The yawn inducing season 12 of Big Brother may be but a faint distant memory in the cavernous recesses of my mind, but the gossip lives on! Delicious, creamy, velvety, fairy fluttering gossip. Grab your gin tumblers and a bucket of popcorn and get ready for some bitchassness! Let's recap, shall we?
OK so over at the Bitchy Network I've been posting all sorts of lovely nuggets about the Vegas Bash - everything from All Stars 2 alliances being made to BB alums getting so trashed they missed their charity obligations to a PopTalkWebShow interview being interrupted by a psycho. It is this psycho that I write about today. Her name isn't really important because I'm just gonna go ahead and call her Momma Nutjob.

Shaggy haired Hayden has won BB12 and America just kind of shrugged their shoulders and decided to water their plants and take out the trash or something. I'm sure he's a nice enough guy and all, but he was boring. He was so boring in fact, he was Bo-ring! Worse still, we were forced to listen to him plan his future fame during those final weeks in the house which I documented ad nauseum here in this little fancy pants blog. Well, it turns out back in Arizona or maybe it was the 9th ring of hell - I'm not exactly sure, Momma Nutjob, was watching and stewing and planning. I picture her hovering over her cauldron of hate and rubbing her bony liver spotted hands together while planning how she's gonna ride the Hayden Train all the way to the bank while Grandma Nutjob cackles in the background over not having to clip coupons anymore for hair bleach. Sister Nutjob was probably out back gathering hemlock and toad stool or some shit like that. It's all very MacBeth. Yes, I've just managed to turn a BB12 piece of gossip into Shakespeare.
So Hayden wins Big Brother and the whole Nutjob clan flies to L.A. to run their fingers through Oedipus', err I mean, Hayden's hair. One would think the Finale Party would be a time of celebration and laughing and giggling, but nooooo Momma Nutjob has a score to settle and that score is called Kristen Bitting. *lightening strikes in the distance* At the Finale Party, Momma Nutjob put on her best threads, assembled her flaming hair just so, and began the laborious task of telling everyone who'd pay attention what "trash" Kristen was and how there was no way in hell her son would ever date her. You know that phrase "taking the high road"? Well, Momma Nutjob took the Death Valley tumbleweed covered road even Satan himself is too scared to travel. Seriously, a class act right here folks.

Naturally, the CBS Finale Party was filled with industry people associated with the show and the network and it's only normal that they'd want to speak with some of the past HG's. Well, Kristen, being a total hot piece of ass with legs for days, was pretty popular that night. My CBS source tells me that every time Kristen was approached by someone of importance, Momma Nutjob's head spun around like that chick in the Exorcist. Momma Nutjob wanted all the attention on herself and Hayden. She refused to leave Hayden's side the entire time and I'm pretty sure a leash around his neck wouldn't have been entirely out of place. Note to Momma Nutjob: YOU, my dear, are not famous nor will you ever be. You keep up this bullshit you're pulling and your son won't be for much longer either.
Now we arrive in Las Vegas. Vegas - land of the mealy mouthed redheads, exhausted showgirls in torn fishnet tights, and polyester covered Elvis impersonators. Not one, but THREE sources have regaled me with the infamous PopTalkWebShow incident I broke last Monday over at the Bitchy Network. For those of you who missed it, allow me to elaborate. BB12 Houseguests were scheduled to be interviewed by the fabulous Scarfed One himself, Kevin Campbell. He had a nice set-up with lights and cameras and cute little pink PopTalkWebShow cards. Hayden, who thought he was a rock star all weekend long, arrived for his interview, walked in, saw that it was more than just Kevin and a flipcam, and said, "I'm not supposed to be doing big interviews with anyone but CBS." Uh, chucklehead, you do realize that Kevin, Laura, Kristen, Enzo, etc are all under the EXACT same contract you are, right? After some fitful swishing of his hair, Hayden finally agreed to do the interview and everything was set to go. They were all ready to start when in the distance a slow rumbling began... it was faint at first, but then grew so loud it was like those youtube videos you see of tornado activity. Was it a bird? A plane? No, it was Momma Nutjob! Momma Nutjob, who was probably off adding another coat of lipstick and sealant to herself when her son entered the room, came bursting in waving her hands around screaming, "Cut! Stop! Cut!" It turns out she refused to let Hayden do the interview specifically because it was WITH Kristen. *thunder claps*
Personally, if I was Kristen I'd be plastering this shit all over the internets, but as far as I know she hasn't said much at all about all this. Girlfriend has much more restraint than I'll ever have. Lucky for you I have lots of friends on the inside and a big mouth. Shall we continue?
So, Momma Nutjob, Grandma Nutjob, and Sister Nutjob continued their reign of terror in Vegas by strutting around like they were A-listers and being nothing short of unpleasant to everyone who crossed their path. For some reason, this Kristen thing really bothers them. I mean, psychotically, irrationally, mental institutionally really bothers them. I'm pretty sure I'm not going overboard when I say, "Thorazine drip, STAT!" There's one more incident I want to touch on and it takes place in a restaurant. First, another quick note to Momma Nutjob: When you pull your lunatic stunts, don't do in a fucking public place where my blog readers could be lurking about.
OK so Kristen and Annie were at some restaurant eating and it turns out that a bunch of Hayden's friends and Momma Nutjob just happened to be there. As Kristen is delightful and banging bodied, the friends were happy to see her and were exchanging friendly pleasantries and joking around. Momma Nutjob was probably sitting in a corner layering on some more thick eyeshadow and grumbling into her gruel when she caught a glimpse of the merriment going on. As merry making is a foreign idea to Momma Nutjob, she was actually overheard saying... wait for it... "I'm going to throw that trash over the counter and have her trotted out of here!" *bites fist* Wow. Fucking wow. Oh, but I'm not done. There's MORE!
Momma Nutjob storms out of the restaurant followed by Hayden and his friends. Out front some sort of spat broke out involving Annie. I'm not entirely sure of all the details, but it appears as if Annie was defending Kristen and Hayden's friends were having none of it and gave Annie a piece of their mind. I don't know how, but Momma Nutjob has not only Hayden, but all his buddies by the short and curlies as well. I'll bet she says, "Kiss me." and they say, "How hard?"
OK so I haven't exactly been the nicest gal to one Miss Annie Whittington. I started the season really digging her, but that turned into a gentle disdain when she blocked me on Twitter for asking one innocent question, but good on you Annie. Good. On. You. It seems to me that Kristen has taken a lot of shit for something so innocent and fluffy that it's really not even all that remarkable an issue anymore. Hayden had a little crush on her in the house and shared some kisses - THAT'S IT! She's not pregnant. They're not having a litter of Haysten's or Krayden's. She lives clear across the country from the boy for crying out loud. I just can't wrap my head around why Momma Nutjob is so fucking psychotic over Kristen. I still maintain she's in love with her son. I said it back when I saw his family footage and I'm saying it again now. She's creepy and weird and she should step off and let her grown ass son live his own life. God help the woman Hayden eventually marries. That poor girl... that poor poor girl.
If you're a fan of Survivor, please check out my Bitchy Survivor Blog. So far, we're having a very nutty and colorful season.
You know what this whole situation reminds me of? William and his creepy mother in the movie version of Pillars of the Earth. I bet their conversations are very similar..."Who do you love the most?" "You, mother". "And what would you do to me?"
ReplyDeleteI just threw up in my mouth a little.
You've outdone yourself. I bow to excellence!
ReplyDeleteThere is definitely something weird going on in that family...shit I am surprised Momma Nutjob doesn't have a twitter... But um...she not a nice cute or funny nutjob..she's scary. Aren't you afraid for your life right now??
Wow! Hayden's mom sounds totally creepy. The way you describe it she sounds like the mom from the Starz series Pillars of the Earth. LOL. Its hard to say why she wouldn't like Kristen. She probably doesn't think her son is smart enough to control himself. In my opinion it is about the money for her. Sad how very sad. Good for Annie for sticking up for Kristen and bravo for Kristen for taking the high road. Thanks Lala for this juicy tidbit of info!
ReplyDeleteAwesome! Love it. Good for Kristen for taking this with suck class.
ReplyDeleteO...M...G...What a bunch of creepy psychos!
ReplyDeleteThere has to more. I want more!!! Give me more. LOL
ReplyDeleteThis is the MOST bizarre thing I have ever heard, seen, or read about with BB.
