Friday, July 12, 2013


Never in my life did I ever think my little awkward ramblings would get one million hits. NEVER. The first day I started this blog I had 3 readers and I was ecstatic.

It's been a long tumultuous four years. I've lost summers and friends. I've been impersonated and banned. But, in the end, I always did what I thought I was good at... I wrote.

Not many things make me weepy and sad. I'm the hard ass bitch who makes fun of people for chrissake!

But, thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. Other Big Brother sites hit this years ago and probably much quicker. For me, it is today. And, I gotta tell you, it makes it all worth it. It makes it all FUCKING WORTH IT.

I'm proud and I'm amazed. More than all that, I'm really thankful. I never did what the other sites did. I wasn't diplomatic, I picked favorites and, sometimes, I made up incredibly weird stories. But you guys stuck around and you told your friends. And they told their friends. Nicknames became commonplace and my weird stories grew legs.

This is definitely one of those word of mouth sites so thank you to every single one of you. If you cursed me, if you mocked me, if you copied me, if you actually liked me... THANK YOU. Thank you so much.

Love and other indoor sports,
Colette Lala


  1. Proud follower for years. Awesome accomplishment!

  2. I am so freaking happy for you!!!!!

  3. You've been my favorite blogger since 2009, when I first stumbled across bitchy survivor blog. Your take on big brother is the best of any site by far, and reading your stuff is always the highlight of my day. You are my favorite bitch, Lala! May we have many more summers of your brilliance, gin, and tits.

  4. Love ya, love ya blog Miss Lala
    Congrats on the Mill. So awesome.

  5. Just thrilled for you - well done!

  6. Congrats! You rock the blog world!!

  7. Gin and glittery tits all around!

  8. Its been four years since a google search for "square root of all evil / Big Brother" led me to your blog. Have I cursed you? Yes. Have I mocked you? Yes. Have I copied you? Most certainly. Like you? Absolutely not - nothing but love baby.


  9. Aww this made me smile. THANK YOU - your blog is part of my summer. Thanks for taking the time to give us a little of yourself and entertaining us. YAY!

  10. Love, love, triple LOVE this..... you rock! I find myself quoting you, referencing you.... AND verifying my info with you.... and when someone asks how I know this or that, I say my friend Colette.... I then have to remind myself that we've never met, but yet I consider you a friend..... I am so happy for your success..... Cocktails, confetti & glitter for all!!!

  11. Ooops.... I don't know how to get a name other than anonymous .....
    ~~ carolyn

  12. Yay!! So happy for you.

  13. Congrats Lala! You are indeed my favorite BB/survivor blogger :)

  14. As I have said here before, your writings are Pulitzer worthy and, above all else, are honest. For the most part. You are definitely a fan and are passionate about your work. For the most part. Thank you for frequently being much more entertaining than the actual program.

  15. Love at first click !


    I'll drink to that

  16. congratulations, "bitch". I know I've been at least 100K of those hits.

    well done

  17. Well Done! I sure have enjoyed the ride. Onward to two million.

  18. Miss Lala-
    I'm a frequent reader and infrequent commenter. After the sad demise of last summer's BBB blog, I thought it might be the end for me and BBB. You (and most of thr USA) completely lost interest in BB14 and went away. But your writing, wit, insight and, above all, your passionate perspective on BB captured my attention as in years past. I'm glad for your success. It has been earned through many hours of hard work at this labor of love-hate and you most certainly deserve it! Now go enjoy a bottle of gin and a bathtub. Full of glitter!

    --your fan, Leigh

  19. Was/is there another BB blog site?????
    Congratulations Bitch. well done. I'm happy for you BUT I'm mostly happy for us. :-)

  20. Congrats on your awesomeness Lala!!!

  21. Congratulations! I've followed you for a good part of those 4 years, and for the life of me, I can't remember exactly how I learned of this little piece of paradise. But you had me hooked from the start. I've read a few other BB bloggers, and tired of the sugar coating a lot of other bloggers give the show. But when I read yours, I learned that there really was someone with as fucked up and warped sense of humor as I have. You rock!

  22. I've been here for years and rarely miss one of your epic posts. Well done to the Queen Bitch!

  23. Those who have been with you for these 4 years are the lucky ones able to read your creative and fabulous insights into the BB world and Survivor (we've totally missed your brilliance on TAR but whatevs ~ just being selfish) Massive congrats to the baddest bitch around! Glittery gin celebrations all honoring you!

