane his ouster will eventually make her, so he has to stay for a while. Aryan is so casually evil, how could we let her escape into the real world just yet? Candice provides everyone fodder for tossed-off racism, which in and of itself is despicable, but godDAMN if it doesn't make for compelling TV! Helen and Elissa are pretty dull and/or grating, BUT their presence in the house keeps Amanda safe. JudubyaD Partydahrty is so surreal in his druggy mumblings and half-hearted romancing of Jesse that I can't imagine being without him right away. Spencer and Raggedy Andy are probably the least compelling of the bunch at this point, but they each provide sounding boards for more interesting players, so they can't go right away. VaGina's utter self-delusion would make her a nightmare to know in person, but she has to remain in that house as long as possible so that her re-entry into society can be even more jarring. (I'm torn between wanting Nick to have found a wife and wanting him to have come out of the closet by the time she is reunited with him.) On another note, as for Raggedy Andy, has anyone else noticed what a striking resemblance there is between his facial features and those of Gwyneth Paltrow? I kept trying to figure out why I loathed him so much, and then it hit me that he looks just like the most obnoxious popular actress in recent memory.
ReplyDeleteDearest Lala, how did you ever luck into the gift of this fascinating season?!
It was pretty much gold when GM's parade fizzled out after she saw Nick's picture. Good thing she hasn't found any of his baby teeth and/or old combs with his hair left in them for her shrine to enter a new dimension of crazy.
ReplyDeleteI think Amanda got a rough edit for the CBS show - it seemed like it made Jessie out to be the "good guy." I can understand why her whining would get old, but to be fair, I'm sure the barbecue seems like a much bigger deal when you've been under house arrest for weeks on end. Either that, or Amanda being a huge bitch just endears her to me more than it should.
By the way, thanks for the shout-out on BB Gossip. It sounded like "Elissa" and "Judd" each got a double dose of Xanax, which made it even better.
Don't disrespect my ministry,
Been reading your blog for a few years. Always enjoy your sense of humor and you literally make me laugh out loud. I am a huge fan of big brother. I just wanted to say thanks for the twitter suggestion to watch bb australia. Love it!!
ReplyDelete...and we wonder why America is messed up, look at the representative bunch of losers in the bb house; pandering, weak, entitled, self centered, homophobic, racists, illiterate, mean spirited, lazy, lack of morals, cowards, group mentality, obnoxious, and whiney.
You forgot juvenile, and PERVERTS!
DeleteYeah whats up with this kiddie porn stuff I've been hearing about spencer?
DeleteI hope Julie's re-set button sends Amanda packin' tonight. Liked her at first, but I hate hypocrites almost as much as racists and she's both. AND McCrae...........look out...can you say 'Fatal Attraction' {"I will not be ignored"} lmao
ReplyDeleteAt this point, I'm dreading tonight's vote, because I'm not ready for Candyland to end, and Amanda is TV gold. Even Spencer is beginning to grow on me again since he began being actively perverted. Couldn't we send out Helen and Andy, two seemingly nice guys who would be ones to root for during any other season but are merely boring this time around? Helen, with her "let's all cut out the drama" nonsense, and Andy, whose mutant power seems to be teleportation, serve only to tamp down the crazy.
ReplyDeleteThis blog is entertaining and informative. However, it appears lala has lost interest in this medium and is more committed to the podcast. too bad for the readers. pull the plug.
ReplyDeleteThat's slightly melodramatic. I had to work this week. The blog will be back tomorrow. Unfortunately, this blog doesn't pay the bills. I wish it did.
DeleteRight, like anybody would hire you except maybe as a gin sampler or stripper. We all know you make millions from your blog and various guest appearances. You're a regular Kardashian. I'll bet you have a line of designer glitter. I do love to tease you, I think I might have a crush.
DeleteThe second eviction tonight needs to be GM. Anyone who says, "My hair is my world" and "Nick is my boy" has to go. She is 33 and she is still living in her pageant days which took her 6 years and a ton of $$ to obtain. How can someone be her age, yet be so ignorant to her surroundings and life experiences?
I'd like to think hyperbolic.
ReplyDeleteIt sucks when you have to work and deprive your fans of your superior wit. Reality bites (TM). Hey fans, if you LOVE miss Collette and only want her to blog for your pleasure you CAN put your money where your mouth is, ya know!? La Lala accepts Paypal. If all 1million fans donated a dollar, do the math.... NO, seriously, Collette might be drunk, so do the math FOR her.
Still a little traumatized by last year's abrupt end to blogging, perhaps, Lala. That's why we're always expecting the worst. Your fans are like fragile children, praying mommy doesn't grab the car keys and a bottle of Beefeater and leave us alone again...
Love ya and miss ya when you're gone, Bitch.
-- Leigh