Hayden needs to come with a warning. Beware. Forewarned. Psychotic judgemental Momster, Grandmomster, Sismonster lurking in background. STAY AWAY!!!
lol at the retardation you BB fans have!
ReplyDeletePut the twinkie down tubby!
Cauldron of hate?
ReplyDeleteThe only person around a cauldron of hate is the bitter, lonely, depressed, and sad person that made this blog.
Seriously lady, You gotta find something better in life!
Ha! Apparently Mama Hayden found your blog.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, Lala, this is why I love you. You tell us all the good shit.
Hayden WHO?
ReplyDeleteLook's like Hayden's family found you! Be careful LOL
ReplyDeleteI always say if there's smoke there's fire. Gotta give her one thing, she raised one heck of a liar and manupulator. That isn't a bad thing for a reality star. :) I'm starting to see why he's sooo good at it with a mother like that.
ReplyDeleteI knew there was something wrong with her in the BB interview when she said (about Kristen) something like Hayden is thinking with the wrong head. Something strange about mother thinking and talking about their son's penis. Very Anthony Hopkins Psycho. Also, Hayden knew Kristen for all of 5 minutes and you would think from the unhinged response of MN that she was a meth-addicted hooker. She's a pretty, funny girl, not the antichrist. MN clearly has some issues.
ReplyDeleteGreat! blog
This. Is. Awesome.
ReplyDeleteGuuuuuuurrl..! I have to say, I do feel really bad for Hayden.
How humiliating.
LOL...your inside info is way more interesting than the entire season.
ReplyDeleteMaybe the sorta/maybe/kinda girl Hayden had waiting back home was extremely wealthy and momma nutjob was looking forward to life of leisure when they married and now that dream has gone *POOF!*.
I knew there was something off with this kid....I can almost feel bad for him, but until he cuts the cord then he gets what he deserves in my eyes.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I just love how all the haters to the blog are anonymous...I mean really people...if you are gonna hate actually let the writer know who the fuck you are. If you don't like what you read then DON'T READ IT! I know that is a weird concept for people who obviously have way too much time on their hands, but really it is a easy concept....TRY IT...it will make you feel good inside. I mean you are not accomplishing anything...except making me...and the writer of the blog laugh at your douche bag behavior. Hugs and Kisses you anonymous bitches!
Thanks for spilling, Hayden tried to deny alot of it on Superpass, saying he "makes his own decisions", has a great mom, yada, yada, yada. We knew there was more, much more. My first thought was that Scary Mommy Dearest wanted her hands on Haydens moola, and any female who comes within 3 feet of her son is nothing but a "gold-digger". If the shoe fits MAMA..... Great scoop
ReplyDeleteLala I don't know how you sleep at night. It is so pathetic of you to be one of the most talked about up and coming pop cuture commentators of our time. You have some nerve having an incredibly addicting writing style that is more often than not more interesting than the show you are writing about. How dare you have fans. You are so hateful to forge relationships with the subjects you write about and then provide your fans with the information they encourage you to share with us. How do sleep at night? While hugging your knees to your chest sobbing? Your ever increasing popularity and recognition must only enhance your loneliness. How do you live with having an antire sect of people hanging on your every word? HOW??? Of course someone so talented must be obese with a twinkie addiction. Yes. That's it. You are so hateful to report truth. How dare you!!!
ReplyDeletePrettyplainjo (of course)
You sure know how to stir up the shit don'tcha Lala. The comparison to the pillars of the earth mom is dead on! Love it and love ya!
ReplyDeleteI was thought Hayden's mom was crazy. She even said her son was the love of her life on her segment. Odd family. He should do what his mom wants, and get back with his ex.
ReplyDeleteWOW can imagine what she would be like if she was Brns MOM lol
ReplyDeleteAfter reading this it came to me about Hayden on feeds talking about having a problem with a girl not leaving him alone & then he said he had one in High school or could have been college but think it was high school anyways he said it got bad & his MOm had to either talk to the girl or her parents or maybe he said both
ReplyDeleteAnway I know for a fact he said his Mom had to get involed that would be a tough find to find on flashback but I know it was talked about
I dont hate Hayden wasnt a fan but I think he played a reall good game & was worthy of the 500 on a game level
Now this explains why I have not seen any pictures or video of Hayden and Kristen together. Mom of Hayden...GET YOUR OWN DAMN LIFE! Hayden if you are reading this, "Don't be a Momma's BOY!" Give Mom a piece of change (winnings) for raising you and move on...move on SON!
ReplyDeleteHayden's mom needs to crawl back under the rock she came from...she is an embarrassment to humanity.
ReplyDeleteI was there and think you have the hyperbole about covered. It actually was not that bad, though, but fiction is always better than boring truth. And, since this is the Internet, who really cares?
ReplyDeleteOK so maybe her head didn't spin ALL the way around.
ReplyDeleteMy bad.
@ Dave: Since you were there and saw it all, why not enlighten us as to what really happened with Kevin, and at the restaurant?
ReplyDeleteHayden's family & friends (most of his only remaining fans) have found this blog. Clearly they are the only ones allowed to have an opinion and call someone else 'TRASH'...hello, they need to look in the mirror when making any accusations. You reap what you sow...but, good christians would know this quote.
ReplyDeleteThere are two sides to every story. I hope Hayden's mom sues you.
ReplyDeleteFor what? For saying she doesn't like Kristen? Her disdain for Kristen is common knowledge that just about every BB site has been discussing all week long. Also, Annie has pretty much verified my post on Twitter.
ReplyDeleteHayden & Mom...ummmm 14:59...go away
ReplyDeleteCan you post a picture of this woman?
ReplyDeleteI personally don't have any. I've only seen her on Facebook and some other BB sites.
ReplyDeletehere's a link to a pic of her...scroll down a tad
These comments are amazing. Somebody actually suggested suing for having an opinion about a psycho? Incredible.
ReplyDeleteWell geez. Who crapped in her Fruit Loops to begin with? She was hating on Kristen before the damn show was even over....
ReplyDeleteSomeone mention the movie "Psycho". Has anyone noticed that when Hayden Pulled his hair away from his face (not too often) He looked just like his Mom in the interview on the BB show on CBS.
ReplyDeleteNow are you sure Hayden and his Mom were in the room at the same time. In PSYCHO he was his MOM!
Just having Fun! Please Don't Sue me! Thanks
Incredible story and very well written. Hayden's Mom's nastiness has totally overshadowed his win, as you say. I'd feel sorry for the guy-but he's 24 and should have sorted this out years ago!
ReplyDeleteI wish Hayden's family would post more here- it's entertaining!
You are amazing! I know the Krayden crw can't handle it but uh.. Haydens nom is a fucking intense and overwhelming person. DaveGatKg.. dude- you were there? Really? So you were sitting with Kev and Chima when the Poptalk situation happened AND you were there when Kristen and Annie ran into Hayden and friends? Then did you waks up? Must have been dreaming buddy because no, you were not there and yes you wish you were relivent. If you need to ask his mom herself about it, cool.. please do. I'm sure she'll sue you or set your house on fire. She gets offended easily as do you. On the CBS show the lady sounded like an over protective older sister more than a mom. She made a terrible impression there allready so this is very easy to believe. Awesome blog. Great info! Keep up the good work.
ReplyDeleteLala, this is brilliant. I had no idea Hayden came out of the family that was in the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. He better be careful because that woman could ruin his life. I hope he grows a pair and flies to Philly first chance he gets. Thanks for the inside information and a fantastic blog I couldn't get enough of during BB
ReplyDeleteThis is when Hayden's mom appeared on Big Brother 12 for anyone who's interested.
Never was a Hayden fan, I could tell he was wacked on BB, so not surprise at all. Thanks for the blog.
ReplyDeleteIf bat shit crazy Momma can't be away from him for one summer, how will she deal with him being gone during All-Stars??? Ohhhh wait.....nevermind.
ReplyDeleteBB will have to bring him back for all-stars because you can now count all his fans on your fingers and toes.
ReplyDeleteI've figured it out! That's the reason none of em have lips! INBREEDING!!!!
ReplyDeleteThat was one helluva great blog!