  24. COngratulations!!! I raise my glass high in honor of your accomplishment... and to you. Thank you for the several years of entertaining interpretation of often crushingly boring television. I am not a fan of "reality" TV, but you have made it worth watching as I then can read your blog as an informed consumer. I look forward to many more years with you and have high hopes for you as a writer... and many more years of Gin and Glitter, Bitch!!! Rock On, Lala!!!

  25. I just have to.
    I just have to congratulate you, too.
    This stuff is award winning.
    Have I copied you? Ha, and how...
    But there is only one Colette.
    With her 1,000,000 hits!
    shuwoush *handful of glitter in the air*
    you truly deserve a night of partying...
    Thank you for such hard work.
    It's time to get a book advance...

    -Reckless Wrestler

  26. I'm new to your site and I think you are amazing! You deserve your success and I wish you soooo much more! I'll be here.... reading... :-) nice to meet you lol and congrats again!

  27. I had a heart attack on July history of plaque in arteries, which apparently trumped my working out nine times a week at the gym...but guess what....I read your blog while at the hospital, as I always read it every summer, and it really got my mind off the fear that set in after the heart event. Anyway, thanks for your amazing writing...gin and tits, my dear....gin and tits. Oh, and leprechauns...lots of leprechauns.

  28. I had a heart attack on July history of plaque in arteries, which apparently trumped my working out nine times a week at the gym...but guess what....I read your blog while at the hospital, as I always read it every summer, and it really got my mind off the fear that set in after the heart event. Anyway, thanks for your amazing writing...gin and tits, my dear....gin and tits. Oh, and leprechauns...lots of leprechauns.

  29. Congratulations Ms. LaLa! Hands down my favorite blog. I love,love,love your wicked humor and you never disappoint. Gin and glitter forever!

  30. and i'm pretty sure i was one of those first 3 readers! congrats to you! you are always entertaining!

  31. This news must require another vat of gin and case of glitter. You'll need help with that so since I'm in the party spirit, I'll help with that. Your entertainment is priceless and I don't want you to "go away".

  32. When the fur flies, you add the gin and glitter - how could we not love you? I've enjoyed your catty commentary since '09...Congrats!

  33. Well deserved & continued growth & success!!!

  34. Congrats, Bitch! You are a rock star! Thanks for making the summers so much fun!

  35. Congratulations on 1,000,000 hits! I too have been reading and following you for most of those 4 years. My favorite post? "New Blog Up!" You're very talented. I think we're about the same age with similar tastes as I adore your subtle references to Charmed and Grease 2, to name just a couple.

    Well done.

    And since I can never figure out how to leave my real name (Jennifer) in the comment section I'll just sign off as:

    Sally J. Freeman, As Herself

  36. You should get the Nobel Prize for sarcasm. The prize part being all the gin you can drink, all the glitter you can wear and all the anonymous sex possible while drunk and covered in glitter!

  37. I won't try to be clever-or curse-it's not my bag, but I read you & marvel at your way of describing these crazy reality "events". (inadequate description, so not talented in the wordsmith dept. like you) A hearty congratulations. Hope you reach a million again in just this season.

  38. Congrats! Soon you'll rack up another million or two!

  39. Big girls don't cry, and real bitches don't weep. You are such a poser.

    You and I both know the fullest expression of your talent for wordsmithery occurs over at the Survivor blog. Let me know if that ever reaches a million pageviews. I'll write a congratulatory comment so sincere it'll make every last ounce of moisture in your weepy body drip from your eyes and nose, you snivelling, emotional "bitch".

  40. So I was fumbling with my iPhone at Happy Hour and in between shots of Mind Erasers and dirty Martinis, I somehow landed on your blog; I was Reading While Intoxicated. Soon a fight started, punches were thrown, and I threw up in a pickle bucket on the smoking patio. When I came to, I was laying in a pool of horseradish sauce, face down, in the Jimmy John's drive thru; after being revived with Amyl nitrates and a double Tequila Sunrise, I read all your BB blogs, and came back to life. All I gotta say is, Bitch You Rock! Love your writing! You ever think about covering Ru Paul's Drag Race? That would be hilarious!