ReplyDeleteDaveG is an idiot.
ummm DaveG was in Vegas, unlike this lala creature who apparently lives her life vicariously through Reality TV shows. What a waste of time your blogs are. Get a life. Hayden's mother has raised successful, educated and beautiful children. Jealous much?
ReplyDeletehahahaha Haydens family is a bunch of idiots. Rainbows & flowers & shooting out his ass & 500k doesnt last that long. Ask all 11 previous winners. Show me one that has become something aside from a restraunture in LA that has made turned this venture into something "famous".
ReplyDeleteHaydens mom barked up the wrong tree & is getting ready to have the biggest grenade dropped on her & Hayden.
The Brigade is great on paper. However, the side alliances with Kristen, Brit, & Ragan are what made them interesting. Bouncing b/t the alliance & the side alliance made them interesting. Lane & Matt have somehow either figured or are figuring that out. Hayden is on the short bus to reality, betting that has to do with the momster.
Embrace what works Hayden. Kristen helped you. She didnt hurt you.
LOL anonymous @9:09... Hydens mom controls her children... and has her son on a very tight leash. It seemed evident from her family inerview and her behavior in Vegas. One does not have to be present to have an opinion, especially with information verified from more than one scorce.. related much to Hayden???
ReplyDeleteyou certainly found some fans on Hayden's mom, huh, CoLa?
ReplyDeleteBTW, never liked Hayden. He was always fake on the feeds, you could tell that he was always watching what he said, never really said what he was thinking/truly feeling, even with "Bra-gade" or when he was with Kristen. The closest he ever cam in not censoring himself was calling Brendon Needle Dick. Even during the lame "just the tip" talk show, he was never really himself.
Imay not be able to verbalize this whole Hayden-was-never-really-himself theory of mine, so hopefully it makes sense to someone else. lol
I met Hayden's mom in Vegas and found her to be pleasant, personable and proud of her son. I too would be protective over a relatively young, naive son who just won 500k. Lala, you need to back off on the hate speech, and not rely on third party information. You might be believable if you were there and had actually witnessed interactions. You do have a way with words but save them for someone who actually deserves it please.
ReplyDeletewhere is hayden's dad? i'm sure he's hiding from this horrid shrew, but time to help hayden out some. run some interference or something, pops.
ReplyDeletehayden needs some fatherly advice, which i assume will be dad telling son to follow in his footsteps and immediately get as far away from that psycho as possible. and then slap him upside the head for spending a weekend in vegas with mommy dearest instead of banging the hot chick.
hayden is just lacking common sense and a pair of balls bigger than mom's.
and i don't know what all the fuss over daveg is about. he didn't say it didn't happen. he said "it wasn't that bad," which confirms that he knows *something* happened. but, yeah, he wasn't present for these particular incidents, so stfu, daveg.
Lala Creature? Seriously? The woman who lights up our lives and makes every day worth living a creature? I think not! Apparently some people don't appreciate well written satire (go look up the word you silly Anonymous creature).
ReplyDeleteLOL, this shit is CRAZY. Mamager hates Kristen for her beauty and charm which she did use on her son...Hayden's game did SUCK with Kristen because the girl had everything going for her. However, Kristen's intentions were good not bad...plus Kristen had BALLS unlike pussy boy. Colette has been on point all season long so trust her word. Not to mention, I know Kristen personally and when the girl doesn't speak it is b/c she knows too much. She has fucking ESP, I swear and if she isn't saying anything about this topic label it as TRUE. Kristen is about to make it BIG, no joke and Momager can see right through it whereas pussy boy won...let's get it right $300,000 after taxes which will buy him a few easy years. Hayden is nothing but a "dude" who can't admit he fell for one of the most intelligent and classy women he will ever encounter. Kristen will reappear in a very short period of time due to her looks and wisdom making her millions, a diamond in the rough... Hayden won BB12 and that will be his most prominent moment in life. My girl dumped his ass days ago...she would roll her eyes at me for saying it but I want the story straight, my girl does not fuck around. Believe me when I say she has moved on to bigger and better things in the course of a few days!
ReplyDeleteCan this information really be called "3rd hand" if it was verified by most of the people there? To all the Mommy Nut job supporters posting claims that she was nothing but pleasant in Vegas, it makes me wonder if you were really there since from nearly all accounts from attendees this chick was a fucking nightmare and did her son no favors. From the moment he got out of that house he was encased in some anti-Kristen bubble, spoon fed only the information Mommy would allow, hell even his newly created Twitter account is protected since heaven forbid he actually hear the truth from fans. From every interview you can tell how shelter this boy is, he knows nothing about what fans think or what Kristen has said, I'd wager Mommy Nut Job has gone as far as placing a ban on the keyword "Kristen Bitting" in his parental controlled internet search. The whole thing is crazy, and regardless of if he's with Kristen or not, this woman's behavior is doing nothing but giving her son a bad rep for having a psycho stage mom that no one will work with.
ReplyDeleteI completely get loving your mom and overlooking her flaws, but this women's level of hatred for Kristen is scary as shit, and Hayden should have spoken up and defended Kristen, even if he didn't have feelings for her. It would have been the decent christian thing to do, something his family is supposedly all about per his claims.
I received another piece of info right after I wrote this piece, but out of a morbid curiosity as to just how far the haters would go (both here and on other sites), I held onto it.
ReplyDeleteI realize a lot of you are new to my work and that's fine. I've been blogging tv shows for a while now and this isn't just some random blog with a handful of readers that got lucky with a piece of gossip. I have a history of posting insider information and, quite frankly, I don't think I've ever been proven wrong. If you've only just now found me, that's not really my fault, is it? I'm only sorry you've been missing out on my Michele Noonan scoops for the past year! That girl is the gift that keeps on giving.
I have thousands of readers, been quoted on CBS by Julie Chen herself, and am regularly in contact with several of the people I write about - on all 3 CBS reality shows. If the personal bashing is what some of you need to do to feel better about yourselves, go ahead. Your comments are nonsensical, unfounded, and mostly just make me laugh.
To the person calling this a waste of time, I now write for a magazine and am working on a book so you clearly have no idea what you're talking about, but thank you for your opinion. It gave me a good chuckle.
Ok so here's the info I was holding onto:
After Momma Nutjob said the thing about throwing Kristen over the counter, she went outside with Hayden and his buddies in tow. Reacting to Hayden keeping mum this entire time, Annie approached him and said, "Why don't you grow some balls?!" His friends reacted and verbally attacked Annie in response. That's what instigated the fight outside.
Now, if I didn't bash the "right" person or praise your favorite HG enough, go pop a Xanax and get over it. Sorry, but I don't let the BB fans dictate who I like or abhor.
ReplyDeleteIf it's petty, then why does it bother you so much?
ReplyDeleteOh and stop posting in caps.
ReplyDeleteIn fact, that's a new rule: No all caps comments allowed.
So Hayden has no will and was lured in by the vixen Kristen and had to be rescued and reprogrammed by his family? And trashing Kristen makes you trashy Anonymous Cap poster.
ReplyDeleteok, who let hayden's grandma back on the internet?
ReplyDeletehey, grandma, hayden made out with a topless girl and who knows what else in front of tv cameras, so why all the judgment just on kristen?
please explain.
oh, crap...or don't. why is this all about kristen? it shouldn't be.
it's about the crazy mom's behavior. focus, people. no more falling for diversionary tactics using kristen as bait.
How is the female the only guilty one? Hayden was not so innocent in front of TV cameras either and said himself he "reeled her in" so he's not just as guilty of knowingly wrecking her short term relationship? He was right there with her, in the lead every step of the way. He called himself a homewrecker. In addition it now appears that Hayden was playing on a female's emotions for money and he looks bad for doing it. If he was not genuine toward her, the extent of his actions were cruel and unnecessary. Kristen is better off without him. She's classy, smart and well spoken. They were cute, sweet, flirty and fun to watch. He's lost a lot of fans over how he's treated her post finale.
ReplyDeleteGrandma Moss posts in all caps. Just saying.....
The thing that amazes me is if Kristen is such trash for the things she did what does that make Hayden? Or in his mom's eyes, it's okay for Hayden to do things in front of the camera but not Kristen. Hello Pot
ReplyDeletehey CL, can you tell who are making these "anonymous" posts? Can we place bets on how many anti comments come from AZ or TX?
ReplyDeletePS Granmonster, I gotta know, what is the name of the cult? Because you guys are like 2 sips away from being as nuts as Jonestown.
You continue to bring out the Moss Clan, CoLa.
ReplyDeleteDidnt precious Hayden have a girlfriend when he went into the house too? How is it that Kristen "cheating" on her "boyfriend" of a couple of weeks is a hanging offense, but Hayden doesnt get the same treatment?
Oh yeah, cuz all women are whores, wheras men who have had more than a handful of sexual partners are "the man".
And wow, all CAPS anonymous. Who knows what else went on? Only every fucking site that posts what these HGs do 24/7. And what, exactly, did Krsten make out with Hayden topless? I looked to me like HE was grabbing her boob, your precious, innocent Hayden must have been FORCED to do it. And I'm sure he has never had sex either in his whole life either. Although you might want to check with Hayden's mom, I'm sure she has a tally of who she has allowed her son to penetrate.
Why Texas?
ReplyDelete12 seasons of watching BB and I have finally found greatness. And thy name is LaLa!
ReplyDeleteThis is what I got out of the previous comment left in all caps: I think it's terrible that you trash people so in return I am going to trash someone because it is only ok when I do it.
ReplyDeleteIn summary - the person who commented in caps is a stupid hypocrite.
Hayden had a girl he was seeing before he entered the BB house. A beautiful,intelligent,classy young lady with good moral values from a good family. She outclassed Kristen in every possible way. Hayden rarely if ever mentioned Kristen after she was voted out. Why is Kristen so obsessed with Hayden's mother? Kristen is behind this outrageous personal attack by this lala creature that much I am sure of. Get over it Kristen you cheated on your bf on national TV for all to see and the young man you cheated with took what you offered so easily(as young men will do) and has now moved on. Maybe it's time you do to.
ReplyDeletekristen needs to watch her back. mommy moss and her clan are out to destroy her.
ReplyDeletethese are some twisted, hateful people who aren't afraid to attack publicly. scary stuff.
and i'm interested in the AZ ip address question also.
Because the sister lives there & apparantly the family visits her often
ReplyDeleteHayden threw away a good chance with Kristen. He said on live feeds he was so picky it is ridiculous and that Kristen had all the qualities he looked for in a girl. Mom may be a nut job but Hayden could/should have stood up for his own feelings..boils down to him. The money isn't going to make him happy for long nor will it last forever.
ReplyDeleteHayden cheated on Maddog. As long as the Moss clan kicks up dirt the fans will do the same. You are out numbered & will never win, give it up. For every point you try & fail to make the fans will counter that point & win. Hayden & Kristen were in the same boat & equally participated in the showmance. Neither is guilt free.
ReplyDeleteThat being said, their showmance was great, if all it did was stick a spur in that mothers ass & make her see green.
CL- Texas I think is where Hay's sister lives as well as some other members of his family.
ReplyDeleteSo hayden's a cheater too?!
ReplyDeleteGot it, thanks.
how did she outclass kristen? I didn't know this was a contest.
Tell your son he is the one who persued Kristen , he is the one who asked her for more, he is the one who kissed her and had his hand where it shouldnt have been.
The moss family needs to go fuck themselves and take your castrated son with them.
PS Madison is a girl, Kristen is a woman. Hayden and Madison can go play on a balance beam somewhere.
Hayden had a girl he was seeing before he entered the BB house. A beautiful,intelligent,classy young lady with good moral values from a good family. She outclassed Kristen in every possible way. Hayden rarely if ever mentioned Kristen after she was voted out. Why is Kristen so obsessed with Hayden's mother? Kristen is behind this outrageous personal attack by this lala creature that much I am sure of. Get over it Kristen you cheated on your bf on national TV for all to see and the young man you cheated with took what you offered so easily(as young men will do) and has now moved on. Maybe it's time you do to.
ReplyDeleteI bet Hayden Fucks the shit out of Madison!!! good morals my ass.
oh and good family? Probably rich...
I couldn't even get through the comments, which is good. I'm losing any level of care about these people. Finally. Why do I watch BB when I actually hate it so? Maybe someday I'll learn. I'm just happy my life is returning to normal.
ReplyDeleteI do like, though, the snarkiness of the blog author. We need more irreverant in this world. Thanks.
wow, bringing hayden's college-age girlfriend and her "good family" into the conversation?
ReplyDeletei hope madison snowden's family has the good sense to protect her from these insane people.
renea moss and family, you need to back off. your aggressive hostility is hurting your son's chances of getting work.
Why is everyone jumping all over Dave? If you don't get that there's a bit of hyperbole in this article, maybe you shouldn't be on the internet. He confirmed the gist, but not the details about the mother's head spinning around 360 and spitting fire. No shock there?
ReplyDeleteI rooted hard for Hayden. He was a terrific gamer and showed a lot of class on the feeds. It's becoming evident that his skills were the result of growing up surrounded by crazy people, and his class (assuming he wasn't faking) is probably all him, since clearly his family has none.
"Class", to a lot of us, has more to do with how you treat people than how many layers of clothing you wear to a makeout session. Come on, people. These were two smokin' hot 24-year-olds with a mutual attraction. Maybe they made some poor decisions in a public setting, but they were their decisions, and they still should be. It's not the business of the family (OR the fans...) whether they continue a relationship in their private lives. Unfortunately, by making a scene where people could see it, the family has unwittingly unleashed a total shitstorm.
I hope Kristen can move on with maturity and thrive in her career, and Hayden can take a lesson from the Saboteur (of all people!) and grow some fucking balls. I think he's a confused and overwhelmed kid stuck in the middle of all of this who doesn't want to be a douchebag, but just keeps digging his hole deeper.
Hayden has to learn that the more people are involved in your business, the harder it is to please them all, and sometimes you just have to focus on pleasing yourself. Whether that's with Kristen or taking a different path should be up to him, but he has to accept how public this has all become.
It's his life and his career, not his family's, not Kristen's, and at this point the best thing he could do would be to distance himself and own his actions - whatever they may be.
Oh Goodie Grandma here's to play! So can the Moss family supporters tell us what exactly is so decent and moral about trashing a girl they never met, threatening her, and getting in fights with random strangers on an internet blog? I thought Christians weren't suppose to judge anyone, isn't that Gods job? Also why the hell is it so evil for Kristen to cheat on her BF, but Hayden get's a pass for pursuing a girl with a boyfriend with every intention to break them up? If you watched the live feeds, it was Hayden who kissed her first and Kristen's response was "oh no! Hayden is no angel, there is photo proof of him groping Kristen's breasts, and video proof of several other sexual acts he engaged in with her. And yet for some reason the Moss family thinks it's perfectly acceptable for him to imply that he didn't really care about Kristen but instead he just helped ruin her relationship and led her on, played with her feelings for what? Money? That makes Hayden the Whore not Kristen.
ReplyDeleteAnd and Kristen was wearing a swimsuit top, she wasn't topless. But that didn't stop Hayden's roaming hands.
Poor Kristen, accosted on national TV by some crazy nut job of a mother, and Kristen takes the high road and tries to call her to smooth things out. Then Kristen ignores Mommy Nut Job once again in Vegas as this bat shit crazy women continues to trash her and violently threatens her all weekend, and once again Kristen takes the high road and sends a tweet out to people basically telling the fans to giving Mommy Moss the benefit of the doubt. She even gives Hayden a pass when he did nothing to defend her. After all the crap he said in his interviews and the lies he told, Kristen still remains a class act and supportive of him and happy he won.
This is beyond ridiculous, this psycho family will never admit how fucked up they have acted. And they will remain so blind to the fact that they have fucked up any opportunity Hayden has to parley this experience into something more. I'd bet this is probably all a ploy to get the fans to continue to talk about Hayden well past his 15 minutes which were up 30 seconds after he left the house.
So Glad Kristen dumped his ass and refused to take any more of his and his pathetic families crap. She is world's beyond these backwards hick assholes.
This post is a gift that just keeps giving!
ReplyDeleteWow. New found respect for Annie? Absolutely! I was pretty bitter about her blocking me for no apparent reason and then read a rude tweet from her re: Sheila while they were in Vegas. Totally gave up on her and thought she was something else.
ReplyDeleteAnnie, you restored my faith in you. Hayden should've been an adult about the situation even if his mother couldn't be. He must really have no balls and sadly, neither do the sheep he calls 'friends'. You could've ignored it and walked off with Kristen but you called out bullshit and stood up for a friend. Good for you! Seriously, I'm so glad to hear about this.
And for all the feebleminded, dull 'anonymous' comments.. Get a grip! If you want to get all hot and bothered about something, find a good cause that needs to be defended. Volunteer somewhere. Don't be a passive agressive little shit and write how angry you are if you're that embarrassed to identify yourself. Altho its kind of funny in a 5th grade sort of way, its a waste of YOUR time, isn't it?
Lala, I'm blown away with your talent and I'm so psyched about all the other projects you're working on!! You're amazing and clearly I'm not the only one who knows it. Go on with your bad self girly!
This story and these comments are more fun and entertaining than anything I saw over the summer. Thank you for this gift of internet drama Lala, fuck the haters. God bless.
ReplyDeleteI too was a hayden/kristen fan cuz I thought they were just 2cute 2gether...However, after seeing Hayden respond to all the Kristen questions he's been getting..great girl,blah blah blah..it's evident he has some issues w/her and those issues are more than likely his mother's issues..so I'm now off the hayden/kristen bandwagon and now on the Kristen train cuz just cuz of how classy she's been about this whole thing..Moss clan..take some notes from this girl cuz u all can use some pointers...finally, kudos to annie for sticking up for her friend..class act
ReplyDeleteI remember when Kristen went off on Rachel after the HOH comp, as she rightfully should have. The girl has an amazing spirit and the balls to stand up for herself regardless of what is on the line. She stuck to her guns and didn't kiss ass. So when I saw how she ignored the Moss Clan coming after her, all their petty comments and vile accusation, I was shocked she didn't let them have it with both barrels. Instead she held back and remained a class act, tried to down play the entire situation and protect a boy who never once had her back. She is epitome of what it means to take the high road while the Moss clan has remained thin lip deep in the muck.
ReplyDeleteHer fans are protective of her because she is such a sweet and genuine woman, who did nothing wrong but try to see the best in Hayden and support him and root for him even after he lied to her. She refuses to hold grudges and has been honest and real to anyone who talks to her. Hayden cannot make these claims. He callously used a woman's emotions for his own personal gain and tossed her aside when he no longer needed her. He has not said one real, unrehearsed or original remark since leaving the house, and despite wanting everyone to believe he is some "great guy" he couldn't even be bothered to rein in his crazy ass family from making the finale and Vegas parties uncomfortable as hell for everyone in attendance. He is the one who should be ashamed of himself, not Kristen. And I for one cannot wait until that bubble his family has formed around him bursts and he finally realizes the impact of his and their actions.
The funny thing is, the entire blog operates under the assumption that Hayden wanted to talk to Kristen but was somehow prevented by his mom. Hayden showed little interest in Kristen once the front door slammed. He was put on the spot by Julie on the live show. This isn't Romeo and Juliet,folks. This is a reality show relationship that did not work out! The world will go on and Kristen will find someone else. Everyone searches for a scapegoat and the mom turned out to be the perfect one but it's time to acknowledge that Hayden has moved on, and so must everyone else!
ReplyDeleteno, the blog is about hayden's mom's behavior, which was to trash kristen in public.
ReplyDeleteno real friend or fan of kristen wants her anywhere near hayden and his family. and kristen doesn't appear to be waiting on him to call. she certainly seems to have moved on.
but here's the thing: kristen and hayden not dating doesn't erase what psycho mom did and said.
and i'm happy mommy moss is being held accountable for being trashy and bitchy.
she should apologize to kristen for her behavior. when she does that, i'm sure everyone will let this all go.
Just an FYI so everyone new is clear:
ReplyDeleteI am not one of those Krayden/Haysten people at all. As a matter of fact, I had a very strong disdain towards Hayden for most of the season. The first few weeks I didn't mind him, but after that I found him to be of zero entertainment value and remarkably lacking in character. As far as wanting Kristen and Hayden to get together after the show... LOL that is SO not me.
So, when you talk about people wanting a showmance or a Romeo & Juliet type thing (which is slightly rah-tarded), don't lump my sweet ass in there! Do me that one favor.
Speaking as a Krayden fan, not to disrespect those who aren't, let me squash this misconception right now. No one is angry or lashing out at Hayden because he didn't choose to date Kristen or because some how our "showmance dreams" didn't come true for them, that's ridiculous. From what i can gather most are just angry at the fact that Hayden allowed his mom to act like such a bitch to Kristen, and did nothing to stand up for her, meanwhile Kristen never faltered in her support of Hayden even after his Mom went off on her. Take a step back and look at the situation as if Kris/Hayden are just friends. Him standing back and watching his mother not only insult Kristen to anyone that would listen, but also threaten her with violence, well it's inexcusable.
ReplyDeleteSecondly the idea that Hayden could have lied to Kristen about how he felt about her (For those who didn't watch the feeds, he told her every chance he got that he felt the same way about her as she did for him) IF He lied about his feelings, if he pursued her knowing she had a BF, knowing she what she was risking on the outside by admitting how she felt about him. If he did all that with nothing but bad intentions, than he deserves the ridicule and anger from fans. Because that is a dick move! It is never acceptable in life let alone the game of Big Brother to toy with someone's emotions, to lead them on with malicious intent. No amount of money is worth hurting someone like that.
So if you're in the camp who believe he is this type of guy and you think it's ok, then there is something wrong with you, not us for hoping that even under all that damage caused by being raised by a nut job, there could be a decent guy who regardless of how he feels now, did indeed have good intentions back then.
Most Krayden fans have resolved themselves to the fact that Kristen deserves way better than Hayden. So all you are really seeing here are KRISTEN FANS pissed off at some judgmental psycho stage mom taking out her whacked out jealousy on a nice girl who never spoke ill of Hayden or his family, even after they trashed her for days. People in general don't like bullies, so that's why people are pissed and eager to stand up for Krsiten. Because even though she can take care of herself, she has been such an amazing and humble person to her fans that she inspires them and other people around her to have her back.
Anon 1:49 "Hayden had a girl he was seeing before he entered the BB house. A beautiful,intelligent,classy young lady with good moral values from a good family. She outclassed Kristen in every possible way. Hayden rarely if ever mentioned Kristen after she was voted out."
ReplyDeleteHi Mrs. Moss,
It's nice to see that you think the world of Hayden....and his sister.
For any of Hayden's family or friends posting or lurking here I wanted to share this post made at AABB by one of our posters. It is spot on and perhaps food for thought as to your actions the past few weeks in hopes you can be kinder in the future. Not eveyone is a die hard Kristen/Hayden must be together fan. It's about respect for others.
ReplyDeleteAs follows:
This is the part that I have a problem with as well. Even if Hayden had no intention of pursuing a post game relationship with Kristen and regardless of what crap Mom was feeding him as soon as she had his ear following the finale, he should have just said "Enough trash talking of Kristen - I like her and I won't put up with it. I intend to talk to her, take pictures with her and treat her well. If you can't do the same, don't come with me." After the weekend was over, they could have gone their separate ways and used the distance thing as a good reason for not continuing their relationship. (If his intention was not to continue.)
By shunning her and allowing his mother to publicly disparage her, he has lost a lot of former fans - not because he isn't with her, but because of the obvious rudeness.
So, they knew all about the girl he was seeing before BB, her family and everything (even though she goes to school in AZ and lives KY)..oh, and he said he was only "talking to her" for like 6-8 weeks. What did they do, screen her before he could date her? What a crock! She is a kid!
ReplyDeleteI never liked Hayden, never liked Kristen. Annie played herself out way too quick. And so on, and so on. These people put themselves in the public eye for a reason. They are FAME WHORES. People need to accept that fact. Bashing Colette and her blog is just bullshit. If you don't like what she has to say, hit the X button at the top of your browser and piss off.
ReplyDeleteTrying to get over on Lala is like Rachel trying to out do Ragan in any verbal boxing match. Not gonna happen.
Why would the writer of this blog viciously attack a woman she does not even know? Because you are a fan of a TV show her son was on? You have never met or even spoken to Hayden's mom. In fact you have never met Kristen or Hayden. All you are is a fan of a TV show who feels the need to blog about it. You are just another shit stirring, delusional, psychotic Big Brother fan who needs to turn off the TV. Listen up sweetie, just because you watch people on on tv does not mean they are your friends. GOT IT! Just because you communicate with them on the internet does not make you their friend. You need a good shrink honey. Hayden's mom is a private citizen leave her alone. It's wrong to make these horrible accusations against this poor woman. You should be ashamed of yourself. Get your looney ass off of the computer and do something productive!!
ReplyDeleteThere is a great amount of underestimation going on by the Moss family regarding Big Brother fans (this is not appreciated). Based off the family/friends posts it is becoming clear they do in fact question BB fans intellect and mental capabilities. Yes, it would seem they do not realize how educated many of us are. Yes, we are capable of smelling falsities from a mile away and DO doubt every rumor until we seek out enough hard evidence to hypothesize likely FACTS. They would be in wonder to see the degrees/masters/doctorates floating around on this site. They would be puzzled to see the likely powerful journalist references…and shocked to know some have written novels, others are highly connected. Do not doubt that there are many good people who are considered SuperFans of Big Brother; these ‘crazy fans’ are also mothers and fathers to children they adore. Indeed, some have had very few sexual partners, and others have had many, but few/if any would still NOT fall into the lately popular category of…trash. A person’s worth or the value of their opinion should not be based just off the assumptions we are psychotic/ crazy fans.
ReplyDeleteTo add more the Moss Clans wonderment, it might even surprise them that a few who read this blog may have even grown up around the rodeo circuit…and know wranglers from ropers; others might know the difference between English and Western riding styles. Heck, they may even know the difference between a Black and Red Angus, Simmental and Charolais (the clan will understand this statement). It should not be a surprise there are world travelers, volunteers, and some church goers who dare to linger here. Moss clan, be assured, one thing many of the fans share in common is that we are completely sickened by the way Kristen has been treated. We have watched the feeds all summer and know every shared whisper, and every promise, between her and Hayden. Indeed, we watched her eat the spider and laughed hysterically; many of us did not draw the conclusion that she was a scary psycho (insert a four letter word). It is doubtful many, if any, of us are racing to shield all our sons from Kristen---the horrific jezebel (please, do sense the sarcasm). Some, but not all, of us have chosen not to judge Kristen badly for choosing her feelings for Hayden over her feelings for a now ex-boyfriend.
Just realize, Moss friends and family, we do not need to be personally connected to Kristen to feel the need to stand up for her. The true BB fans can, and do, appreciate Hayden’s game play, but all the personal attacks outside of the game have hit a strong cord in the community…and it would be in Hayden’s best interest if you retreat from this battle. Your actions have been incredibly cruel and we will continue to stand up for this girl…because it IS the right thing to do.
As a side note: please realize we have already read and made screenshots of the now deleted anti-Kristen Facebook posts (those kind of horrible comments never totally disappear).
Thanks Moss family for helping Lala get more hits on her blog and a ton of comments. I'm sure she appreciates it. Please, continue to post so we can all have more laughs.
ReplyDeleteDave G is just pissed he was so stupid to talk to Enzo in front of an open mike, saying shit he didnt want out. What did all of Jokers come here to rag on Lala?
ReplyDeleteBravo, Evergreen_BB!! Nicely done.
ReplyDeletere: "Hayden's mom is a private citizen leave her alone. It's wrong to make these horrible accusations against this poor woman. You should be ashamed of yourself."
ReplyDeletelet's be clear: hayden's mother became a public figure when she went on national television and called kristen "crazy."
tell me, is renea moss ashamed of saying that? i guess we should take the fact that she called kristen "trash" last week as a sign she's not ashamed, not sorry at all.
hypocrite much?
Okay Anonymous @ 10:15p
ReplyDeleteYou asked "Why would the writer of this blog viciously attack a woman she does not even know?"
Well all I can say is ask Mama Moss maybe she can shed some light on why that is okay...that is exactly what she did with Kristen, the only difference is the stuff she said about Kristen has not been backed up by SEVERAL eye witnesses like the stuff that Lala is reporting on her.
And then Anonymous at 12pm
Seriously?! Kristen "made out topless" LOLOLOLOL It was Hayden she was making out with! How do you think that top came off??? Also brings to memory Hayden jerking off next to a sleeping Kristen...she must have mind controlled him in her sleep. Bwahahahahaha
Colettelala THANK YOU for the most entertainment we have seen the entire BB12 season!!!!!!
The people defending Momma Nutjob are just embarrassing themselves.
ReplyDeleteI mean make a more intelligent point.
You guys sound like a bunch of backwoods morons.
Read the following very slowly and several times: You can not say that Lala is in the wrong for bashing someone she doesn't know (Hayden's mom) when Hayden's mom did the same exact thing regarding Kristen.
How can that ass a few comments back write that Lala is delusional and needs therapy when Hayden's mom bashed Kristen up and down Vegas from what she saw of her for three weeks on a TV show?
I mean...say whatever you want to say, but you weirdos are the ones that sound psychotic. You go into the public light and do stupid shit and you are going to get ridiculed and judged by some people. We are doing it now to Hayden's mom...Hayden's mom did it to Kristen...and now Hayden's family is doing it (again) to Lala. Welcome to the world.
Also - Do these defenders of the Nutjob family not see how many people are agreeing that the situation is weird? Why come here and defend yourselves when obviously you will never win us over and we are not your audience? Why don't you accept the fact that we think you are daft and concentrate on keeping the 5 fans that Hayden actually has.
Lastly- Has anyone noticed that no one has denied that the defenders are the Moss family? LOL
This is my first time to comment on this site, I start by saying, I am not a Moss clan, I am a friend of Kristen's and consider her a daughter. We met when she did some modeling for me, I have since moved to a small town in Tx. (no where near sister Moss), started a family and consider Kristen part of that family. We have kept in touch over the yrs and see each other when we can. I have never watched Big Brother until this yr, when I found out Kristen was going to be on it and I have to be honest even kringed a bit when the "showmance" started, but totally embraced it after I saw how it made Kristen feel.
ReplyDeleteBefore even posting I asked Kristen if it would be okay, she wanted to know why I would want to do something like that, I told her she has tons of friends she isn't even aware of that support her and respect her and I simply would like for them to know how strong a woman she is and maybe "not so of an ass" Hayden is. She was cautious, said okay but "please do not add fuel to the fire".
I actually saw Kristen today, she looked beautiful, but stressed and we had a chance to talk, I asked about her feelings for Hayden and tears whelped up in her eyes and she just shrugged her shoulders. I asked her if that meant she has strong feelings for him or if the antics that have happened after the show are bother her. The reaction from the family towards her does bother her the most. She said that Hayden has texted her and showed me some of the text. She said that she will not start a text, for fear of who might read it and how it will be perceived, so she only responds if he text her first. The first text I read was from H and simply said, "Hey there, how are you doing?". The second text was a long string of text between the two of them and H even says he apologizes for the way he acted, but did know what to do, he wasn't even aware of how bad it actually was until Lane and him talked, he thought if he just stayed cleared and not say anything that it would be best. He now knows after having time to breath, that he was totally wrong and handled it wrong. Kristen's response is simply, thank you for that, I know how close to your family you are. H: Close or not it was not necessary and he is sorry. He can't apologize for his family but he is working on that and hopefully she will have a direct one from them soon. K: I appreciate that, don't let all this bring you down, stay strong. H: Feel I can talk to you about anything, has already brought me down, but will be strong again soon, stay the firecracker you are and hope to see you soon. K: yes soon. Today he texted her and asked if she was in LA or Philly.
That's about it. I just want to say, I am not posting this to start anything, but hopefully to end some of it. Also, for anyone that knows Kristen, her personality is that she will defend and protect any friend or family member that she cares about, Hayden fell into that catagory so when everything started happening, it hurt her deeply, she wasn't understanding the "why" of it and getting no feed back from Hayden pushed him down her ladder of respect. Kristen even joked that she doesn't think she will ever be invited to a Moss family Thanksgiving or Chistmas. My personal opinion is Kristen will always have feelings for Hayden, but has moved on with her life and I hope it is just the beginning of a beautiful life, she so deserves it.
One other thing, I showed Kristen this site, so if she wanted to read my post she could, I am going to text her in a minute and tell her the time I posted it so she can find it easier. I posted this as Ananymous only because I couldn't figure out what it was wanting me to do with the other profile choices. My first name is Gema, but prefer to keep the last name ananymous.
Mrs.Moss, you are a disgusting woman. What kind of SAINT do you think you are that you can prematurely judge someone and label them as "trash", someone who you saw your son express genuine feelings and admiration towards?
ReplyDeleteYour son is not famous, he is a game show winner who will be forgotten about in a short matter of months. Stop trying to live vicariously through him, and control his life because you have no achievements or interests of your own to focus on. I know nothing about Kristen but she seems like a nice girl and the way you feel you can treat another human being because you perceive yourself and your son to be better than her is simply disgusting.
Karma is a bitch, and you will get yours. It's evident that you are a middle aged woman, shrouded in bitterness at the way your own life has played out. Absolutely shameful, embarrassing, and flat out uncalled for. Hope you've made your son proud.
Well I sincerely hope that this post from Germa is legit, but who knows. Even if it is, the question still looms of how genuine Hayden's texts are. I think a lot of the fans want to believe he is this decent guy, but also remember how easily he can lie, especially when he fears his "good guy" reputation is on the line. I hope for Kristen's sake he means what he says, it's heartbreaking to hear that he still get's to her like that and i hope he's not just telling her what she wants to hear so she'll help him with damage control.
ReplyDeleteI also don't get what this ask for to give a named post so I'll just tell you..I'm Lauren M. I watched the feeds all summer and I agree with Jamie and hope that Hayden really means this because Kristen does not deserve the way she has been treated since the finale. It breaks my heart to see her interview on the Pop Talk Web Show with Kevin Campbell and see the joy and excitement that was in her eyes and voice and then know what happened shortly after. She is a strong woman and I truly believe she has deep feelings for Hayden. Maybe its weird that they meet on a reality show but God works in mysterious ways and you just never know when you are gonna meet someone who will change your life.
ReplyDeleteGrandmaMoss posts in all caps
ReplyDeleteI personally don't believe anything that Hayden has text Kristen. For Kristen's sake I hope that she is not hanging her hat on anything that he is saying, from watching Hayden he lies so easily in the game. I can only imagine how easy it would be for him to lie in real life. I have never liked Hayden to me he took a page out Dr.Will/Drew's book to latch on to a female an use the hell out of them and he accomplish just that.
ReplyDeleteAll I have to say to Mrs. Moss, if she does post here, is please stop calling yourself a Christian. Your actions and words are from Christ-like! As far as being a Conservative, stop using that as an excuse to act holier-than-thou. A Conservative Christian would've handled herself with class and intelligence. Looks like you could learn a thing or two from Kristen. Oh, your poor children...
ReplyDeleteI was a fan of K and H separately on BB, then a fan of them together from the start. It's really sad that something that was so sweet and genuine as their connection has turned into this. His family can say and post whatever they want on tv or Facebook but one fact remains the same...Hayden never smiled with the same joy in his face after she was evicted, plain and simple. That's not something you can fake, the guy isn't going to be an actor, let's face it! It was real, no matter if his family likes it or not. Kristen brought out the best in him. The guy tried his best to restrain himself from lusting after her because he didn't want his family to be embarrassed, but he should've just went for it since they have embarrassed him more than he ever could! I hope he opens his eyes to everything, gets his balls out of his mommy's purse, and does the right thing by Kristen because she deserves better than crap like this, in my opinion. He wants to please everybody and ends up pleasing nobody, including himself. He has won the money so wtf is his family still complaining about?!
ReplyDeletewhy would a girl like Kristen even care about a mouth breather from the boonies? he is so out of her league and has nothing to offer her, I dont for a second believe the person who said they are her friend, as if she'd tear up over that boy, ha!
ReplyDeleteGema is a bit of a comedian I think.
ReplyDeleteThere are so many things wrong with that story it's kinda funny.
#1 Kristen wasn't in Texas yesterday.
#2 If for some reason you flew to where Kristen was, I don't think she handed her cell phone over to you so you could document her texts.
#3 You did not "show" Kristen this site. She already knows about this site. She's mentioned it in tweets before.
Very clever though Gema. You clearly put a lot of thought into that... just not enough I'm afraid.
I have seen what you people look like. You were the unattractive poorly dressed ones at the Vegas bash. Once again, you do not know Kristen or Hayden or his Family yet you act as though you do. Kinda crazy is you ask me...just sayin... Put down the zebra cake fatties, lick the crumbs off your fingers, turn off the computer
ReplyDeleteand tend to your family/other people that you really do know who I'm sure are quite neglected while you live this fantasy life inside your
The above comment more than likely came from Tempe, Arizona which begs the question: Now, was that really a Christian thing to say?
ReplyDeleteOMG, defenders of Moss class, or they themselves, are commenting on someone's appearance?? His sister looked like a clown all weekend - no fashion sense whatsoever. His mom tries to dress 20 years younger than she is.
ReplyDeleteIt just gets better and better..
Colette, you have caused controversy again. Shock huh? LOL. Can you please clear something up? Are you saying Gema's post came from Texas? Seemed clear to me you were saying that, but some don't agree. Thanks in advance.
ReplyDeleteColette this person said she was in the fashion industry and Kristen was at a fashion show yesterday and i let very close personal friends read my texts a lot
ReplyDeleteLOL. this is better than anything that happened on BB12
ReplyDeleteColette - if this Gemma person is real, then this blog just tipped off Clan Moss that Hayden is contacting Kristen. Poor girl will probably have some professional hit out on her now. Run far and fast from the douchebag Clan Kristen!
ReplyDeleteLOL This is hilarious! Kristen RUN....fast.
ReplyDeletetempe arizona could be hayden's roomies and buddies...
ReplyDeletemamanutjob and grandmanutjob live in queen creek, don't they?!
Oh Colette.. you're blogs just strike up so much drama! I LOVE IT!
ReplyDeleteThe Moss family just needs to let Hayden do what he want. He's not 2 years old, he's 24. They need to take a chill pill, for realz. I'm ashamed for the Moss family, they're holding on tight to Hayden for HIS money. Last I checked, Momma Moss, Sister Moss, Grandma Moss weren't on Big Brother.. it was just Hayden. CUT THE CORD, FAMILY. Goodness. Kristen deserves more than the negativity that surrounds the Mosses. If they got the chance to meet and talk to Kristen, I'm sure their opinion would change, but they're too into themselves to even do so. I'm still a fan of Hayden's [somewhat] and I wish him the best. I also hope his family gets off his ass. It's getting ridiculous.
Oh & Moss Family: KRISTEN'S THE SHIT! I LOVE HER! :) <3
Colette, I love you too! :)
I have seen no posts by Grandma Moss. That would be Hayden's dads Mom. There were facebook posts by a Grandma DEAL, his Mom's mom. Just a thing that has been bugging me.
ReplyDeletehey collete, we also have word that Hayden's nutjob buddies also chest bumped annie 3 times during this event, and that former hg's had to get her out of there. so maybe some info is a bit confusing, and it was the blue martini where this took place?!
ReplyDeleteIt is not just Kristen the clan is attacking now…they’ve turned their horrible hate towards CBS’s bread and butter; the fans. I’m sure the network is thrilled right now.
ReplyDeleteI've been told I look a lot like actress, Amy Smart, and my husband is an ex-athlete...who works at a fortune 500 company. We are both successful and university educated. I've written two novals. Our children are not neglected; I know it’s shocking, but some have dared to say we are excellent parents with well-rounded children (but, why even argue when we all know Ms. Moss is the only ‘good’ parent in these parts). I don't think anyone would put my husband or I into the unattractive social outcast category.
If posting these kind of comments makes the clan feel better; all the power to them. They continue to embarrass themselves. What a strange day? Where is Hayden's agent in all of this madness? He/she needs to slap the clans hands away from their computers. This kind of negative interaction with the public is horrible and damaging for Hayden...but the clan clearly knows nothing about Public Relations.
Yes, this happened at the Blue Martini. They serve food there - both appetizers and main dishes.
ReplyDeleteColette and Evergreen: You both rock!
ReplyDeleteI have always thought Hayden is a phony and has tried to hide his true self. I give the guy credit, during the BB game, only a few cracks appeared in his "nice guy" veneer, but the familial bad character traits have since been revealed. He has squandered his 15 minutes by not having the decency to stand up for a friend in the face of his family's outrageous behavior.
Kristen needs to run, not look back, and thank God she found out what this family was like before it was too late!
ReplyDeleteto recap: hayden's mom called kristen "trash" and "crazy," and bashed kristen to any number of people at bb events. hayden's sister called her a "psycho" and a "butterface." (n.b.: look for pics of terryn moss in vegas to get the full lulz out of that last comment.) and now we find out that a friend of hayden's chest-bumped annie.
ReplyDeleteand hayden witnessed much of this and didn't do anything about it?
no wonder the moss clan doesn't like kristen. they have no concept of class.
pathetic. all of them.
Kriste may have a nice body but her face needs all sorts of help. GOOGLE cat lady plastic surgery...She is a near mirror image of Kristen in a few years. A butterface fursure
ReplyDeleteSo how many fans does Hayden have left? Two, maybe three tops?
ReplyDeleteDear Anonymous @ 5:20p - Yeah her face needs a ton of help. I know photographers are always looking for a girl with an ugly face to model for them..I mean...what? That doesn't make sense! And neither do you.
ReplyDeleteShit I don't even give a shit about Kristen, but I can't stand stupidity.
I never cared one way or the other for Kristen during the time I watched the show on TV as well as the live feeds, but I have to say that now I think she is one CLASSY lady. Kudos to her. I hope she has a glorious life to look forward to.
ReplyDeleteand... just a quick FYI for Evergreen_BB. You misspelled "novel." IF you are a writer of two "novals" as you claim, you should have known better.
Lmao Dale...I was going to point out that misspelling. That drove me crazy.
ReplyDeleteHa! Good catch, Dale. My husband noticed that mistake as well and was quick to make fun of me *this sassy bitch is blushing*. I have no problem admitting I work with an editor.
ReplyDeleteI don't know whether to laugh at or pity the obvious family members and friends of Hayden posting comments.
ReplyDeleteAs far as his mother...someone has either been forgetting to give her her daily meds or she needs something stronger.
I tend to agree with the other people who have commented that the whole family is kinda....creepy.
Kristen has confirmed on Twitter that Gemma is a fake.
ReplyDeleteYeah I know. I DM'd her early this morning.
ReplyDeleteJust a thought and observation. I remember watching the feeds during the last weeks of bb12, sorry cuz I cannot remember for the life of me what day, I do remember Britney still being there..anyways, the HG's were in the HOH room and talking about what family members would be coming to the finale, and someone asked Hayden if his father would attend. His response was something like probably not cuz his father and mother do not get along and the last time they were in the same room together was at his graduation. My point being is obviously his mother does have some anger issues and these kinds of situations are probably not new to her. I don't like bringing family matters into this but to all those defending his mother's actions..well, just think about it,okay.
ReplyDeleteman, thi post keeps going, CoLa! seriously, wow. Congrats on the nutjobs that keep coming out and trying to one-up each other. It just gets more entertaining as I read the thread.
ReplyDeleteIm posting anonymously because I dont want to deal with the shit that will come my way, and Im sure it would after reading these posts...from both sides. I am a member of the Bitchy Network and loved the blogs and read with glee the stuff about Momma Moss. I never liked Hayden, I thought he was a selfish prick, and I could take or leave Kristen. Im a fan of Colette Lala's writing and totally believe in everyone being able to say what they think.
ReplyDeleteBut, and isnt there always a but? The hypocrisy on both side is running rampant. If it is indeed the Moss family/friends posting here and claiming to be Christians then shame on them for judging Kristen and Lala. But since there is no proof its them (as far as I know anyway) isnt it a bit far fetched for the LaLa defenders to assume thats who it is? Do you not think it could be just someone out there that liked Hayden and perhaps agrees with his momma, or dont like Lala's writing? Great as she is, she isnt God and not everyone likes her style or agrees with it. So the fans that are calling the people they assume are the Moss family all kinds of names...you guys really are no better that what you are saying about them. I find it interesting how many posts I read putting down the other side, then go on to do exactly the same thing. I often wondered when reading the blogs, if any family members or real life friends ever read them and come here to let loose. Im still wondering because Ive seen no proof its really the Moss family.
People have talked about how Kristen feels seeing things said by the Moss family about her when they dont even know her. But what about Granny Moss and Sister Moss, who as far as I know havent done or said anything, how do they feel about the shit that is being said about them by people that dont even know them?
There, I just wanted to get that off my chest. You may commence with the hypocritical hate now. Just refer to me as Traitor when you start on me, Ill know who you mean.
Wait, I'm not God?
ReplyDeleteThe only comment I have on this "Traitor" (LOL) is that Granny and Sister have actually said a lot about Kristen online. They do it on Facebook and I know some BB websites have the things they've said screencapped. I've seen them myself and they're actually pretty bad - much worse than I thought they'd be. They're not my screencaps so I can't post them, but I'm sure someone here could get you a link.
As far as, have they been posting here? Well, I actually do have access to ip addresses and locations. I can't pinpoint which address made which specific comment, but when I see a hit from Tempe Arizona that stayed here for 40 minutes and then signed off a few minutes after leaving a comment defending the Nutjob clan, I can only make an educated guess.
I have no doubt I've pissed off a lot of people in my time blogging. I see what people say on other message boards. I'm not an idiot. That stuff really doesn't bother me. The only thing that bothers me are comments with hate speech like the one that was left last night. You can find it in my post called 'Dear Windowlicker'.
You're not entirely off base anon @ 3:18 and you make some good points. I just wanted you to know that Granny and Sis are, most definitely, NOT innocent bystanders.
to me it is obvious to me she dont want her little boy (who just won half a million) to move away from home to be with some tramp(hot ass kristen) she want to suck him dry first maybe both ways >>not sure on that part
ReplyDeleteIn reading through this and other forums, the lessons learned for me are that:
ReplyDelete1) The definition of "trashy" (or not) is more about whether you treat other people with respect
2) Being called crazy/psycho in a public forum and accused of using someone for personal gain is hurtful to the person on the receiving end and puts them on the defensive. (now imagine that it's the mom of someone you care about after you just lost 500K)
3) Posting rude, cutting remarks and "mean girl" comments about someone on Facebook only reflects poorly on your own character and family.
I'm still hoping at least some of this ever growing tale is untrue or blown out of proportion but the posted remarks, 24 hour feeds and interview answers are hard to deny.
From the moment Hayden decided to "work his magic" on this girl, continued to pursue her when the initial smile and charm didn’t work, derailing her game, lying to her the whole time, gave her the unitard and now he continues to cause her nothing but additional hurt and pain. I have one last ounce of faith that Hayden can figure out right from wrong, man up, and come up with a heartfelt apology. Watching him on the live feeds, I know he’s not “that guy” but why walk out of the house and pretend to be? That was the worst advice he could have gotten. The side alliances are the story this year and how those played out was the most interesting part of a very boring season. Shunning your side alliance after the game? Play nice.
Kristen has publicly forgiven him for everything he did to her in the game and has been the model for taking the high road and rising above the catty behavior. Kudos to you Kristen, I don't know how you've done it but I give you full credit for setting the example here. I'm twice your age and don't know you at all, but I've learned from you. Hopefully others (including other BB fans that have come out of the woodwork and rallied around you) have learned something as well. You seem like a strong, intelligent, very together young lady. Best of luck to you.
If it was money Kristin was after, I don't think she'd have any problems finding a sugar daddy to take care of her in that way. From what I've seen of her on the feeds, and in her public life since it ended, that doesn't seem to be the case. Keep in mind that she is the one who has taken the high road in this silly saga.
ReplyDeleteBTW, Colette is not a God. She's a Goddess.
OMG...this is the funniest shit I've read in a long time. Between Lala's amazing post and all the ridiculous comments, I laughed my ass off for about 30 minutes straight.
ReplyDeleteI agree with many of the posters here...if you can't understand Lala's blogs or need to look up some of the words in the dictionary...then find another blog to read. This one is for intelligent, sarcastic, quick witted folks. Others need not apply...
Funny article but I think you have some things mixed up . I think his family sounds scary (like Texas chainsaw massacre scary) but I get why they don't like her. First of all she came off as very fake during the show and jus plain weird. Next she has a BOYFRIEND during the show. People seem to forget that. She was cheating on him. Not cool. And hayden was using her to make it further. Kristen is the one who had a crush on him. And btw she has a hot body but not that nice of face. Just saying